Bitnami 2015
WordPress is one of the world's most popular web publishing platforms for building blogs and websites. It can be customized via a wide selection of themes, extensions and plug-ins.
Joomla! is a Content Management System that can create everything from simple websites to complex corporate applications and allows users to manage each aspect of their website through a simple, browser-based interface. Users with basic word processing skills can add or edit content, update images, and to manage the critical data. Joomla! also allows developers to create and include add-ons to further customize their site.
Version Platform Size Checksum Joomla! Module 3.4.4-0 Windows 19 MB show Download Recommended Joomla! Module 2.5.28-0 Windows 17 MB show Download Joomla! Module 3.4.4-0 Linux 18 MB show Download Joomla! Module 2.5.28-0 Linux 16 MB show Download Joomla! Module 3.4.4-0 Linux 64-bit 20 MB show Download Joomla! Module 2.5.28-0 Linux 64-bit 18 MB show Download Joomla! Module 3.4.4-0 OS X 64-bit 23 MB show Download Joomla! Module 2.5.28-0 OS X 64-bit 22 MB show Download Drupal
Drupal is a content management platform that allows users to easily publish, manage, and organize a wide variety of content on a website. It is used for community web portals, discussion sites, corporate web sites, intranet applications and many other sites. Drupal is easy to extend by plugging in freely available modules.
Version Platform Size Checksum Drupal Module 7.39-0 Windows 19 MB show Download Recommended Drupal Module 6.37-0 Windows 15 MB show Download Drupal Module 8.0.0.beta15-0 Dev Windows 150 MB show Download Drupal Module 7.39-0 Linux 18 MB show Download Drupal Module 6.37-0 Linux 14 MB show Download Drupal Module 8.0.0.beta15-0 Dev Linux 149 MB show Download Drupal Module 7.39-0 Linux 64-bit 19 MB show Download Drupal Module 6.37-0 Linux 64-bit 15 MB show Download Drupal Module 8.0.0.beta15-0 Dev Linux 64-bit 150 MB show Download Drupal Module 7.39-0 OS X 64-bit 23 MB show Download Drupal Module 6.37-0 OS X 64-bit 19 MB show Download Drupal Module 8.0.0.beta15-0 Dev OS X 64-bit 154 MB show Download Moodle
Moodle is a Course Management System that is designed using sound pedagogical principles to help educators create effective online learning communities. It can scale from one computer to a 50,000-student university and is used in over 175 countries.
Magento is a feature-rich e-commerce solution that offers merchants complete flexibility and control over the look, content, and functionality of their online store. It includes flexible product display options, mobile templates, transaction options, multi-store and multi-site functionality, user accounts and loyalty programs, product categorization and shopper filtering, and discount and promotion rules.
Version Platform Size Checksum Magento Module Windows 27 MB show Download Recommended Magento Module Dev Windows 29 MB show Download Magento Module Linux 27 MB show Download Magento Module Dev Linux 28 MB show Download Magento Module Linux 64-bit 28 MB show Download Magento Module Dev Linux 64-bit 30 MB show Download Magento Module OS X 64-bit 32 MB show Download Magento Module Dev OS X 64-bit 34 MB show Download ownCloud
ownCloud is a flexible, open source file sync and share solution. Whether using a mobile device, a workstation, or a web client, ownCloud provides the ability to access files on any device in one simple-to-use, secure, private and controlled solution.
PrestaShop is a free and Open-Source E-commerce solution powering more than 150,000 online stores around the world. Since 2007, PrestaShop has revolutionized the industry by providing 100% free software with innovative features that engage shoppers such as multi-store, customizable URL’s and full Ajax compatibility. Professional tools are easily accessible to increase online sales including instant guest checkout, abandoned cart reminders and automated Email marketing. PrestaShop supports global secure payment gateways such as PayPal Payments Pro,, Skrill, and First Data while offering seamless marketplace integration for Amazon, eBay, Facebook and more.
MediaWiki is a wiki package originally written for Wikipedia. MediaWiki is an extremely powerful, scalable software and a feature-rich wiki implementation.
CMS Made Simple
CMS Made Simple provides a fast and easy way to create a web site and manage its contents. It can be used by everyone from large corporate IT departments to home users.
SugarCRM is a flexible customer relationship management solution for companies of all sizes. SugarCRM can easily be customized and integrated with other software. Core functionality includes sales force automation, marketing campaigns, support cases, project management and calendaring.
Invoice Ninja
Invoice Ninja is professional invoicing software for small businesses. It includes customizable templates, supports multiple currencies and languages, and integrates with popular payment gateways.
phpBB is a popular bulletin board solution. It includes a powerful permission system, private messaging, search functions, a customizable template and language system. It can be customized via hundreds of available style and image packages.
OrangeHRM is a HR management system that offers a wealth of modules to suit the needs of your business. This widely-used system is feature-rich, intuitive and provides an essential HR management platform along with free documentation and access to a broad community of users.
TestLink is test management software that facilitates software quality assurance. It offers support for test cases, test suites, test plans, test projects and user management, as well as various reports and statistics.
DokuWiki is a standards-compliant, simple to use wiki optimized for creating documentation. It is targeted at developer teams, workgroups, and small companies. All data is stored in plain text files, so no database is required.
Osclass allows you to easily create a classifieds site without any technical knowledge. It provides support for presenting general ads or specialized ads through modules (cars, jobs, real estate, dating, etc), offers many customization options, is extensible and multilingual.
OpenCart is free open source ecommerce platform for online merchants. OpenCart provides a professional and reliable foundation from which to build a successful online store.
Zurmo is a customer relationship management (CRM) system that is mobile, social, and gamified. It is focused on increasing sales force engagement by providing a better user experience than traditional CRM systems.
Simple Invoices is a web-based invoicing system designed to get the job done with ease of use. Simple Invoices is Open Source Software, and community developed. There is no hype, no buzz words, and no features you are never going to use.
Version Platform Size Checksum SimpleInvoices Module 2013.1.beta.8-1 Windows 20 MB show Download Recommended SimpleInvoices Module 2013.1.beta.8-1 Linux 20 MB show Download SimpleInvoices Module 2013.1.beta.8-1 Linux 64-bit 21 MB show Download SimpleInvoices Module 2013.1.beta.8-1 OS X 64-bit 24 MB show Download MODX
MODX Revolution is an easy-to-use Content Management System (CMS) and Application Framework rolled into one. Despite the limitless possibilities that MODX affords you, you will find it refreshingly intuitive to work with. At every step, MODX strives to deliver Creative Freedom.
Mahara is an open source e-portfolio system with a flexible display framework. Mahara is user centered environment with a permissions framework that enables different views of an e-portfolio to be easily managed. Mahara also features a weblog, resume builder and social networking system, connecting users and creating online learner communities.
MyBB is a discussion board that has been around for a while; it has evolved from other bulletin boards into the forum package it is today. Therefore, it is a professional and efficient discussion board, developed by an active team of developers.
SuiteCRM is a completely open source enterprise-grade Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application. SuiteCRM is a software fork of the popular customer relationship management (CRM) system SugarCRM.
EspoCRM is an open source, web-based application for managing customer relationships. EspoCRM relies on speed, a lightweight user interface, and easy customization.
AbanteCart is a free open source shopping cart or ecommerce platform for small to medium size business. AbanteCart is powered with a robust and expandable core platform expandable with fast growing number of extensions.
ProcessWire is an opensource content management system and framework (CMS/CMF) that allows you to manage content both interactively and from the API. It is well suited to power web sites, applications, services and more at any scale.
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