using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics; namespace ConsoleApplication3
class MonitorHelper
internal const int WHKEYBOARDLLValue = ;
internal const int WMKEYDOWNValue = 0x0100;
internal static LowLevelKeyboardProc procValue = HookCallback;
internal static IntPtr hookIDValue = IntPtr.Zero;
internal delegate IntPtr LowLevelKeyboardProc(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam); [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern IntPtr SetWindowsHookEx(int idHook, LowLevelKeyboardProc lpfn, IntPtr hMod, uint dwThreadId); [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
internal static extern bool UnhookWindowsHookEx(IntPtr hhk); [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern IntPtr CallNextHookEx(IntPtr hhk, int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam); [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern IntPtr GetModuleHandle(string lpModuleName); internal static IntPtr HookCallback(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
if (nCode >= && wParam == (IntPtr)WMKEYDOWNValue)
int vkCode = Marshal.ReadInt32(lParam);
} return CallNextHookEx(hookIDValue, nCode, wParam, lParam);
} internal static IntPtr SetHook(LowLevelKeyboardProc proc)
using (Process curProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess())
using (ProcessModule curModule = curProcess.MainModule)
return SetWindowsHookEx(WHKEYBOARDLLValue, proc,
GetModuleHandle(curModule.ModuleName), );
using System.Windows.Forms;
static void Main(string[] args)
} static void MonitorDemo()
MonitorHelper.hookIDValue = MonitorHelper.SetHook(MonitorHelper.procValue);


#region Assembly System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
// C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.7.2\System.Windows.Forms.dll
#endregion using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace System.Windows.Forms
// Summary:
// Specifies key codes and modifiers.
[Editor("System.Windows.Forms.Design.ShortcutKeysEditor, System.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", typeof(Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))]
public enum Keys
// Summary:
// The bitmask to extract modifiers from a key value.
Modifiers = -,
// Summary:
// No key pressed.
None = ,
// Summary:
// The left mouse button.
LButton = ,
// Summary:
// The right mouse button.
RButton = ,
// Summary:
// The CANCEL key.
Cancel = ,
// Summary:
// The middle mouse button (three-button mouse).
MButton = ,
// Summary:
// The first x mouse button (five-button mouse).
XButton1 = ,
// Summary:
// The second x mouse button (five-button mouse).
XButton2 = ,
// Summary:
// The BACKSPACE key.
Back = ,
// Summary:
// The TAB key.
Tab = ,
// Summary:
// The LINEFEED key.
LineFeed = ,
// Summary:
// The CLEAR key.
Clear = ,
// Summary:
// The RETURN key.
Return = ,
// Summary:
// The ENTER key.
Enter = ,
// Summary:
// The SHIFT key.
ShiftKey = ,
// Summary:
// The CTRL key.
ControlKey = ,
// Summary:
// The ALT key.
Menu = ,
// Summary:
// The PAUSE key.
Pause = ,
// Summary:
// The CAPS LOCK key.
Capital = ,
// Summary:
// The CAPS LOCK key.
CapsLock = ,
// Summary:
// The IME Kana mode key.
KanaMode = ,
// Summary:
// The IME Hanguel mode key. (maintained for compatibility; use HangulMode)
HanguelMode = ,
// Summary:
// The IME Hangul mode key.
HangulMode = ,
// Summary:
// The IME Junja mode key.
JunjaMode = ,
// Summary:
// The IME final mode key.
FinalMode = ,
// Summary:
// The IME Hanja mode key.
HanjaMode = ,
// Summary:
// The IME Kanji mode key.
KanjiMode = ,
// Summary:
// The ESC key.
Escape = ,
// Summary:
// The IME convert key.
IMEConvert = ,
// Summary:
// The IME nonconvert key.
IMENonconvert = ,
// Summary:
// The IME accept key, replaces System.Windows.Forms.Keys.IMEAceept.
IMEAccept = ,
// Summary:
// The IME accept key. Obsolete, use System.Windows.Forms.Keys.IMEAccept instead.
IMEAceept = ,
// Summary:
// The IME mode change key.
IMEModeChange = ,
// Summary:
// The SPACEBAR key.
Space = ,
// Summary:
// The PAGE UP key.
Prior = ,
// Summary:
// The PAGE UP key.
PageUp = ,
// Summary:
// The PAGE DOWN key.
Next = ,
// Summary:
// The PAGE DOWN key.
PageDown = ,
// Summary:
// The END key.
End = ,
// Summary:
// The HOME key.
Home = ,
// Summary:
// The LEFT ARROW key.
