1 public static class NetCDF
  2     {
  3         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
  4         public static extern int nc_put_att_uchar(int ncid, int varid, string name, NcType xtype, int len, byte[] op);
  5         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
  6         public static extern int nc_get_att_uchar(int ncid, int varid, string name, byte[] op);
  8         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
  9         public static extern int nc_get_var_uchar(int ncid, int varid, byte[] ip);
 10         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 11         public static extern int nc_get_var_text(int ncid, int varid, StringBuilder ip);
 14         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 15         public static extern int nc_open(string path, CreateMode mode, out int ncidp);
 16         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 17         public static extern int nc_create(string path, CreateMode mode, out int ncidp);
 18         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 19         public static extern int nc_close(int ncidp);
 20         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 21         public static extern int nc_sync(int ncid);
 22         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 23         public static extern int nc_enddef(int ncid);
 24         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 25         public static extern int nc_redef(int ncid);
 26         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 27         public static extern string nc_strerror(int ncerror);
 29         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 30         public static extern int nc_inq(int ncid, out int ndims, out int nvars, out int ngatts, out int unlimdimid);
 32         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 33         public static extern int nc_def_var(int ncid, string name, NcType xtype, int ndims, int[] dimids, out int varidp);
 34         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 35         public static extern int nc_inq_var(int ncid, int varid, StringBuilder name, out NcType type, out int ndims, int[] dimids, out int natts);
 36         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 37         public static extern int nc_inq_varids(int ncid, out int nvars, int[] varids);
 38         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 39         public static extern int nc_inq_vartype(int ncid, int varid, out NcType xtypep);
 40         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 41         public static extern int nc_inq_varnatts(int ncid, int varid, out int nattsp);
 42         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 43         public static extern int nc_inq_varid(int ncid, string name, out int varidp);
 45         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 46         public static extern int nc_inq_ndims(int ncid, out int ndims);
 47         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 48         public static extern int nc_inq_nvars(int ncid, out int nvars);
 49         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 50         public static extern int nc_inq_varname(int ncid, int varid, StringBuilder name);
 51         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 52         public static extern int nc_inq_varndims(int ncid, int varid, out int ndims);
 53         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 54         public static extern int nc_inq_vardimid(int ncid, int varid, int[] dimids);
 55         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 56         public static extern int nc_inq_var_fill(int ncid, int varid, out int no_fill, out object fill_value);
 59         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 60         public static extern int nc_inq_natts(int ncid, out int ngatts);
 61         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 62         public static extern int nc_inq_unlimdim(int ncid, out int unlimdimid);
 63         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 64         public static extern int nc_inq_format(int ncid, out int format);
 66         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 67         public static extern int nc_inq_attname(int ncid, int varid, int attnum, StringBuilder name);
 68         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 69         public static extern int nc_inq_att(int ncid, int varid, string name, out NcType type, out int length);
 70         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 71         public static extern int nc_get_att_text(int ncid, int varid, string name, StringBuilder value);
 72         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 73         public static extern int nc_get_att_schar(int ncid, int varid, string name, sbyte[] data);
 74         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 75         public static extern int nc_get_att_short(int ncid, int varid, string name, short[] data);
 76         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 77         public static extern int nc_get_att_int(int ncid, int varid, string name, int[] data);
