(19)A selection of tips



Including height and width in <img /> tags will allow your page to render more quickly, because space can be allocated for the image before it is downloaded.
在<img />标签中包括height和width属性会加速你的页面呈现,因为下载完成之前空间可以分配给图像。

(20)Add script references at the bottom of the page, because asynchronous downloads halt when a script reference is reached. Style sheets and images can be downloaded




(21)Use a content delivery network (CDN) for hosting images and scripts. They may be cached and it will reduce load on your server.



(22)Use image sprites to retrieve smaller images in one download.



(23)Use AJAX to retrieve components asynchronously that may not be needed immediately, such as the content of a collapsed panel, content behind a tab, and so on.



(24)Make sure you’ve removed HTTP modules that aren’t being used (Windows authentication, for example), and that you’ve disabled services such as FTP and SMTP, if

you’re not using them.




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