RTU license
Right to Use (RTU) licensing is a model in which licenses are not tied to a unique device identifier (UDI), product ID, or serial number.
Use RTU licensing to enable a desired AP license count on the controller after you accept the End User License Agreement (EULA). This allows you to add AP counts on a controller interacting with external tools.
RTU licensing is supported only on the following Cisco Wireless Controller platforms:
Cisco 3504 WLC
Cisco 5520 WLC
Cisco Flex 7510 WLC
Cisco 8510 WLC
Cisco 8540 WLC
Cisco vWLC
RTU licensing model中,有如下的license可用:
- Permanent or base licenses:这些license是在制造设备时编写到设备硬件中的,它们是无法被删除或被transfer的base count licenses。
- Adder licenses:这些许可证是AP计数许可证,您可以通过接受RTU EULA来激活这些许可证。( The EULA states that you are obliged to purchase the specified access point count licenses at the time of activation. You must activate these licenses for the purchased access points count and accept the EULA.)这类型的license就可以在同一系列WLC之间transfer。(注意:不同系列的WLC之间的license无法被transfer,例如向将WLC2504上的license transfer 到WLC5508是不行的!Licenses embedded in the controller at the time of shipment is not transferrable !)
- Evaluation licenses:这些许可证是有效期为90天的demo或试用模式许可证。在90天期限到期前15天,您将收到有关购买永久许可证的通知。
RTU license激活:
Step 1 |
Choose Management > Software Activation > Licenses to open the Licenses page. |
Step 2 |
In the Adder License area, choose to add or delete the number of APs that an AP license can support, enter a value, and click Set Count. |
Step 3 |
Save the configuration. |
license {add | delete} ap-count count
license {add | delete} feature license_name
license {activate | deactivate} ap-count eval
license {activate | deactivate} feature license_name
Note: After you add or delete the license, WLC must use the save config command to save the license.
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