涉及到复制和二进制日志中的选项和变量-Replication and Binary Logging Options and Variables
- --server-id
2. --server_uuid
| Variable_name | Value |
| server_uuid | a0c06ec7-fef0-11e6-9f85-525400a7d662 |
row in set (0.00 sec)
[root@gzx-db- ~]# cat /data/mysql/mysql3306/data/auto.cnf
可以看到,跟客户端查出来的是等值的。如果auto.cnf文件并不存在的时候,则会生成一个新的UUID,同时创建auto.cnf文件,这个文件属于自动生成,不要去写或者更改里面的内容,在SLAVE端开始start slave后,用SHOW SLAVE STATUS可查看到MASTER的UUID,而在MASTER中,使用SHOW SLAVE HOTS可查看SLAVE中的UUID
3. 变量大杂烩---参数众多,直接从官网拷贝下来
Option or Variable Name | ||
Command Line | System Variable | Status Variable |
Option File | Scope | Dynamic |
Notes | ||
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Option used by mysql-test for debugging and testing of replication mysql-test用于调试和测试复制的选项 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: Controls how binary logs are iterated during GTID recovery 控制GTID在恢复期间如何迭代二进制日志 |
No | No | Yes |
No | Both | No |
DESCRIPTION: Count of CHANGE MASTER TO statements change master to 语句的统计 |
No | No | Yes |
No | Both | No |
No | No | Yes |
No | Both | No |
No | No | Yes |
No | Both | No |
No | No | Yes |
No | Both | No |
No | No | Yes |
No | Both | No |
No | No | Yes |
No | Both | No |
No | No | Yes |
No | Both | No |
DESCRIPTION: Count of STOP SLAVE statements STOP SALVE语句统计 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Option used by mysql-test for debugging and testing of replication mysql-test用于调试和测试复制的选项 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Prevents execution of statements that cannot be logged in a transactionally safe manner 防止不能以事务安全方式记录的执行语句 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Prevents execution of statements that cannot be logged in a transactionally safe manner 防止不能以事务安全方式记录的执行语句 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use the renamed gtid-executed-compression-period instead.在后期版本将被弃用,使用重命名的gtid-executed-compression-period 代替 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use the renamed gtid_executed_compression_period instead. 在后期版本将被弃用,使用重命名的gtid-executed-compression-period 代替 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Compress gtid_executed table each time this many transactions have occurred. 0 means never compress this table. Applies only when binary logging is disabled. 每次发生此很多事务时压缩gtid_executed表。 0表示不压缩此表。 仅在禁用二进制日志记录时应用。 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Controls whether GTID based logging is enabled and what type of transactions the logs can contain 控制是否启用基于GTID的日志记录以及日志可包含的事务类型 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: Global: All GTIDs in the binary log (global) or current transaction (session). Read-only.全局:二进制日志(全局)或当前事务(会话)中的所有GTID。 只读。 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Compress gtid_executed table each time this many transactions have occurred. 0 means never compress this table. Applies only when binary logging is disabled.每次发生此很多事务时压缩gtid_executed表。 0表示不压缩此表。 仅在禁用二进制日志记录时应用。 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Controls whether GTID based logging is enabled and what type of transactions the logs can contain控制是否启用基于GTID的日志记录以及日志可包含的事务类型 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Session | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Specifies the GTID for the next statement to execute. See documentation for details.指定要执行的下一个语句的GTID。 有关详细信息,请参阅文档。 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Both | No |
DESCRIPTION: The set of GTIDs owned by this client (session), or by all clients, together with the thread ID of the owner (global). Read-only.此客户端(会话)拥有的一组GTID或所有客户端拥有的GTID以及所有者的线程ID(全局)。 只读。 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: The set of all GTIDs that have been purged from the binary log.从二进制日志中清除的所有GTID的集合 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Statements that are executed when a slave connects to a master SLAVE连接到MASTER时执行语句 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: Tells the slave to log the updates performed by its SQL thread to its own binary log 告诉SLAVE将其SQL线程执行的更新记录到自己的二进制日志中 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: Whether the slave should log the updates performed by its SQL thread to its own binary log. Read-only; set using the --log-slave-updates server option.SLAVE是否应该将其SQL线程执行的更新记录到自己的二进制日志中。 只读; 使用--log-slave-updates服务器选项设置。 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Disables error 1592 warnings being written to the error log 禁用1592错误警告写入到错误日志中 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: The location and name of the file that remembers the master and where the I/O replication thread is in the master's binary logs记录主节点的文件的位置和名称,以及I / O复制线程在主节点二进制日志中的位置和名称 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Whether to write master status information and replication I/O thread location in the master's binary logs to a file or table.是否将主状态信息和主机二进制日志中的复制I / O线程位置写入文件或表。 