IT资产管理 通过对企业内部计算机,网络设备的,入库,出库,维修,维护,报废等 生命周期的数据管理,及耗材的使用管理,来达到企业IT资产成本控制的管理目的,
此案例模版适应于所有 以固定管理对象为中心的管理系统,如员工管理(档案),车间设备运维,医疗设备运维,车辆运维管理,项目管理,合同管理等...
说明: 小房子支持数据库包括
字典配置中 在编辑区域显示为可编辑的字段列 在配置 启用和显示 为1 后 标识0 属性 也要配置为1
CREATE OR ALTER VIEW V_YW_ITEM_06( XM_CODE, XM_NAME, XM_PY, XM_ZFCODE, XM_ZFNAME, XM_XFCODE, XM_XFNAME) AS select yw_03 as Xm_code,yw_04 as Xm_name,yw_05 as Xm_py,yw_31 as Xm_zfcode,yw_32 as Xm_zfname, yw_33 as Xm_xfcode,yw_34 as Xm_xfname from tb_yw_item_06 order by yw_id ;
b.保存按钮 执行后 执行的存储 生成分类编码 (这个功能类似 数据库中提交后的 触发器)
这是一个 tb_yw_item_01 -- tb_yw_item_06 的通用编码存储,可以根据需要扩展,方便系统改造和快速升级.
create or alter procedure PRO_YW_ITEM_CREATECODE ( IN_SPARIN0 ), IN_SPARIN1 ), IN_SPARIN2 ), IN_SPARIN3 ), IN_SPARIN4 ), IN_SPARIN5 ), IN_SPARIN6 ), IN_SPARIN7 ), IN_SPARIN8 ), IN_SPARIN9 ), IN_IPARIN0 integer, IN_IPARIN1 integer, IN_IPARIN2 integer, IN_IPARIN3 integer, IN_IPARIN4 integer) returns ( OUTINT integer, OUTSTR ), OUTMESSAGE )) as ); ); ); ); declare variable P_TMPNUM integer; declare variable P_ID integer; begin /* 创建项目编码的 */ /*in_sparin1, in_sparin8 usercode in_sparin9 clientcode in_iparin0 类别参数*/ p_tmplbcode =''; ) then --TB_yw_item_01 Begin for select yw_32 from TB_yw_item_01 where ((yw_31 = '')or (yw_31 is null)) and (yw_32 is not null) and (yw_32 <>'') group by yw_32 into :p_lbname do begin select max(yw_31) from TB_yw_item_01 where yw_32 =:p_lbname into :p_tmplbcode ; if ((p_tmplbcode = '') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin select max(yw_31) from TB_yw_item_01 into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin p_tmplbcode ' ; end else begin p_tmpnum = cast(p_tmplbcode as integer); p_tmpnum ; p_tmplbcode )); end end if (p_tmplbcode <>'') then update TB_yw_item_01 set yw_31 =: p_tmplbcode where yw_32 =:p_lbname; end p_tmplbcode =''; --计算细项分类的编码 p_lbcode=''; for select yw_31,yw_34 from TB_yw_item_01 where ((yw_33 ='') or (yw_33 is null)) and (yw_34 is not null) and (yw_31 is not null) and (yw_31 <>'') group by yw_31,yw_34 into :p_lbcode,:p_mxlbname do begin select max(yw_33) from TB_yw_item_01 where (yw_34 =:p_mxlbname) and (yw_31=:p_lbcode) into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin select max(yw_33) from TB_yw_item_01 where yw_31 =:p_lbcode into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin p_tmplbcode ' ; end else begin p_tmpnum = cast(p_tmplbcode as integer); p_tmpnum ; p_tmplbcode )); end end if (p_tmplbcode <> '') then update TB_yw_item_01 set yw_33 =:p_tmplbcode where (yw_34 =:p_mxlbname) and ((yw_33 is null) or (yw_33 ='')) and (yw_31 =:p_lbcode) ; end p_tmplbcode =''; --计算项目的编码 for select yw_id,yw_33 from TB_yw_item_01 where (yw_33 <>'') and (yw_33 is not null) and (yw_04 is not null) and (yw_04 <>'') and ((yw_03 is null) or (yw_03='')) order by yw_33,yw_id into :p_id,:p_lbcode do begin select max(yw_03) from TB_yw_item_01 where yw_33 =:p_lbcode into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin p_tmplbcode '; end else begin p_tmpnum ) as integer); p_tmpnum ; p_tmplbcode )); end if (p_tmplbcode <> '') then update TB_yw_item_01 set yw_03 =:p_tmplbcode where yw_id =:p_id ; end Outstr='TB_yw_item_01' ; End ) then --TB_yw_item_02 Begin for select yw_32 from TB_yw_item_02 where ((yw_31 = '')or (yw_31 is null)) and (yw_32 is not null) and (yw_32 <>'') group by