Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.


There is almost no such love that can ignore the impacts of time and space.

Even the deepest and the most passionate love may go sour along with the time and distance.

I have ever listened many love stories which began with passions ended with no good results.

So, if we are single, please think twice about the long-distance relationship.

Surely, if you think the other side is just the one you are seeking for, maybe you have to sacrifice something you already have to finish the long-distance relationship and live together.

Only when living together, the both sides have enought time and chances to learn well about each other and try to make some changes to adapt to each other.

The more we know each other, the more we have to do in order to build a stable and deep relationship.

It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them.


From Pierre Beaumarchais.

To some extent, I don't agree with this opinion, because a great man who has huge impacts on me have ever said that truth doesn't fear contentions, the more it is debated or argued about, the clearer it becomes.

Besides, it is exactly the constant practice of challenging and defending on both sides that makes the truth ever clearer and we can reach some kind of consensus in the midst of discussions and arguments.

Sometimes we may be lack of the directions about what we should do to understand things, but with the help of arguments, we would have to learn about things from the perspective we defend.

It provoides us guidelines in our researches, and if someone challenges our views, that would be a good chance to make the points clear and understand the very object more deeply and more thoroughly, really a good way that we can refine our knowledge.

Just take my recent interviews for example, I ever thought my knowledge on Qt/C++ is not bad, at least I can successfully solve the technical problems with them, however, in several phone interviews, I often was baffled by some questions, which made me stand in an awkward position, now I know my knowledge is far from enough, and undoubtly, that let me fail to get a well-paid position or offer in Xi'an.

Maybe it can be a good chance for me to know what I am lack of, maybe current misfortunes are just a blessing in disguise.

Both myself and the interviewers may be disappointed, but for me, I hope I can be brave after feeling ashamed, and I hope I can spend more time in exploring my unknown fields of programing.

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