
(Belarusian: Хомскі, Russian: Хомский, Ukrainian: Хомський, Hebrew: חומסקי‎‎, "from (Vyoska) Khomsk (nearby Brest, now Belarus)") is a surname of Belarusian origin. Notable people with the surname include: ... Carol (Schatz) Chomsky (1930–2008), American linguist and wife of Noam Chomsky.


Meaning of the little farm.


Means son of EDA (2) or son of ADAM. The surname was borne by American inventor Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931).


From a diminutive of HAWK.


Originally a nickname for a person who had a hawk-like appearance or who acted in a fierce manner.


Derived from German herz meaning heart, a nickname for a big-hearted person.


Last name: Halliday Holy+day . ... However spelt the surname/姓 is of pre 7th century origins and probably pagan! It is or was, a seasonal surname originally given to someone born on a holy day, a religious festival.


Meaning & History

From a surname which was originally from the name of a city in England, derived from Brythonic lindo lake, pool and Latin colonia colony. This name is usually given in honour of Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), president of the United States during the American Civil War.


From a Dutch surname meaning rose field. This name is often given in honour of American presidents Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) or Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945).


Derived from Old French tailleur meaning tailor, ultimately from Latin taliare to cut.


Means red shield, sign from German rot red and German or Yiddish s(c)hild sign, shield. The surname originally came from a family who took their name from a house with a red shield or sign on it. It has since been adopted by unrelated Jews.


German: habitational name from any of numerous places named Rosenthal or Rosendahl (rose valley). Jewish (Ashkenazic): ornamental name from the German compound Rosenthal ‘rose valley’.

Source: [Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press]

REFER: Rosenthal Family History


Means tailor/裁缝 from Middle English snithen to cut, an occupational name for a person who stitched coats and clothing.

Related Names

VARIANTS: Snider, Sniders, Snyders
OTHER LANGUAGES: Schneiders, Schneijder, Snaaijer, Snaijer, Sneiders, Sneijder, Sneijders, Sneijer, Sneijers, Snijder, Snijders (Dutch), Schneider (German), Schneider (Jewish)


Schneider (German for "tailor", literally "someone who cuts," from the verb schneiden "to cut") is a very common surname in Germany.[1] Alternate spellings include: Schnieder, Schnaider, Snyder, Schneiter, Snider, Sneider, Sneijder (Dutch), Snither (English), Snyman (Afrikaans), Schnyder, Schnider (Swiss German), Sznajder (Polish), Znaider.[2]



From the Breton given name Wiucon meaning noble and worthy.


From a Scottish and English surname which originally meant Welsh or foreigner in Norman French. It was first used as given name in honour of Sir William Wallace, the Scottish hero who led a rebellion to expel the English invaders from Scotland in the 13th century.






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