Cross-platform hacking

  • All programs we wrote are pure python programs
  • They do not rely on OS-specific resources.


  • They work on any OS with a python interpreter.
  • If packaged, they will work on any OS if even if python is NOT installed.

Python Ethical Hacking - BACKDOORS(8)的更多相关文章

  1. Python Ethical Hacking - BACKDOORS(3)

    BACKDOORS Sockets Problem: TCP is stream-based. Difficult to identify the end of message/batch. Solu ...

  2. Python Ethical Hacking - BACKDOORS(1)

    REVERSE_BACKDOOR Access file system. Execute system commands. Download files. Upload files. Persiste ...

  3. Python Ethical Hacking - BACKDOORS(7)

    Handling Errors: If the client or server crashes, the connection will be lost. Backdoor crashes if: ...

  4. Python Ethical Hacking - BACKDOORS(6)

    File Upload: A file is a series of characters. Uploading a file is the opposite of downloading a fil ...

  5. Python Ethical Hacking - BACKDOORS(5)

    File Download: A file is a series of characters. Therefore to transfer a file we need to: 1. Read th ...

  6. Python Ethical Hacking - BACKDOORS(4)

    REVERSE_BACKDOOR - cd command Access file system: cd command changes current working directory. It h ...

  7. Python Ethical Hacking - BACKDOORS(2)

    Refactoring - Creating a Listener Class #!/usr/bin/env python import socket class Listener: def __in ...

  8. Python Ethical Hacking - ARP Spoofing

    Typical Network ARP Spoofing Why ARP Spoofing is possible: 1. Clients accept responses even if they ...

  9. Python Ethical Hacking - NETWORK_SCANNER(2)

    DICTIONARIES Similar to lists but use key instead of an index. LISTS List of values/elements, all ca ...


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