I'm reading a Blog. But a rather familiar question occurred to me, "What's the difference between run() method and start() method in thread?". Let's test it with the following code:

#FileName: threadingDemo.py
#Python Version: 2.7
#Authour: lxw
#Date: 2015-1-28
#Usage: Demos for threading. import time
import random from threading import Thread class MyThread(Thread):
Definition of my own Thread class.
''' def __init__(self, name):
Thread.__init__(self) # essential
self.name = name def run(self):
amount = random.randint(3, 10)
outStr = "Thread {0} sleeps {1} seconds. Thread {0} has finished.".format(self.name, amount)
print(outStr) def main():
threads = []
#Create 5 objects of MyThread.
for index in range(5):
th = MyThread(str(index))
threads.append(th) print(threads)
#Run the objects of MyThread.
for index in range(5):
threads[index].run() if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Imported as a module")

      Note the code on Line 38. The output of the program is(Thread 0-Thread 4 never disorder.):

[<MyThread(0, initial)>, <MyThread(1, initial)>, <MyThread(2, initial)>, <MyThread(3, initial)>, <MyThread(4, initial)>]
Thread 0 sleeps 9 seconds. Thread 0 has finished.
Thread 1 sleeps 6 seconds. Thread 1 has finished.
Thread 2 sleeps 8 seconds. Thread 2 has finished.
Thread 3 sleeps 7 seconds. Thread 3 has finished.
Thread 4 sleeps 9 seconds. Thread 4 has finished.

Let's make some modifications around Line 38.

    for index in range(5):

      The new output of the program becomes(it differs every time you run the program according to the time each thread sleeped):

[<MyThread(0, initial)>, <MyThread(1, initial)>, <MyThread(2, initial)>, <MyThread(3, initial)>, <MyThread(4, initial)>]
Thread 4 sleeps 4 seconds. Thread 4 has finished.
Thread 0 sleeps 8 seconds. Thread 0 has finished.
Thread 3 sleeps 8 seconds. Thread 3 has finished.
Thread 2 sleeps 9 seconds. Thread 2 has finished.
Thread 1 sleeps 10 seconds. Thread 1 has finished.

      Now, do you understand what's the difference between run() method and start() method in thread?
















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