与uvm_tlm_if_base 一样,这个类也没有派生自任何类,定义了如下几个接口:get_next_item, try_next_item, item_done, get, peek, put, put_response.
`define UVM_SEQ_ITEM_TASK_ERROR "Sequencer interface task not implemented"
`define UVM_SEQ_ITEM_FUNCTION_ERROR "Sequencer interface function not implemented" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLASS: uvm_sqr_if_base #(REQ,RSP)
// This class defines an interface for sequence drivers to communicate with
// sequencers. The driver requires the interface via a port, and the sequencer
// implements it and provides it via an export.
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ virtual class uvm_sqr_if_base #(type T1=uvm_object, T2=T1); // Task: get_next_item
// Retrieves the next available item from a sequence. The call will block
// until an item is available. The following steps occur on this call:
// 1 - Arbitrate among requesting, unlocked, relevant sequences - choose the
// highest priority sequence based on the current sequencer arbitration
// mode. If no sequence is available, wait for a requesting unlocked
// relevant sequence, then re-arbitrate.
// 2 - The chosen sequence will return from wait_for_grant
// 3 - The chosen sequence <uvm_sequence_base::pre_do> is called
// 4 - The chosen sequence item is randomized
// 5 - The chosen sequence <uvm_sequence_base::post_do> is called
// 6 - Return with a reference to the item
// Once <get_next_item> is called, <item_done> must be called to indicate the
// completion of the request to the sequencer. This will remove the request
// item from the sequencer FIFO. virtual task get_next_item(output T1 t);
uvm_report_error("get_next_item", `UVM_SEQ_ITEM_TASK_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
endtask // Task: try_next_item
// Retrieves the next available item from a sequence if one is available.
// Otherwise, the function returns immediately with request set to ~null~.
// The following steps occur on this call:
// 1 - Arbitrate among requesting, unlocked, relevant sequences - choose the
// highest priority sequence based on the current sequencer arbitration
// mode. If no sequence is available, return ~null~.
// 2 - The chosen sequence will return from wait_for_grant
// 3 - The chosen sequence <uvm_sequence_base::pre_do> is called
// 4 - The chosen sequence item is randomized
// 5 - The chosen sequence <uvm_sequence_base::post_do> is called
// 6 - Return with a reference to the item
// Once <try_next_item> is called, <item_done> must be called to indicate the
// completion of the request to the sequencer. This will remove the request
// item from the sequencer FIFO. virtual task try_next_item(output T1 t);
uvm_report_error("try_next_item", `UVM_SEQ_ITEM_TASK_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
endtask // Function: item_done
// Indicates that the request is completed to the sequencer. Any
// <uvm_sequence_base::wait_for_item_done>
// calls made by a sequence for this item will return.
// The current item is removed from the sequencer FIFO.
// If a response item is provided, then it will be sent back to the requesting
// sequence. The response item must have its sequence ID and transaction ID
// set correctly, using the <uvm_sequence_item::set_id_info> method:
//| rsp.set_id_info(req);
// Before <item_done> is called, any calls to peek will retrieve the current
// item that was obtained by <get_next_item>. After <item_done> is called, peek
// will cause the sequencer to arbitrate for a new item. virtual function void item_done(input T2 t = null);
uvm_report_error("item_done", `UVM_SEQ_ITEM_FUNCTION_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
endfunction // Task: wait_for_sequences
// Waits for a sequence to have a new item available. The default
// implementation in the sequencer calls
// <uvm_wait_for_nba_region>.
// User-derived sequencers
// may override its <wait_for_sequences> implementation to perform some other
// application-specific implementation. virtual task wait_for_sequences();
uvm_report_error("wait_for_sequences", `UVM_SEQ_ITEM_TASK_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
endtask // Function: has_do_available
// Indicates whether a sequence item is available for immediate processing.
