• 25s 准备时间:决定用什么模板,用模板cover那些信息点

  • Content: 数字和文字哪个多,就多说哪个,均匀覆盖

  • Fluency : 保持流利度

  • 不要纠结时态,单复数,人称代词等

  • 时间要求: 尽量35‘ 说完,直接点击next(防止周围声音混入)

模板1 - Line /Bar / Pie Chart

  1. The following graph shows the data of the survey and it is about__(标题)__.(标题丝毫都不变)

  2. It is shown that the items include __(3点相关,看图有什么说什么)___and the vertical axis is _名字,in单位,范围from * to*.有什么说什么. 横轴变为horizontal axis

  3. According to this graph, it can be seen that the highest value is______,which is around______. 最大

  4. On the contrary, the lowest value is ,which is around__. 最小

  5. It is clear that the number of is much higher than that of_____. 对比随便挑。看哪个顺眼读哪个

  6. In conclusion,this trend will continue in the future.


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  2. [转]Part2: Understanding !PTE, Part2: Flags and Large Pages

    http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ntdebugging/archive/2010/04/14/understanding-pte-part2-flags-and-large-pages ...

  3. [转]Part 3: Understanding !PTE - Non-PAE and X64

    http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ntdebugging/archive/2010/06/22/part-3-understanding-pte-non-pae-and-x64.aspx ...

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