/// <summary>
/// Default IDataType implementation (see IDataType for details)
/// </summary>
public class DataType : IDataType
public virtual string SqlType { get; set; }
public virtual string ManagedType { get; set; }
public virtual bool Nullable { get; set; }
public virtual long? Length { get; set; }
public virtual int? Precision { get; set; }
public virtual int? Scale { get; set; }
public virtual bool? Unsigned { get; set; }
public string FullType { get; set; }
} protected virtual Type MapDbType(string columnName, IDataType dataType)
if (dataType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("dataType");
if (dataType.ManagedType != null)
return Type.GetType(dataType.ManagedType, true); string dataTypeL = dataType.SqlType.ToLowerInvariant(); if (columnName != null && columnName.ToLower().Contains("guid"))
bool correctTypeAndLen =
((dataTypeL == "char" || dataTypeL == "varchar") && dataType.Length == )
|| ((dataTypeL == "binary") && dataType.Length == ); if (correctTypeAndLen)
Console.WriteLine("experimental support for guid--");
return typeof(Guid);
} switch (dataTypeL)
// string
case "c":
case "char":
case "character":
case "character varying":
case "inet":
case "long":
case "longtext":
case "long varchar":
case "mediumtext":
case "nchar":
case "ntext":
case "nvarchar":
case "nvarchar2":
case "string":
case "text":
case "varchar":
case "varchar2":
case "clob": // oracle type
case "nclob": // oracle type
case "rowid": // oracle type
case "urowid": // oracle type
case "tinytext": // mysql type
return typeof(String); // bool
case "bit":
case "bool":
case "boolean":
return typeof(Boolean); // int8
case "tinyint":
if (dataType.Length == )
return typeof(Boolean);
// tinyint is supposed to be signed
// but we can have explicit sign
if (dataType.Unsigned ?? false)
return typeof(Byte);
// default case, unsigned
return typeof(SByte); // int16
case "short":
case "smallint":
if (dataType.Unsigned ?? false)
return typeof(UInt16);
return typeof(Int16); // int32
case "int":
case "integer":
case "mediumint":
if (dataType.Unsigned ?? false)
return typeof(UInt32);
return typeof(Int32); // int64
case "bigint":
return typeof(Int64); // single
case "float":
case "float4":
case "real":
case "binary_float": // oracle type
case "unsigned float": // mysql type
case "float unsigned": // mysql type
return typeof(Single); // double
case "double":
case "double precision":
case "binary_double": // oracle type
case "unsigned double":// mysql type
case "double unsigned":// mysql type
return typeof(Double); // decimal
case "decimal":
case "money":
case "numeric":
return typeof(Decimal);
case "number": // special oracle type
if (dataType.Precision.HasValue && (dataType.Scale ?? ) == )
if (dataType.Precision.Value == )
return typeof(Boolean);
if (dataType.Precision.Value <= )
return typeof(Int16);
if (dataType.Precision.Value <= )
return typeof(Int32);
if (dataType.Precision.Value <= )
return typeof(Int64);
return typeof(Decimal); // time interval
case "interval":
return typeof(TimeSpan); //enum
case "enum":
case "set":
return MapEnumDbType(dataType); // date
case "date":
case "datetime":
case "ingresdate":
case "timestamp":
case "timestamp without time zone":
case "timestamp with time zone":
case "time":
case "time without time zone": //reported by twain_bu...@msn.com,
case "time with time zone":
return typeof(DateTime); // byte[]
case "binary":
case "blob":
case "bytea":
case "byte varying":
case "image":
case "longblob":
case "long byte":
case "oid":
case "sytea":
case "mediumblob":
case "tinyblob":
case "raw": // oracle type
case "long raw": // oracle type
case "varbinary":
return typeof(Byte[]); // PostgreSQL, for example has an uuid type that can be mapped as a Guid
case "uuid":
return typeof(Guid); case "void":
return null; // if we fall to this case, we must handle the type
throw new ArgumentException(
string.Format("Don't know how to convert the SQL type '{0}' into a managed type.", dataTypeL),
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