Dependecies aren’t always objects created by classes or factory functions. Sometimes, all we really want is inject a simple value, which can be a primitive, or maybe just a configuration object. For these cases, we can use value providers and in this lesson we’ll discuss, how they are created.

For example we have this code:

import {LoggerProvider} from './LoggerProvider';
import (Http) from '@angular/http';
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable
export class TodoService{ apiUrl : string = "http://localhost:3000/api" constructor(private logger: LoggerProvider, private http: Http){ } getTodos(){
this.logger.debug('Items', this.todos);
return this.http.get(`${this.apiUrl}/todos`).map(res => res.json());

Code use hard coded 'apiUrl' to get data from backend. It would be better to inject apiUrl instead of hard coded.


 providers: [
provide: LoggerProvider, useFactory: (cs, ts) => {
return new LoggerProvider(cs, ts, true)
deps: [ConsoleService, TranslateService]
provide: apiUrl,
useValue: 'http://localhost:3000/api'

Inside providers we add another value provider. Using keyword 'useValue'.

Then in the TodoService, we can do:

import {LoggerProvider} from './LoggerProvider';
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {Http} from '@angular/core';
import {Inject} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable
export class TodoService{ constructor(@Inject(apiUrl) private apiUrl, private logger: LoggerProvider, private http: Http){ } getTodos(){
this.logger.debug('Items', this.todos);
return this.http.get(`${this.apiUrl}/todos`).map(res => res.json());

We add @Inject because 'apiUrl' doesn't have annotation for 'apiUrl'.  Angular provide @Inject for this case. @inject is a decorator that we can attach to the constructor parameter so we can annotate them with the required metadata.

Another thing to note is that @inject takes any token, not just strings.

We can also do:

constructor(@Inject(apiUrl) private apiUrl, @Inject(LoggerProvider) private logger, private http: Http){ }

This is useful if we happen to write our Angular 2 application in a language other than TypeScript, where type annotations don't exist.

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