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Number of tries the slave makes to connect to the master before giving up 在断开之前SLAVE连接到MASTER的尝试次数 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Whether to write master status information and replication I/O thread location in the master's binary logs to a file or table是否将主状态信息和主机二进制日志中的复制I / O线程位置写入文件或表。 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: The location and base name to use for relay logs 用于中继日志的位置和基本名称 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: The location and name to use for the file that keeps a list of the last relay logs 用于保存最后一个中继日志列表的文件的位置和名称 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: The location and name of the file that remembers where the SQL replication thread is in the relay logs 记录SQL复制线程在中继日志中的位置和文件名称 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Whether to write the replication SQL thread's location in the relay logs to a file or a table. 是否将中继日志中的复制SQL线程的位置写入文件或表。 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Enables automatic recovery of relay log files from master at startup 在启动时启用从master自动恢复中继日志文件 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: Complete path to relay log, including filename 完整中继日志的路径,包括文件名 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: The name of the relay log index file 中继日志索引文件的名字 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: The name of the file in which the slave records information about the relay logs slave记录有关中继日志信息的文件名字 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Whether to write the replication SQL thread's location in the relay logs to a file or a table 是否将中继日志中的复制SQL线程的位置写入文件或表。 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Determines whether relay logs are purged 确定是否清除中继日志 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Whether automatic recovery of relay log files from master at startup is enabled; must be enabled for a crash-safe slave.是否启用从master自动恢复中继日志文件; 必须为crash-safe slave启用 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: Maximum space to use for all relay logs 对于所有的中继日志使用的最大空间 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Tells the slave SQL thread to restrict replication to the specified database 指示SLAVE SQL线程将复制限制到指定的数据库 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Tells the slave SQL thread to restrict replication to the specified table 指示SLAVE SQL线程将复制限制指定到表 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Tells the slave SQL thread not to replicate to the specified database 告诉SLAVE SQL 线程不要复制到指定的数据库 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Tells the slave SQL thread not to replicate to the specified table 告诉SLAVE SQL线程不要复制指定的表 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Updates to a database with a different name than the original 使用与原始名称不同的名称更新数据库 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: In replication, if set to 1, do not skip events having our server id 在复制中,如果设置为1,则不要跳过具有我们的服务器标识的事件 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Tells the slave thread to restrict replication to the tables that match the specified wildcard pattern 指示从线程将复制限制为与指定通配符模式匹配的表 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Tells the slave thread not to replicate to the tables that match the given wildcard pattern 告诉从线程不要复制到匹配给定通配符模式的表 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: Host name or IP of the slave to be reported to the master during slave registration 从注册期间要向主站报告的从的主机名或IP |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: An arbitrary password that the slave server should report to the master. Not the same as the password for the MySQL replication user account.从服务器应向主服务器报告的任意密码。 不同于MySQL复制用户帐户的密码。 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: Port for connecting to slave reported to the master during slave registration 在从注册期间,用于连接到从的端口报告给主站 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: An arbitrary user name that a slave server should report to the master. Not the same as the name used with the MySQL replication user account.从服务器应向主服务器报告的任意用户名。 不同于MySQL复制用户帐户使用的名称。 |
No | No | Yes |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: Number of semisynchronous slaves 半同步从的数量 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Whether semisynchronous replication is enabled on the master 半同步复制是否在主中被启用 |
No | No | Yes |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: The average time the master waited for a slave reply 主等待从响应的平均时间 |
No | No | Yes |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: The total time the master waited for slave replies 主等待从响应的总时间 |
No | No | Yes |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: The total number of times the master waited for slave replies 主等待从响应的总次数 |
No | No | Yes |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: Number of times the master turned off semisynchronous replication 主节点关闭半同步复制的次数 |
No | No | Yes |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: Number of commits not acknowledged successfully 未成功确认的提交数 |