// Implementations should return 1 if an item is available, 0 otherwise. virtual function bit has_do_available();
uvm_report_error("has_do_available", `UVM_SEQ_ITEM_FUNCTION_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
return ;
endfunction //-----------------------
// uvm_tlm_blocking_slave_if
//----------------------- // Task: get
// Retrieves the next available item from a sequence. The call blocks until
// an item is available. The following steps occur on this call:
// 1 - Arbitrate among requesting, unlocked, relevant sequences - choose the
// highest priority sequence based on the current sequencer arbitration
// mode. If no sequence is available, wait for a requesting unlocked
// relevant sequence, then re-arbitrate.
// 2 - The chosen sequence will return from <uvm_sequence_base::wait_for_grant>
// 3 - The chosen sequence <uvm_sequence_base::pre_do> is called
// 4 - The chosen sequence item is randomized
// 5 - The chosen sequence <uvm_sequence_base::post_do> is called
// 6 - Indicate <item_done> to the sequencer
// 7 - Return with a reference to the item
// When get is called, <item_done> may not be called. A new item can be
// obtained by calling get again, or a response may be sent using either
// <put>, or uvm_driver::rsp_port.write(). virtual task get(output T1 t);
uvm_report_error("get", `UVM_SEQ_ITEM_TASK_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
endtask // Task: peek
// Returns the current request item if one is in the sequencer FIFO. If no
// item is in the FIFO, then the call will block until the sequencer has a new
// request. The following steps will occur if the sequencer FIFO is empty:
// 1 - Arbitrate among requesting, unlocked, relevant sequences - choose the
// highest priority sequence based on the current sequencer arbitration mode.
// If no sequence is available, wait for a requesting unlocked relevant
// sequence, then re-arbitrate.
// 2 - The chosen sequence will return from <uvm_sequence_base::wait_for_grant>
// 3 - The chosen sequence <uvm_sequence_base::pre_do> is called
// 4 - The chosen sequence item is randomized
// 5 - The chosen sequence <uvm_sequence_base::post_do> is called
// Once a request item has been retrieved and is in the sequencer FIFO,
// subsequent calls to peek will return the same item. The item will stay in
// the FIFO until either get or <item_done> is called. virtual task peek(output T1 t);
uvm_report_error("peek", `UVM_SEQ_ITEM_TASK_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
endtask // Task: put
// Sends a response back to the sequence that issued the request. Before the
// response is put, it must have its sequence ID and transaction ID set to
// match the request. This can be done using the
// <uvm_sequence_item::set_id_info> call:
// rsp.set_id_info(req);
// While this is a task, it will not consume time (including delta cycles).
// The response will be put into the
// sequence response queue or it will be sent to the
// sequence response handler.
// virtual task put(input T2 t);
uvm_report_error("put", `UVM_SEQ_ITEM_TASK_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
endtask // Function: put_response
// Sends a response back to the sequence that issued the request. Before the
// response is put, it must have its sequence ID and transaction ID set to
// match the request. This can be done using the
// <uvm_sequence_item::set_id_info> call:
// rsp.set_id_info(req);
// virtual function void put_response(input T2 t);
uvm_report_error("put_response", `UVM_SEQ_ITEM_FUNCTION_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
endfunction // Function: disable_auto_item_recording
// By default, item recording is performed automatically when
// get_next_item() and item_done() are called.
// However, this works only for simple, in-order, blocking transaction
// execution. For pipelined and out-of-order transaction execution, the
// driver must turn off this automatic recording and call
// <uvm_transaction::accept_tr>, <uvm_transaction::begin_tr>
// and <uvm_transaction::end_tr> explicitly at appropriate points in time.
// This methods be called at the beginning of the driver's ~run_phase()~ method.
// Once disabled, automatic recording cannot be re-enabled.
// For backward-compatibility, automatic item recording can be globally
// turned off at compile time by defining UVM_DISABLE_AUTO_ITEM_RECORDING virtual function void disable_auto_item_recording();
uvm_report_error("disable_auto_item_recording", `UVM_SEQ_ITEM_FUNCTION_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
endfunction // Function: is_auto_item_recording_enabled
// Return TRUE if automatic item recording is enabled for this port instance. virtual function bit is_auto_item_recording_enabled();
uvm_report_error("is_auto_item_recording_enabled", `UVM_SEQ_ITEM_FUNCTION_ERROR, UVM_NONE);
return ;
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