 78         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 79         public static extern int nc_get_att_float(int ncid, int varid, string name, float[] data);
 80         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 81         public static extern int nc_get_att_double(int ncid, int varid, string name, double[] data);
 82         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 83         public static extern int nc_get_att_long(int ncid, int varid, string name, long[] data);
 84         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 85         public static extern int nc_get_att_longlong(int ncid, int varid, string name, long[] data);
 87         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 88         public static extern int nc_put_att_text(int ncid, int varid, string name, int len, string tp);
 89         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 90         public static extern int nc_put_att_double(int ncid, int varid, string name, NcType type, int len, double[] tp);
 91         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 92         public static extern int nc_put_att_int(int ncid, int varid, string name, NcType type, int len, int[] tp);
 93         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 94         public static extern int nc_put_att_short(int ncid, int varid, string name, NcType type, int len, short[] tp);
 95         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 96         public static extern int nc_put_att_float(int ncid, int varid, string name, NcType type, int len, float[] tp);
 97         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
 98         public static extern int nc_put_att_byte(int ncid, int varid, string name, NcType type, int len, sbyte[] tp);
 99         [DllImport("netcdf4.dll")]
         public static extern int nc_put_att_long(int ncid, int varid, string name, NcType type, int len, long[] tp);
         public static extern int nc_put_att_longlong(int ncid, int varid, string name, NcType type, int len, long[] tp);
         public static extern int nc_def_dim(int ncid, string name, int len, out int dimidp);
         public static extern int nc_inq_dim(int ncid, int dimid, StringBuilder name, out int length);
         public static extern int nc_inq_dimname(int ncid, int dimid, StringBuilder name);
         public static extern int nc_inq_dimid(int ncid, string name, out int dimid);
         public static extern int nc_inq_dimlen(int ncid, int dimid, out int length);
         public static extern int nc_get_var_text(int ncid, int varid, byte[] data);
         public static extern int nc_get_var_schar(int ncid, int varid, sbyte[] data);
         public static extern int nc_get_var_short(int ncid, int varid, short[] data);
         public static extern int nc_get_var_int(int ncid, int varid, int[] data);
         public static extern int nc_get_var_long(int ncid, int varid, long[] data);
         public static extern int nc_get_var_float(int ncid, int varid, float[,] data);
         public static extern int nc_get_var_double(int ncid, int varid, double[] data);
         public static extern int nc_put_var_ubyte(int ncid, int varid, byte[,] data);
         public static extern int nc_put_var_int(int ncid, int varid, int[,] data);
         public static extern int nc_put_var_text(int ncid, int varid, string op);
         public static extern int nc_put_var_uchar(int ncid, int varid, out byte[] op);
         public static extern int nc_put_var_float(int ncid, int varid, float[,] data);
         public static extern int nc_put_var_long(int ncid, int varid, long[] data);
         public static extern int nc_put_vara_double(int ncid, int varid, int[] start, int[] count, double[] dp);
         public static extern int nc_put_vara_float(int ncid, int varid, int[] start, int[] count, float[] fp);
         public static extern int nc_put_vara_short(int ncid, int varid, int[] start, int[] count, short[] sp);
         public static extern int nc_put_vara_int(int ncid, int varid, int[] start, int[] count, int[] ip);
         public static extern int nc_put_vara_long(int ncid, int varid, int[] start, int[] count, long[] lp);
         public static extern int nc_put_vara_ubyte(int ncid, int varid, int[] start, int[] count, byte[] bp);
         public static extern int nc_put_vara_schar(int ncid, int varid, int[] start, int[] count, sbyte[] cp);
         public static extern int nc_put_vara_string(int ncid, int varid, int[] start, int[] count, string[] sp);
         public static extern int nc_get_vara_text(int ncid, int varid, int[] start, int[] count, byte[] data);
         public static extern int nc_get_vara_schar(int ncid, int varid, int[] start, int[] count, sbyte[] data);
         public static extern int nc_get_vara_short(int ncid, int varid, int[] start, int[] count, short[] data);
         public static extern int nc_get_vara_ubyte(int ncid, int varid, int[] start, int[] count, byte[] data);
         public static extern int nc_get_vara_long(int ncid, int varid, int[] start, int[] count, long[] data);
         public static extern int nc_get_vara_int(int ncid, int varid, int[] start, int[] count, int[] data);