No | No | Yes |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: Whether semisynchronous replication is operational on the master 主节点上是否可以进行半同步复制 |
No | No | Yes |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: Number of times the master failed when calling time functions 调用时间函数时主服务器失败的次数 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Number of milliseconds to wait for slave acknowledgment 等待从确认的毫秒数 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: The semisynchronous replication debug trace level on the master 主节点上的半同步复制调试跟踪级别 |
No | No | Yes |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: The average time the master waited for each transaction 主等待每个事务的平均时间 |
No | No | Yes |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: The total time the master waited for transactions 主等待事务的总时间 |
No | No | Yes |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: The total number of times the master waited for transactions 主节点等待事务的总次数 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: How many slave acknowledgments the master must receive per transaction before proceeding 在继续之前从确认主必须收到的每个事务有多少 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Whether master waits for timeout even with no slaves 主是否等待超时,即使没有从 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: The wait point for slave transaction receipt acknowledgment 从事务接收确认的等待点 |
No | No | Yes |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: The total number of times the master waited for an event with binary coordinates lower than events waited for previously主等待二进制坐标低于以前等待的事件的事件的总次数 |
No | No | Yes |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: Number of sessions currently waiting for slave replies 当前等待从回应的会话数 |
No | No | Yes |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: Number of commits acknowledged successfully 确认成功提交的数量 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Whether semisynchronous replication is enabled on slave 是否在从设备上启用半同步复制 |
No | No | Yes |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: Whether semisynchronous replication is operational on slave 从设备上是否可以进行半同步复制 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: The semisynchronous replication debug trace level on the slave 从上的半同步复制调试跟踪级别 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Set the number of seconds that STOP SLAVE waits before timing out. 设置STOP SLAVE在超时前等待的秒数 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: The server's globally unique ID, automatically (re)generated at server start 全局唯一ID,在服务启动时候生成 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Show user name and password in SHOW SLAVE HOSTS on this master 在主库上使用SHOW SLAVE STATUS显示用户名和密码 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: Controls how binary logs are iterated during GTID recovery 控制在GTID恢复期间如何迭代二进制日志 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: If set, slave is not autostarted 设置后,从同步不会自动开启 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Maximum number of transactions processed by a multi-threaded slave before a checkpoint operation is called to update progress status. Not supported by MySQL Cluster.多多线程从处理最大事务进程在检查点操作之前被调用来更新的进度情况。 MySQL集群不支持。 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Update progress status of multi-threaded slave and flush relay log info to disk after this number of milliseconds. Not supported by MySQL Cluster.在这个毫秒数之后,将多线程从和刷新中继日志信息的进度状态更新到磁盘。 MySQL集群不支持。 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: The location where the slave should put its temporary files when replicating a LOAD DATA INFILE statement 复制LOAD DATA INFILE语句时从应置其临时文件的位置 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Maximum size, in bytes, of a packet that can be sent from a replication master to a slave; overrides max_allowed_packet.可以从复制主机发送到从机的数据包的最大大小(以字节为单位); 覆盖max_allowed_packet。 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Number of seconds to wait for more data from a master/slave connection before aborting the read 在中止读取之前等待来自主/从连接的更多数据的秒数 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Tells the slave to use database partioning (DATABASE) or timestamp information (LOGICAL_CLOCK) from the master to parallelize transactions. The default is DATABASE. 告诉从使用主数据库中的数据库分区(DATABASE)或时间戳信息(LOGICAL CLOCK)来并行化事务。 默认值为DATABASE |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Number of worker threads for executing events in parallel. Set to 0 (the default) to disable slave multi-threading. Not supported by MySQL Cluster.并行执行事件的工作线程数。 设置为0(默认值)以禁用从多线程。 MySQL集群不支持。 |
Yes | No | No |
No | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Maximum size of slave worker queues holding events not yet applied. 保持事件尚未应用的从工作线程队列的最大大小 |
Yes | No | No |
Yes | No | |