Left = ,
// Summary:
// The UP ARROW key.
Up = ,
// Summary:
// The RIGHT ARROW key.
Right = ,
// Summary:
// The DOWN ARROW key.
Down = ,
// Summary:
// The SELECT key.
Select = ,
// Summary:
// The PRINT key.
Print = ,
// Summary:
// The EXECUTE key.
Execute = ,
// Summary:
// The PRINT SCREEN key.
Snapshot = ,
// Summary:
// The PRINT SCREEN key.
PrintScreen = ,
// Summary:
// The INS key.
Insert = ,
// Summary:
// The DEL key.
Delete = ,
// Summary:
// The HELP key.
Help = ,
// Summary:
// The 0 key.
D0 = ,
// Summary:
// The 1 key.
D1 = ,
// Summary:
// The 2 key.
D2 = ,
// Summary:
// The 3 key.
D3 = ,
// Summary:
// The 4 key.
D4 = ,
// Summary:
// The 5 key.
D5 = ,
// Summary:
// The 6 key.
D6 = ,
// Summary:
// The 7 key.
D7 = ,
// Summary:
// The 8 key.
D8 = ,
// Summary:
// The 9 key.
D9 = ,
// Summary:
// The A key.
A = ,
// Summary:
// The B key.
B = ,
// Summary:
// The C key.
C = ,
// Summary:
// The D key.
D = ,
// Summary:
// The E key.
E = ,
// Summary:
// The F key.
F = ,
// Summary:
// The G key.
G = ,
// Summary:
// The H key.
H = ,
// Summary:
// The I key.
I = ,
// Summary:
// The J key.
J = ,
// Summary:
// The K key.
K = ,
// Summary:
// The L key.
L = ,
// Summary:
// The M key.
M = ,
// Summary:
// The N key.
N = ,
// Summary:
// The O key.
O = ,
// Summary:
// The P key.
P = ,
// Summary:
// The Q key.
Q = ,
// Summary:
// The R key.
R = ,
// Summary:
// The S key.
S = ,
// Summary:
// The T key.
T = ,
// Summary:
// The U key.
U = ,
// Summary:
// The V key.
V = ,
// Summary:
// The W key.
W = ,
// Summary:
// The X key.
X = ,
// Summary:
// The Y key.
Y = ,
// Summary:
// The Z key.
Z = ,
// Summary:
// The left Windows logo key (Microsoft Natural Keyboard).
LWin = ,
// Summary:
// The right Windows logo key (Microsoft Natural Keyboard).
RWin = ,
// Summary:
// The application key (Microsoft Natural Keyboard).
Apps = ,
// Summary:
// The computer sleep key.
Sleep = ,
// Summary:
// The 0 key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad0 = ,
// Summary:
// The 1 key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad1 = ,
// Summary:
// The 2 key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad2 = ,
// Summary:
// The 3 key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad3 = ,
// Summary:
// The 4 key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad4 = ,
// Summary:
// The 5 key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad5 = ,
// Summary:
// The 6 key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad6 = ,
// Summary:
// The 7 key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad7 = ,
// Summary:
// The 8 key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad8 = ,
// Summary:
// The 9 key on the numeric keypad.
NumPad9 = ,
// Summary:
// The multiply key.
Multiply = ,
// Summary:
// The add key.
Add = ,
// Summary:
// The separator key.
Separator = ,
// Summary:
// The subtract key.
Subtract = ,
// Summary:
// The decimal key.
Decimal = ,
// Summary:
// The divide key.
Divide = ,
// Summary:
// The F1 key.
F1 = ,
// Summary:
// The F2 key.
F2 = ,
// Summary:
// The F3 key.
F3 = ,
// Summary:
// The F4 key.
F4 = ,
// Summary:
// The F5 key.
F5 = ,
// Summary:
// The F6 key.
F6 = ,
// Summary:
// The F7 key.
F7 = ,
// Summary:
// The F8 key.
F8 = ,
// Summary:
// The F9 key.
F9 = ,
// Summary:
// The F10 key.
F10 = ,
// Summary:
// The F11 key.
F11 = ,
// Summary:
// The F12 key.
F12 = ,
// Summary:
// The F13 key.
F13 = ,
// Summary:
// The F14 key.
F14 = ,
// Summary:
// The F15 key.
F15 = ,
// Summary:
// The F16 key.
F16 = ,
// Summary:
// The F17 key.
F17 = ,
// Summary:
// The F18 key.
F18 = ,
// Summary:
// The F19 key.
F19 = ,
// Summary:
// The F20 key.