         public static extern int nc_get_vara_float(int ncid, int varid, int[] start, int[] count, float[] data);
         public static extern int nc_get_vara_double(int ncid, int varid, int[] start, int[] count, double[] data);
         public static extern int nc_get_vara_string(int ncid, int varid, int[] start, int[] count, string[] data);
         ///'size' argument to ncdimdef for an unlimited dimension
         public const int NC_UNLIMITED = ;
         ///attribute id to put/get a global attribute
         public const int NC_GLOBAL = -;
         ///The netcdf external data types
         public enum NcType : int
             ///<summary>signed 1 byte intege</summary>
             NC_BYTE = ,
             ///<summary>ISO/ASCII character</summary>
             NC_CHAR = ,
             ///<summary>signed 2 byte integer</summary>
             NC_SHORT = ,
             ///<summary>signed 4 byte integer</summary>
             NC_INT = ,
             ///<summary>single precision floating point number</summary>
             NC_FLOAT = ,
             ///<summary>double precision floating point number</summary>
             NC_DOUBLE = ,
             ///<summary>signed 8-byte int</summary>
             NC_INT64 = ,
             NC_STRING = 
         public static Type GetCLRType(NcType ncType)
             switch (ncType)
                 case NcType.NC_BYTE:
                 return typeof(byte);
                 case NcType.NC_CHAR:
                 return typeof(sbyte);
                 case NcType.NC_SHORT:
                 return typeof(short);
                 case NcType.NC_INT:
                 return typeof(int);
                 case NcType.NC_INT64:
                 return typeof(long);
                 case NcType.NC_FLOAT:
                 return typeof(float);
                 case NcType.NC_DOUBLE:
                 return typeof(double);
                 case NcType.NC_STRING:
                 return typeof(string);
                 throw new ApplicationException("Unknown nc type");
         public static NcType GetNcType(Type type)
             switch (Type.GetTypeCode(type))
                 case TypeCode.Double:
                 return NcType.NC_DOUBLE;
                 case TypeCode.Single:
                 return NcType.NC_FLOAT;
                 case TypeCode.Int64:
                 return NcType.NC_INT64;
                 case TypeCode.Int32:
                 return NcType.NC_INT;
                 case TypeCode.Int16:
                 return NcType.NC_SHORT;
                 case TypeCode.Byte:
                 return NcType.NC_BYTE;
                 case TypeCode.SByte:
                 return NcType.NC_CHAR;
                 case TypeCode.String:
                 return NcType.NC_STRING;
                 case TypeCode.DateTime:
                 return NcType.NC_INT64;
                 throw new NotSupportedException("Not supported type of data.");
         public enum CreateMode : int
             NC_NOWRITE = ,
             ///<summary>read & write</summary>
             NC_WRITE = 0x0001,
             NC_CLOBBER = ,
             ///<summary>Don't destroy existing file on create</summary>
             NC_NOCLOBBER = 0x0004,
             ///<summary>argument to ncsetfill to clear NC_NOFILL</summary>
             NC_FILL = ,
             ///<summary>Don't fill data section an records</summary>
             NC_NOFILL = 0x0100,
             ///<summary>Use locking if available</summary>
             NC_LOCK = 0x0400,
             ///<summary>Share updates, limit cacheing</summary>
             NC_SHARE = 0x0800,
             NC_64BIT_OFFSET = 0x0200,
             ///<summary>Enforce strict netcdf-3 rules</summary>
             NC_CLASSIC = 0x0100,
             ///<summary>causes netCDF to create a HDF5/NetCDF-4 file</summary>
             NC_NETCDF4 = 0x1000
         public enum ResultCode : int
             ///<summary>No Error</summary>
             NC_NOERR = ,
             ///<summary>Invalid dimension id or name</summary>
             NC_EBADDIM = -,
             ///<summary>Attribute not found</summary>
             NC_ENOTATT = -,
         ///    Default fill values, used unless _FillValue attribute is set.
         ///These values are stuffed into newly allocated space as appropriate.
         ///The hope is that one might use these to notice that a particular datum
         ///has not been set.
         public static class FillValues
             public const byte NC_FILL_BYTE = ;
             public const char NC_FILL_CHAR = (char);
             public const short NC_FILL_SHORT = -;
             public const int NC_FILL_INT = -;
             public const float NC_FILL_FLOAT = 9.96921E+36f;    /* near 15 * 2^119 */
             public const double NC_FILL_DOUBLE = 9.969209968386869E+36;
         ///<summary>These maximums are enforced by the interface, to facilitate writing
         ///applications and utilities.  However, nothing is statically allocated to
         ///these sizes internally.</summary>
         public enum Limits
             ///<summary>max dimensions per file </summary>
             NC_MAX_DIMS = ,
