
PS C:\windows\system32> pip show uiautomator2
Name: uiautomator2
Version: 1.2.2
Summary: Python Wrapper for Android UiAutomator2 test tool
Home-page: https://github.com/codeskyblue/uiautomator2
Author: codeskyblue
Author-email: codeskyblue@gmail.com
License: MIT
Location: c:\program files\python36\lib\site-packages
Requires: six, progress, whichcraft, logzero, lxml, adbutils, retry, Pillow, requests, humanize
Required-by: weditor, atx


You can register watchers to perform some actions when a selector does not find a match. Register Watcher When a selector can not find a match, uiautomator2 will run all registered watchers. Click target when conditions match
d.watcher("AUTO_FC_WHEN_ANR").when(text="ANR").when(text="Wait") \
.click(text="Force Close")
# d.watcher(name) ## creates a new named watcher.
# .when(condition) ## the UiSelector condition of the watcher.
# .click(target) ## perform click action on the target UiSelector.
There is also a trick about click. You can use click without arguments. d.watcher("ALERT").when(text="OK").click()
# Same as
Press key when a condition becomes true
d.watcher("AUTO_FC_WHEN_ANR").when(text="ANR").when(text="Wait") \
.press("back", "home")
# d.watcher(name) ## creates a new named watcher.
# .when(condition) ## the UiSelector condition of the watcher.
# .press(<keyname>, ..., <keyname>.() ## press keys one by one in sequence.
Check if the named watcher triggered A watcher is triggered, which means the watcher was run and all its conditions matched. d.watcher("watcher_name").triggered
# true in case of the specified watcher triggered, else false
Remove a named watcher # remove the watcher
List all watchers d.watchers
# a list of all registered watchers
Check for any triggered watcher d.watchers.triggered
# true in case of any watcher triggered
Reset all triggered watchers # reset all triggered watchers, after that, d.watchers.triggered will be false.
Remove watchers # remove all registered watchers
# remove the named watcher, same as d.watcher("watcher_name").remove()
Force to run all watchers # force to run all registered watchers


watcher的使用是要先注册(第9行至20行均是注册watcher的方法),然后激活watcher(第56行),注意这个激活方法只是一个瞬时激活,就是说使用之后即销毁,不会一直存于后台。那这样的话在实际的使用场景中怎么使用这个功能呢,下面看一段脚本 1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import uiautomator2 as u2
import time d = u2.connect()
cfg = MTBFConfig()
package = cfg.getstr("Admit", "pkg", "config")
PACKAGELIST = package.split(",")
print(d.watchers) time.sleep(2)
pkglen = len(PACKAGELIST)
print(("There are %d package for test") %pkglen) class Admit(object): def main(self):
for i in range(pkglen):
k = 0
for j in range(5):
if d.info['currentPackageName'] != PACKAGELIST[i]:
k += 1
if k == 3:
print("Can not enter "+ str(PACKAGELIST[i]))
return False
if PACKAGELIST[i] == 'com.google.android.contacts':
if d(description = "Open navigation drawer").exists(timeout = 5):
d(description = "Open navigation drawer").click() if d(text = "Settings").exists(timeout = 5):
d(text = "Settings").click() if d(resourceId="android:id/title", text = "Import").exists(timeout=5):
d(resourceId="android:id/title", text = "Import").click()
time.sleep(3) if d(resourceId = "android:id/button1", text = "OK").exists(timeout = 5):
d(resourceId = "android:id/button1", text = "OK").click()
d.watchers.run() //在上面OK点击之后会弹出一个权限访问的许可,所以这个时候需要激活一次watcher把弹框关掉,以便不影响后续测试,所以就一个原则,哪里可能会有弹框就在哪里激活watcher
if __name__=="__main__":
ad = Admit()

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