6. Examine the structure of the SHIPMENTS table:

name                    Null         Type

PO_ID               NOT NULL    NUMBER(3)

PO_DATE           NOT NULL    DATE


SHIPMENT_MODE                 VARCHAR2(30)

SHIPMENT_COST                 NUMBER(8,2)

You want to generate a report that displays the PO_ID and the penalty amount to be paid if the

SHIPMENT_DATE is later than one month from the PO_DATE. The penalty is $20 per day.

Evaluate the following two queries:

(题意:题目给了一个发货表Shipments,当中有PO_DATE和SHIPMENT_DATE 字段,假设SHIPMENT_DATE比PO_DATE迟一个月,则每多一天罚款20,对此,请评价以下给出的两个sql语句)

WHEN MONTHS_BETWEEN (shipment_date,po_date)>1 THEN
TO_CHAR((shipment_date - po_date) * 20) ELSE 'No Penalty' END PENALTY
FROM shipments;

(MONTHS_BETWEEN (po_date,shipment_date)>1,
TO_CHAR((shipment_date - po_date) * 20), 'No Penalty') PENALTY
FROM shipments;

Which statement is true regarding the above commands?

A. Both execute successfully and give correct results.

B. Only the first query executes successfully but gives a wrong result.

C. Only the first query executes successfully and gives the  correct result.

D. Only the second query executes successfully but gives a wrong result.

E. Only the second query executes successfully and gives the correct result.

Answer: C




2 (SIGN(MONTHS_BETWEEN(po_date,shipment_date)),1
3 TO_CHAR((shipment_date - po_date) * 20), 'No Penalty') PENALTY
4 FROM shipments;


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