// 定位5元组
// 1.<id, 源ip, 目的ip, l4协议> 可通过ip报文获取
// 2.user 通过ip_defrag给出,指出重组是由谁发起的,最常见的时IP_DEFRAG_LOCAL_DELIVER,当重组的入口分包要传递给本地时
// ipq中所有分片最迟完成重组的时间为30HZ
1.1 static inline struct ipq *ip_find(struct iphdr *iph, u32 user)
__u16 id = iph->id;
__u32 saddr = iph->saddr;
__u32 daddr = iph->daddr;
__u8 protocol = iph->protocol;
unsigned int hash = ipqhashfn(id, saddr, daddr, protocol);
struct ipq *qp; read_lock(&ipfrag_lock);
for(qp = ipq_hash[hash]; qp; qp = qp->next) {
if(qp->id == id &&
qp->saddr == saddr &&
qp->daddr == daddr &&
qp->protocol == protocol &&
qp->user == user) {
return qp;
return ip_frag_create(hash, iph, user);
} //调用路径:ip_find->ip_frag_create
// 新ip分片到达时,根据4元组创建一个ipq
1.2 static struct ipq *ip_frag_create(unsigned hash, struct iphdr *iph, u32 user)
struct ipq *qp; if ((qp = frag_alloc_queue()) == NULL)//SLAB缓存
goto out_nomem;
qp->protocol = iph->protocol;
qp->last_in = 0;
qp->id = iph->id;
qp->saddr = iph->saddr;
qp->daddr = iph->daddr;
qp->user = user;
qp->len = 0;
qp->meat = 0;
qp->fragments = NULL;
qp->iif = 0;//入口设备 init_timer(&qp->timer);//定时器,当一定时间范围内,重组没有完成,则释放与之关联的内存
qp->timer.data = (unsigned long) qp;
qp->timer.function = ip_expire;
atomic_set(&qp->refcnt, 1); return ip_frag_intern(hash, qp);//将ipq插入到hash表中 out_nomem:
NETDEBUG(if (net_ratelimit()) printk(KERN_ERR "ip_frag_create: no memory left !\n"));
return NULL;
} //调用路径:ip_frag_create->ip_frag_intern
// 将ipq插入到hash表中
1.3 static struct ipq *ip_frag_intern(unsigned int hash, struct ipq *qp_in)
struct ipq *qp; write_lock(&ipfrag_lock); qp = qp_in;
//sysctl_ipfrag_time = 30HZ
if (!mod_timer(&qp->timer, jiffies + sysctl_ipfrag_time))//对一个不活跃的定时器修改到期时间
atomic_inc(&qp->refcnt);//增加引用计数,表示定时器对其的引用 atomic_inc(&qp->refcnt);//增加引用计数,表示hash表对其的引用
if((qp->next = ipq_hash[hash]) != NULL)
qp->next->pprev = &qp->next;
ipq_hash[hash] = qp;//将ipq插入到hash表中
qp->pprev = &ipq_hash[hash];
list_add_tail(&qp->lru_list, &ipq_lru_list);
return qp;
} //ipq中所有分片的到期时间
// 1.删除定时器
// 2.从hash表中unlink
// 3.使用分片的入口设备向发送方发送icmp消息,告诉对方过期
// 4.释放ipq中的所有分片,释放ipq结构
1.4 static void ip_expire(unsigned long arg)
struct ipq *qp = (struct ipq *) arg; spin_lock(&qp->lock); if (qp->last_in & COMPLETE)
goto out;
//删除定时器,从ipq hash表中unlink
ipq_kill(qp); if ((qp->last_in&FIRST_IN) && qp->fragments != NULL) {
struct sk_buff *head = qp->fragments;
if ((head->dev = dev_get_by_index(qp->iif)) != NULL) {
ipq_put(qp, NULL);//释放与ipq关联的所有分片,释放ipq结构


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