1.Mongodb Installation in Ubuntu

(1) Download from: https://www.mongodb.org/downloads

File: mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1404-3.0.6.tgz

(2) Decompressing files.

  tar zxf mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1404-3.0.6.tgz

  mv mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1404-3.0.6 /usr/local/mongodb

(3) Create default directories for mongdb data files.

mkdir data

cd data

mkdir db

(4) Create default logs file.

  touch logs

(5) Run mongod.

--fork                      fork server process

--dbpath arg     directory for datafiles - defaults to /data/db

  --logpath arg     log file to send write to instead of stdout - has to be a file, not directory

  --httpinterface          enable http interface

  cd bin

  ./mongod --dbpath=/usr/local/mongodb/mongodb/data/db --fork --httpinterface --logpath=/usr/local/mongodb/mongodb/logs

(6) Check mongod process.

  ps -ef | grep mongo

(7) Check mongodb information.

(8) Enter mongo shell.

  cd bin 


MongoDB shell version: 3.0.6

connecting to: test

Welcome to the MongoDB shell.

For interactive help, type "help".

2.Use Mongodb.

show dbs      show database names

show collections    show collections in current database

show users       show users in current database

show profile      show most recent system.profile entries with time >= 1ms

show logs       show the accessible logger names

show log [name]   prints out the last segment of log in memory, 'global' is default

use <db_name>   set current database

db.foo.find()      list objects in collection foo

db.foo.find( { a : 1 } )        list objects in foo where a == 1

it                  result of the last line evaluated; use to further iterate

DBQuery.shellBatchSize = x    set default number of items to display on shell

exit                 quit the mongo shell








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