DESCRIPTION: Determines search algorithms used for slave update batching. Any 2 or 3 from the list INDEX_SEARCH, TABLE_SCAN, HASH_SCAN; the default is TABLE_SCAN,INDEX_SCAN. |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: Tells the slave thread to continue replication when a query returns an error from the provided list 当查询从提供的列表中返回错误时,告诉从线程继续复制 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Maximum number of transactions processed by a multi-threaded slave before a checkpoint operation is called to update progress status. Not supported by MySQL Cluster.多线程从处理最大事务进程在检查点操作之前被调用来更新的进度情况。 MySQL集群不支持。 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Update progress status of multi-threaded slave and flush relay log info to disk after this number of milliseconds. Not supported by MySQL Cluster.在这个毫秒数之后,将多线程从和刷新中继日志信息的进度状态更新到磁盘。 MySQL集群不支持。 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Use compression on master/slave protocol 在主/从协议上使用压缩 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Allows for switching the slave thread between IDEMPOTENT mode (key and some other errors suppressed) and STRICT mode; STRICT mode is the default, except for MySQL Cluster, where IDEMPOTENT is always used 允许在IDEMPOTENT模式(键和一些其他错误抑制)和STRICT模式之间切换从线程; STRICT模式是默认值,除了MySQL集群,其中始终使用IDEMPOTENT |
No | No | Yes |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: The slave's replication heartbeat interval, in seconds 从节点的复制心跳间隔(以秒为单位) |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Maximum size, in bytes, of a packet that can be sent from a replication master to a slave; overrides max_allowed_packet. 可以从复制主机发送到从机的数据包的最大大小(以字节为单位); 覆盖max_allowed_packet。 |
No | No | Yes |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: Number of temporary tables that the slave SQL thread currently has open 从县城当前已打开的临时表空间数量 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Tells the slave to use database partioning (DATABASE) or information (LOGICAL_CLOCK) from master to parallelize transactions. The default is DATABASE. 告诉从使用主数据库中的数据库分区(DATABASE)或时间戳信息(LOGICAL CLOCK)来并行化事务。 默认值为DATABASE |
Yes | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Number of worker threads for executing events in parallel. Set to 0 (the default) to disable slave multi-threading. Not supported by MySQL Cluster.并行执行事件的工作线程数。 设置为0(默认值)以禁用从多线程。 MySQL集群不支持。 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Maximum size of slave worker queues holding events not yet applied. 保持事件尚未应用的从工作线程队列的最大大小 |
Yes | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Ensures that all commits by slave workers happen in the same order as on the master to maintain consistency when using parallel worker threads. 确保从属工作者的所有提交按照与主节点上的相同的顺序发生,以便在使用并行工作线程时保持一致性。 |
No | No | Yes |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: The total number of times since startup that the replication slave SQL thread has retried transactions 自启动以来复制从属SQL线程已重试事务的总次数 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Determines search algorithms used for slave update batching. Any 2 or 3 from the list INDEX_SEARCH, TABLE_SCAN, HASH_SCAN; the default is TABLE_SCAN,INDEX_SCAN. 确定用于从属更新批处理的搜索算法。 任何2或3从列表INDEX_SEARCH,TABLE_SCAN,HASH_SCAN; 默认值为TABLE_SCAN,INDEX_SCAN。 |
No | No | Yes |
No | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: The state of this server as a replication slave (slave I/O thread status) 作为从复制的状态(从IO线程状态) |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Number of times the slave SQL thread will retry a transaction in case it failed with a deadlock or elapsed lock wait timeout, before giving up and stopping 放弃和停止之前,从属SQL线程在死锁或失效锁定等待超时之前重试事务的次数 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | No |
DESCRIPTION: Controls type conversion mode on replication slave. Value is a list of zero or more elements from the list: ALL_LOSSY, ALL_NON_LOSSY. Set to an empty string to disallow type conversions between master and slave.控制复制从站上的类型转换模式。 值是列表中的零个或多个元素的列表:ALL_LOSSY,ALL_NON_LOSSY。 设置为空字符串以禁止主机和从机之间的类型转换。 |
No | Yes | No |
No | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Number of events from the master that a slave server should skip. Not compatible with GTID replication. 从服务器应跳过的来自主服务器的事件数。 与GTID复制不兼容。 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Synchronously flush binary log to disk after every #th event 在每个第#个事件后,将二进制日志同步刷新到磁盘 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Synchronize master.info to disk after every #th event.在每个#事件之后,将master.info同步刷新到磁盘 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Synchronize relay log to disk after every #th event. 在每个#事件后,将中继日志同步刷新到磁盘 |
Yes | Yes | No |
Yes | Global | Yes |
DESCRIPTION: Synchronize relay.info file to disk after every #th event. 在卖给#事件之后,将relay.info同步刷新到磁盘 |
涉及到复制和二进制日志中的选项和变量-Replication and Binary Logging Options and Variables的更多相关文章
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- MySQL将语句写入到binlog二进制日志中
由于二进制日志是公共资源,所有线程都要写二进制日志,所以一定要避免两个线程同时更新二进制日志.因此,在事件组写二进制日志时,二进制日志将获得一个互斥锁LOCK_log,然后在事件组写完后释放,由于服务 ...
- MySQL复制(二):二进制日志、二进制日志的结构和内容
通常只有即将执行完毕的语句才会写入到二进制日志中.但是一些特殊情况:语句附加的信息或直接代替语句被写入. 二进制日志记录的内容 作用:记录数据库中表的更变,用于复制和PITP(即时恢复) 基于语句SB ...
