
In your childhood you most likely had to solve the riddle of the house of Santa Claus. Do you remember that the importance was on drawing the house in a stretch without lifting the pencil and not drawing a line twice? As a reminder it has to look like shown in Figure 1.

Figure: The House of Santa Claus

Well, a couple of years later, like now, you have to ``draw'' the house
again but on the computer. As one possibility is not enough, we require
all the possibilities when starting in the lower left corner. Follow the example in Figure 2 while defining your stretch.

Figure: This Sequence would give the Outputline 153125432

All the possibilities have to be listed in the outputfile by increasing order, meaning that 1234... is listed before 1235... .


So, an outputfile could look like this:

1512342 分析:
AC code:
using namespace std;
int m[][];
void init()
for(int i=;i<=;i++)
for(int j=;j<=;j++)
if(i!=j) m[i][j]=;
else m[i][j]=;
void dfs(int e,int k,string s)
for(int i=;i<=;i++)
int main()

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