drop user ; 仅仅是删除用户,drop user username cascade ;会删除此用户名下的所有表和视图。

Specify the user to be dropped. Oracle Database does not drop users whose schemas contain objects unless you specify CASCADE or unless you first explicitly drop the user's objects.

Specify CASCADE to drop all objects in the user's schema before dropping the user. You must specify this clause to drop a user whose schema contains any objects.

1. If the user's schema contains tables, then Oracle Database drops the tables and automatically drops any referential integrity constraints on tables in other schemas
that refer to primary and unique keys on these tables.


2. If this clause results in tables being dropped, then the database also drops all domain indexes created on columns of those tables and invokes appropriate drop

3. Oracle Database invalidates, but does not drop, the following objects in other schemas:

Views or synonyms for objects in the dropped user's schema

Stored procedures, functions, or packages that query objects in the dropped user's schema

Oracle Database does not drop materialized views in other schemas that are based on tables in the dropped user's schema. However, because the base tables no longer exist, the materialized views in the other schemas can no longer be refreshed.

Oracle Database drops all triggers in the user's schema.

Oracle Database does not drop roles created by the user.

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