



把结构体按人口排序大到小,枚举没个城市,这样保证加入后,后面加入的直接找位置最短即可,人口最对的bigger than now的。

二分一个位置,> now.pos的,枚举它左右,选择即可。注意就是当距离相同的时候,还要再判断一次。

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#define inf (0x3f3f3f3f)
typedef long long int LL; #include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
const int maxn = + ;
struct data {
int pos,peo;
} a[maxn],b[maxn];
int ans[maxn]; struct cmp1 {
bool operator()(int a,int b) {
return a < b; //
bool cmp2 (data a,data b)
return a.peo > b.peo;
void work ()
int n;
scanf ("%d",&n);
int mx = -inf;
for (int i=; i<=n; ++i) {
scanf ("%d%d",&a[i].pos,&a[i].peo);
pos_peo[a[i].peo] = i; //id
pos_pos[a[i].pos] = i;
mx = max(mx,a[i].peo);
if (n==) {
printf ("-1\n");
return ;
ans[pos_peo[mx]] = -;
int sec = -inf;
for (int i=; i<=n; ++i) {
if (sec < a[i].peo && a[i].peo != mx)
sec = a[i].peo;
ans[pos_peo[sec]] = pos_peo[mx]; SS.insert(a[pos_peo[mx]].pos);
SS.insert(a[pos_peo[sec]].pos); sort (a+,a++n,cmp2); // peo up to low set<int>::iterator it;
for (int i=; i<=n; ++i) {
int val = a[i].pos;
int ppeo = a[i].peo;
it = SS.lower_bound(val);
int t1 = inf,t2 = inf;
if (it == SS.begin()) { //在开头
ans[pos_peo[a[i].peo]] = pos_pos[*it];
} else if (it == SS.end()) { //在末尾
it --;
ans[pos_peo[a[i].peo]] = pos_pos[*it];
} else {
int tt1 = *it;
t1 = abs(val - (*it));
int tt2 = *it;
t2 = abs(val - (*it));
if (t1 < t2) {
ans[pos_peo[a[i].peo]] = pos_pos[tt1];
} else if (t1 > t2) {
ans[pos_peo[a[i].peo]] = pos_pos[tt2];
} else { //xiangdeng
int id2 = pos_pos[tt1];
int id1 = pos_pos[tt2];
int cut2 = abs(b[id2].peo - ppeo);
int cut1 = abs(b[id1].peo - ppeo);
if (cut2 > cut1) {
ans[pos_peo[a[i].peo]] = pos_pos[tt1];
} else {
ans[pos_peo[a[i].peo]] = pos_pos[tt2];
for (int i=; i<=n; ++i) {
printf ("%d ",ans[i]);
printf ("\n");
int main()
#ifdef LOCAL
work ();
return ;


首先,对于任何一个city,只有两种可能,选择在它左边的第一个城市,或者选择在它右边的第一个城市,当然这些城市都是要合法的。就是要满足人口数 > 当前城市。



#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#define inf (0x3f3f3f3f)
typedef long long int LL; #include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
const int maxn = + ;
struct node {
int pos, val, id;
bool operator < (const node &rhs) const {
return pos < rhs.pos;
}a[maxn], ri[maxn], le[maxn];
int stack[maxn], ans[maxn];
void work ()
int n;
scanf ("%d", &n);
for (int i = ; i <= n; ++i) {
scanf ("%d%d", &a[i].pos, &a[i].val);
a[i].id = i;
sort (a + , a + + n);
int top = ;
for (int i = ; i <= n; ++i) {
while (top >= && a[i].val > a[stack[top]].val) --top;
stack[top] = i;
if (top != ) {
le[i] = a[stack[top - ]];
} else {
le[i].id = -inf;
top = ;
for (int i = n; i >= ; --i) {
while (top >= && a[i].val > a[stack[top]].val) --top;
stack[top] = i;
if (top != ) {
ri[i] = a[stack[top - ]];
} else {
ri[i].id = -inf;
for (int i = ; i <= n; ++i) {
int toans;
if (le[i].id == -inf) {
toans = ri[i].id == -inf ? - : ri[i].id;
} else if (ri[i].id == -inf) {
toans = le[i].id == -inf ? - : le[i].id;
} else {
int posL = abs(le[i].pos - a[i].pos);
int posR = abs(ri[i].pos - a[i].pos);
if (posL > posR) {
toans = ri[i].id;
} else if (posL == posR) {
if (le[i].val > ri[i].val) {
toans = le[i].id;
} else {
toans = ri[i].id;
} else {
toans = le[i].id;
ans[a[i].id] = toans;
for (int i = ; i <= n; ++i) {
printf ("%d ", ans[i]);
} int main ()
#ifdef local
work ();
return ;


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