An Apache ActiveMQ connection can be configured by explicitly setting properties on the ActiveMQConnection or ActiveMQConnectionFactory objects themselves via the bean properties or using the following URI syntax.


You set the property called jms.$PROPERTY on a regular connection URI. For example you can set the brokerURL on your ActiveMQConnectionFactory to the following value to enable Async Sends


Connection Options

The following options should be prefixed with jms. when used on a URI when connecting to a broker.

Option Name Default Value Description
 alwaysSessionAsync  true If this flag is set then a separate thread is used for dispatching messages for each Session in the Connection. However, a separate thread is always used if there is more than one session, or the session isn't in auto acknowledge or dups ok mode
 checkForDuplicates  true If this flag is set to true, the consumer will check for duplicate messages and properly handle the message to make sure that it is not processed twice inadvertently.
 clientID  null Sets the JMS clientID to use for the connection
 closeTimeout  15000ms  Sets the timeout before a close is considered complete. Normally a close() on a connection waits for confirmation from the broker; this allows that operation to timeout to save the client hanging if there is no broker.
 copyMessageOnSend  true Should a JMS message be copied to a new JMS Message object as part of the send() method in JMS. This is enabled by default to be compliant with the JMS specification. You can disable it if you do not mutate JMS messages after they are sent for a performance boost. 
 disableTimeStampsByDefault  false Sets whether or not timestamps on messages should be disabled or not. If you disable them it adds a small performance boost. 
 dispatchAsync  false Should the broker dispatch messages asynchronously to the consumer. 
 nestedMapAndListEnabled  true Enables/disables whether or not Structured Message Properties and MapMessages are supported so that Message properties and MapMessage entries can contain nested Map and List objects. Available since version 4.1 onwards 
 objectMessageSerializationDefered  false When an object is set on an ObjectMessage, the JMS spec requires the object to be serialized by that set method. Enabling this flag causes the object to not get serialized. The object may subsequently get serialized if the message needs to be sent over a socket or stored to disk. 
 optimizeAcknowledge  false Enables an optimised acknowledgement mode where messages are acknowledged in batches rather than individually. Alternatively, you could use Session.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE acknowledgement mode for the consumers which can often be faster. WARNING enabling this issue could cause some issues with auto-acknowledgement on reconnection 
 optimizeAcknowledgeTimeOut  300ms if > 0, specifies the max time between batch acks when optimizeAcknowledge is enabled. (since 5.6) 
 optimizedAckScheduledAckInterval  0 if > 0, specifies a time interval upon which all the outstanding acks are delivered when optimized acknowledge is used so that a long running consumer that doesn't receive any more messages will eventually ack the last few unacked messages (since 5.7) 
 optimizedMessageDispatch  true If this flag is set then an larger prefetch limit is used - only applicable for durable topic subscribers 
 useAsyncSend  false Forces the use of Async Sends which adds a massive performance boost; but means that the send() method will return immediately whether the message has been sent or not which could lead to message loss. 
 useCompression  false Enables the use of compression of the message bodies 
 useRetroactiveConsumer  false Sets whether or not retroactive consumers are enabled. Retroactive consumers allow non-durable topic subscribers to receive old messages that were published before the non-durable subscriber started. 
 warnAboutUnstartedConnectionTimeout  500 Enables the timeout in milliseconds from a connection creation to when a warning is generated if the connection is not properly started via Connection.start() and a message is received by a consumer. It is a very common gotcha to forget to start the connection and then wonder why no messages are delivered so this option makes the default case to create a warning if the user forgets. To disable the warning just set the value to < 0 (say -1). 
 auditDepth  2048 The size of the message window that will be audited (for duplicates and out of order messages 
 auditMaximumProducerNumber  64 Maximum number of producers that will be audited
 alwaysSyncSend  false When true a MessageProducer will always use Sync sends when sending a Message even if it is not required for the Delivery Mode 
 consumerExpiryCheckEnabled  true Controls whether message expiration checking is done in each MessageConsumer prior to dispatching a message. Disabling this check can lead to consumption of expired messages. (since 5.11) 

Nested Options

You can also configure nested objects on the connection object using the given prefixes. See the javadoc for a breakdown of each individual property.

Option Name Object configured See Also
 jms.blobTransferPolicy.*   BlobTransferPolicy  Blob Message
 jms.prefetchPolicy.*  ActiveMQPrefetchPolicy   What is the prefetch limit for 
 jms.redeliveryPolicy.*  RedeliveryPolicy  Redelivery Policy

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