F20 = ,
// Summary:
// The F21 key.
F21 = ,
// Summary:
// The F22 key.
F22 = ,
// Summary:
// The F23 key.
F23 = ,
// Summary:
// The F24 key.
F24 = ,
// Summary:
// The NUM LOCK key.
NumLock = ,
// Summary:
// The SCROLL LOCK key.
Scroll = ,
// Summary:
// The left SHIFT key.
LShiftKey = ,
// Summary:
// The right SHIFT key.
RShiftKey = ,
// Summary:
// The left CTRL key.
LControlKey = ,
// Summary:
// The right CTRL key.
RControlKey = ,
// Summary:
// The left ALT key.
LMenu = ,
// Summary:
// The right ALT key.
RMenu = ,
// Summary:
// The browser back key (Windows 2000 or later).
BrowserBack = ,
// Summary:
// The browser forward key (Windows 2000 or later).
BrowserForward = ,
// Summary:
// The browser refresh key (Windows 2000 or later).
BrowserRefresh = ,
// Summary:
// The browser stop key (Windows 2000 or later).
BrowserStop = ,
// Summary:
// The browser search key (Windows 2000 or later).
BrowserSearch = ,
// Summary:
// The browser favorites key (Windows 2000 or later).
BrowserFavorites = ,
// Summary:
// The browser home key (Windows 2000 or later).
BrowserHome = ,
// Summary:
// The volume mute key (Windows 2000 or later).
VolumeMute = ,
// Summary:
// The volume down key (Windows 2000 or later).
VolumeDown = ,
// Summary:
// The volume up key (Windows 2000 or later).
VolumeUp = ,
// Summary:
// The media next track key (Windows 2000 or later).
MediaNextTrack = ,
// Summary:
// The media previous track key (Windows 2000 or later).
MediaPreviousTrack = ,
// Summary:
// The media Stop key (Windows 2000 or later).
MediaStop = ,
// Summary:
// The media play pause key (Windows 2000 or later).
MediaPlayPause = ,
// Summary:
// The launch mail key (Windows 2000 or later).
LaunchMail = ,
// Summary:
// The select media key (Windows 2000 or later).
SelectMedia = ,
// Summary:
// The start application one key (Windows 2000 or later).
LaunchApplication1 = ,
// Summary:
// The start application two key (Windows 2000 or later).
LaunchApplication2 = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM Semicolon key on a US standard keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
OemSemicolon = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM 1 key.
Oem1 = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM plus key on any country/region keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
Oemplus = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM comma key on any country/region keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
Oemcomma = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM minus key on any country/region keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
OemMinus = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM period key on any country/region keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
OemPeriod = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM question mark key on a US standard keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
OemQuestion = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM 2 key.
Oem2 = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM tilde key on a US standard keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
Oemtilde = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM 3 key.
Oem3 = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM open bracket key on a US standard keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
OemOpenBrackets = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM 4 key.
Oem4 = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM pipe key on a US standard keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
OemPipe = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM 5 key.
Oem5 = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM close bracket key on a US standard keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
OemCloseBrackets = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM 6 key.
Oem6 = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM singled/double quote key on a US standard keyboard (Windows 2000 or later).
OemQuotes = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM 7 key.
Oem7 = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM 8 key.
Oem8 = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM angle bracket or backslash key on the RT 102 key keyboard (Windows 2000
// or later).
OemBackslash = ,
// Summary:
// The OEM 102 key.
Oem102 = ,
// Summary:
// The PROCESS KEY key.
ProcessKey = ,
// Summary:
// Used to pass Unicode characters as if they were keystrokes. The Packet key value
// is the low word of a 32-bit virtual-key value used for non-keyboard input methods.
Packet = ,
// Summary:
// The ATTN key.
Attn = ,
// Summary:
// The CRSEL key.
Crsel = ,
// Summary:
// The EXSEL key.
Exsel = ,
// Summary:
// The ERASE EOF key.
EraseEof = ,
// Summary:
// The PLAY key.
Play = ,
// Summary:
// The ZOOM key.
Zoom = ,
// Summary:
// A constant reserved for future use.
NoName = ,
// Summary:
// The PA1 key.
Pa1 = ,
// Summary:
// The CLEAR key.
OemClear = ,
// Summary:
// The bitmask to extract a key code from a key value.
KeyCode = ,
// Summary:
// The SHIFT modifier key.
Shift = ,
// Summary:
// The CTRL modifier key.
Control = ,
// Summary:
// The ALT modifier key.
Alt =

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