在一些求字串含有固定字符最短串,含有不同字符最长子串等问题中,利用 vector<int> map(128, 0)可以解决


Given a string S and a string T, find the minimum window in S which will contain all the characters in T in complexity O(n).


Output: "BANC"


  • If there is no such window in S that covers all characters in T, return the empty string "".
  • If there is such window, you are guaranteed that there will always be only one unique minimum window in S.
Seen this question in a real interview before?



class Solution {
string minWindow(string s, string t) {
vector<int> map(,);
int counter=t.size(), begin=, end=, min_length=INT_MAX, head = ;
for(auto a : t) map[a]++;
if(map[s[end++]]-- > ) counter--;
while(counter == ){
if(min_length > end - begin) min_length = end - (head = begin);
if(map[s[begin++]]++ == ) counter++;
return min_length == INT_MAX ? "" : s.substr(head, min_length);


int findSubstring(string s){
vector<int> map(,);
int counter; // check whether the substring is valid
int begin=, end=; //two pointers, one point to tail and one head
int d; //the length of substring for() { /* initialize the hash map here */ } while(end<s.size()){ if(map[s[end++]]-- ?){ /* modify counter here */ } while(/* counter condition */){ /* update d here if finding minimum*/ //increase begin to make it invalid/valid again if(map[s[begin++]]++ ?){ /*modify counter here*/ }
} /* update d here if finding maximum*/
return d;



int lengthOfLongestSubstringTwoDistinct(string s) {
vector<int> map(, );
int counter=, begin=, end=, d=;
if(map[s[end++]]++==) counter++;
while(counter>) if(map[s[begin++]]--==) counter--;
d=max(d, end-begin);
return d;



int lengthOfLongestSubstring(string s) {
vector<int> map(,);
int counter=, begin=, end=, d=;
if(map[s[end++]]++>) counter++;
while(counter>) if(map[s[begin++]]-->) counter--;
d=max(d, end-begin); //while valid, update d
return d;


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