- MySQL二进制日志中保存的上下文信息
1.二进制日志中要保存上下文的原因 二进制日志是要在slave端重放的,记录上下文信息,是为了保证主丛数据库的一致.如rand一个随机数,在主上返回的可以有是100,在从上返回的可能就是1000了. ...
- mysqlbinlog抽取二进制日志中某库某表的日志
1.先使用myqlbinlog命令把整个库的二进制日志抽取出来 mysqlbinlog --database=db_name mysql-bin.xxxxxx > db_name.sql 2.然 ...
- MySQL 5.7开启二进制日志注意事项
最近才开始将部分MySQL 5.6升级到MySQL 5.7, 在开启MySQL的二进制日志时,发现MySQL 5.7 与MySQL 5.6已有细微区别.如果在my.cnf配置文件中,只设置了全局系统变 ...
- 浅析MySQL基于ROW格式的二进制日志
上文分析的二进制日志实际上是基于STATEMENT格式的,下面我们来看看基于ROW格式的二进制日志,毕竟,两者对应的binlog事件类型也不一样,同时,很多童鞋反映基于ROW格式的二进制日志无法查到原 ...
- 浅析MySQL二进制日志
查看MySQL二进制文件中的内容有两种方式 1. mysqlbinlog 2. SHOW BINLOG EVENTS [IN 'log_name'] [FROM pos] [LIMIT [offs ...
- MySQL 二进制日志(Binary Log)
同大多数关系型数据库一样,日志文件是MySQL数据库的重要组成部分. MySQL有几种不同的日志文件.通常包括错误日志文件,二进制日志,通用日志,慢查询日志,等等.这些日志能够帮助我们定位mysqld ...
- Mac OS X中配置Apache后提示You don't have permission to access / on this server
根据这篇博客http://www.cnblogs.com/snandy/archive/2012/11/13/2765381.html,在mac系统中,配置的apache,配置完成后,提示 You d ...
- .NET下的ORM框架有哪些
现在市面上针对.NET ORM框架越来越多 微软自家的LINQ to SQL, ADO.NET Entity Framework不多说. 商业: 1.LightSpeed(免费版比较垃圾.表限制8个. ...
- xcode7.1.1不能真机调试ios9.2系统设备的解决方法
转载自:http://www.cocoachina.com/bbs/read.php?tid-331335.html 前些天手机升级到iOS9.2版本号 xcode7.1还能真机測试. 昨晚更新xc ...
- MVC项目中怎样用JS导出EasyUI DataGrid为Excel
在做一中考评项目的时候,遇到了这么一个需求.就是把评教后得到的老师的成绩导出为Excel.事实上需求非常普通.实现起来有些复杂.由于老师考评不但有固定的考核项,还有额外加分项.于是我们就抽出来了一个表 ...
- weka入门
每天都必须记录自己的一点一滴,不记录下来,过一段时间就会忘记,忘记了就等于没有经历过. 我不能每天这样浑浑噩噩的过下去.我要有计划,有梦想.追求卓越.成就不同. 我今天開始我的学习weka之路.学的时 ...
- Atitit. 订单管理 收银单持久化 功能设计 基于ecshop订单结构
Atitit. 订单管理 收银单持久化 功能设计 基于ecshop订单结构 1. 54.order_info 订单 数据结构1 2. Ecshop 的订单api1 2.1. 生成订单 code b ...
- 一些I2S的基础概念
在数字音频Datasheet中,我们经常看到256FS,384FS,32kHz,44.1kHz MCLK等概念.一般在数字音频芯片用3个pin作为通讯接口:BCLK,ADCLRC,DOUT.现在做个总 ...
- less css下载及编绎工具
http://www.lesscss.net less.js下载 LESS 1.5已经放出Beta 1版本,支持source map等新特性,欢迎尝鲜.详细变更请见更新日志. 生产环境使用建议下载1. ...
- Ionic学习笔记4_ionic路由(页面切换)
1.1. ionic路由机制: 状态 1.2. ion-nav-view <body ng-controller="firstCtrl"> <a class= ...
- iOS敏捷开发之道,经常使用的宏定义总结
iOS开发中,直接在pch文件里导入宏定义. 在做项目的时候,直接拿过来使用,能够大幅度提高开发速度. 以下是 个人总结的一些宏定义. 假设大家有其它的经常使用的宏定义.欢迎加入.我会定期更新这个bl ...