             ///<summary>max global or per variable attributes </summary>
             NC_MAX_ATTRS = ,
             ///<summary>max variables per file</summary>
             NC_MAX_VARS = ,
             ///<summary>max length of a name </summary>
             NC_MAX_NAME = ,
             ///<summary>max per variable dimensions </summary>
             NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS = 
 /// <summary>
/// 二维网格数据文件创建、读、写
/// </summary>
class TwoDimDB : IDataBase
public TwoDimDB(string filename)
dbfile = filename;
} public override bool Create(string[] varname, string xdimname, string ydimname, long[] xdim, long[] ydim)
int ndims = ;
int ncid, res, varid;
int x_dimid, y_dimid;
int[] dimids = new int[ndims]; //创建文件
res = NetCDF.nc_create(dbfile, NetCDF.CreateMode.NC_NETCDF4, out ncid);
if (res != ) return false; int NX = xdim.Length;
int NY = ydim.Length;
int[,] datas = new int[NX, NY]; //定义维度
res = NetCDF.nc_def_dim(ncid, xdimname, NX, out x_dimid);
if (res != ) return false;
res = NetCDF.nc_def_dim(ncid, ydimname, NY, out y_dimid);
if (res != ) return false; res = NetCDF.nc_put_att_longlong(ncid, NetCDF.NC_GLOBAL, xdimname, NetCDF.NcType.NC_INT64, xdim.Length, xdim);
if (res != ) return false;
res = NetCDF.nc_put_att_longlong(ncid, NetCDF.NC_GLOBAL, ydimname, NetCDF.NcType.NC_INT64, ydim.Length, ydim);
if (res != ) return false; dimids[] = x_dimid;
dimids[] = y_dimid; //定义变量
if (varname != null)
foreach (var vn in varname)
res = NetCDF.nc_def_var(ncid, vn, NetCDF.NcType.NC_FLOAT, , dimids, out varid);
if (res != ) continue; res = NetCDF.nc_enddef(ncid);
if (res != ) continue; NetCDF.nc_put_var_int(ncid, varid, datas);
if (res != ) continue;
} //关闭文件
res = NetCDF.nc_close(ncid);
if (res == ) return true;
catch (Exception ex)
{ }
return false;
} public override bool Write(string[] varName, string dimName, long dimValue, int[][] value, bool isXdim = false)
int ncid, res, varid; //创建文件
res = NetCDF.nc_open(dbfile, NetCDF.CreateMode.NC_WRITE, out ncid);
if (res != ) return false; #region GetDimIndex int dimIdx = ;
NetCDF.NcType dimXTtype;
int dimAttLen = ; res = NetCDF.nc_inq_att(ncid, NetCDF.NC_GLOBAL, dimName, out dimXTtype, out dimAttLen);
if (res != ) return false;
long[] xdimValue = new long[dimAttLen];
res = NetCDF.nc_get_att_longlong(ncid, NetCDF.NC_GLOBAL, dimName, xdimValue);
dimIdx = Array.IndexOf(xdimValue, dimValue);
if (dimIdx == -) dimIdx = ; #endregion int xdimBeginIndex = isXdim ? dimIdx : ;
int ydimBeginIndex = !isXdim ? dimIdx : ; int xdimNumber = !isXdim ? value.Length : ;
int ydimNumber = isXdim ? value.Length : ; //定义变量
if (varName != null)
for (int i = ; i < varName.Length; i++)
res = NetCDF.nc_inq_varid(ncid, varName[i], out varid);
if (res != ) continue; var origin = new int[] { xdimBeginIndex, ydimBeginIndex };//第一维的1开始,第二维从0开始
var size = new int[] { xdimNumber, ydimNumber };//数量分别为1,2 NetCDF.nc_put_vara_int(ncid, varid, origin, size, value[i]);
if (res != ) return false;
} //关闭文件
res = NetCDF.nc_close(ncid);
if (res == ) return true;
catch (Exception ex)
{ }
return false;
} public override int[][] Read(string[] varname, string xdimname, string ydimname, long? xdimValue = null, long? ydimValue = null)
long[] xDimValue;
long[] yDimValue;
Dictionary<long, int[][]> dic = new Dictionary<long, int[][]>();
int ndims = ;
int ncid, res, varid;
int[] dimids = new int[ndims]; //打开文件
res = NetCDF.nc_open(dbfile, NetCDF.CreateMode.NC_NOWRITE, out ncid);
if (res != ) return null; #region XDimIndex int xDimIdx = ;
NetCDF.NcType xDimxtype;
int xDimAttlen = ; res = NetCDF.nc_inq_att(ncid, NetCDF.NC_GLOBAL, xdimname, out xDimxtype, out xDimAttlen);
if (res != ) return null;
xDimValue = new long[xDimAttlen]; res = NetCDF.nc_get_att_longlong(ncid, NetCDF.NC_GLOBAL, xdimname, xDimValue);
if (xdimValue != null)
xDimIdx = Array.IndexOf(xDimValue, xdimValue);
if (xDimIdx == -) xDimIdx = ;
#endregion #region YDimIndex int yDimIdx = ;
NetCDF.NcType yDimxtype;
int yDimAttlen = ; res = NetCDF.nc_inq_att(ncid, NetCDF.NC_GLOBAL, ydimname, out yDimxtype, out yDimAttlen);
if (res != ) return null;
yDimValue = new long[yDimAttlen];
res = NetCDF.nc_get_att_longlong(ncid, NetCDF.NC_GLOBAL, ydimname, yDimValue);
if (ydimValue != null)
yDimIdx = Array.IndexOf(yDimValue, ydimValue);
if (yDimIdx == -) yDimIdx = ;
} #endregion int NX = xDimValue.Length;
int NY = yDimValue.Length; int xdimCount = NX - xDimIdx;
int ydimCount = NY - yDimIdx;
int resCount = xdimCount * ydimCount;
if (xdimValue == null)
resCount = xdimCount;
xdimCount = NX;
ydimCount = ;
if (ydimValue == null)
resCount = ydimCount;
xdimCount = ;
ydimCount = NY - yDimIdx;
} int[] origin = new int[] { xDimIdx, yDimIdx };//第一维的1开始,第二维从0开始
int[] size = new int[] { xdimCount, ydimCount };//数量分别为1,2 int[][] result = new int[varname.Length + ][]; for (int i = ; i < varname.Length; i++)
res = NetCDF.nc_inq_varid(ncid, varname[i], out varid);
if (res != ) continue; result[i+] = new int[resCount];
NetCDF.nc_get_vara_int(ncid, varid, origin, size, result[i + ]);
if (res != ) continue;
} res = NetCDF.nc_close(ncid);
if (res == ) return result;
catch (Exception ex)
{ }
xDimValue = null;
yDimValue = null;
return null;


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