yw_32 into :p_lbname do begin select max(yw_31) from TB_yw_item_02 where yw_32 =:p_lbname into :p_tmplbcode ; if ((p_tmplbcode = '') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin select max(yw_31) from TB_yw_item_02 into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin p_tmplbcode ' ; end else begin p_tmpnum = cast(p_tmplbcode as integer); p_tmpnum ; p_tmplbcode )); end end if (p_tmplbcode <>'') then update TB_yw_item_02 set yw_31 =: p_tmplbcode where yw_32 =:p_lbname; end p_tmplbcode =''; --计算细项分类的编码 p_lbcode=''; for select yw_31,yw_34 from TB_yw_item_02 where ((yw_33 ='') or (yw_33 is null)) and (yw_34 is not null) and (yw_31 is not null) and (yw_31 <>'') group by yw_31,yw_34 into :p_lbcode,:p_mxlbname do begin select max(yw_33) from TB_yw_item_02 where (yw_34 =:p_mxlbname) and (yw_31=:p_lbcode) into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin select max(yw_33) from TB_yw_item_02 where yw_31 =:p_lbcode into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin p_tmplbcode ' ; end else begin p_tmpnum = cast(p_tmplbcode as integer); p_tmpnum ; p_tmplbcode )); end end if (p_tmplbcode <> '') then update TB_yw_item_02 set yw_33 =:p_tmplbcode where (yw_34 =:p_mxlbname) and ((yw_33 is null) or (yw_33 ='')) and (yw_31 =:p_lbcode) ; end p_tmplbcode =''; --计算项目的编码 for select yw_id,yw_33 from TB_yw_item_02 where (yw_33 <>'') and (yw_33 is not null) and (yw_04 is not null) and (yw_04 <>'') and ((yw_03 is null) or (yw_03='')) order by yw_33,yw_id into :p_id,:p_lbcode do begin select max(yw_03) from TB_yw_item_02 where yw_33 =:p_lbcode into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin p_tmplbcode '; end else begin p_tmpnum ) as integer); p_tmpnum ; p_tmplbcode )); end if (p_tmplbcode <> '') then update TB_yw_item_02 set yw_03 =:p_tmplbcode where yw_id =:p_id ; end Outstr='TB_yw_item_02' ; End ) then --TB_yw_item_03 Begin for select yw_32 from TB_yw_item_03 where ((yw_31 = '')or (yw_31 is null)) and (yw_32 is not null) and (yw_32 <>'') group by yw_32 into :p_lbname do begin select max(yw_31) from TB_yw_item_03 where yw_32 =:p_lbname into :p_tmplbcode ; if ((p_tmplbcode = '') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin select max(yw_31) from TB_yw_item_03 into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin p_tmplbcode ' ; end else begin p_tmpnum = cast(p_tmplbcode as integer); p_tmpnum ; p_tmplbcode )); end end if (p_tmplbcode <>'') then update TB_yw_item_03 set yw_31 =: p_tmplbcode where yw_32 =:p_lbname; end p_tmplbcode =''; --计算细项分类的编码 p_lbcode=''; for select yw_31,yw_34 from TB_yw_item_03 where ((yw_33 ='') or (yw_33 is null)) and (yw_34 is not null) and (yw_31 is not null) and (yw_31 <>'') group by yw_31,yw_34 into :p_lbcode,:p_mxlbname do begin select max(yw_33) from TB_yw_item_03 where (yw_34 =:p_mxlbname) and (yw_31=:p_lbcode) into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin select max(yw_33) from TB_yw_item_03 where yw_31 =:p_lbcode into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin p_tmplbcode ' ; end else begin p_tmpnum = cast(p_tmplbcode as integer); p_tmpnum ; p_tmplbcode )); end end if (p_tmplbcode <> '') then update TB_yw_item_03 set yw_33 =:p_tmplbcode where (yw_34 =:p_mxlbname) and ((yw_33 is null) or (yw_33 ='')) and (yw_31 =:p_lbcode) ; end p_tmplbcode =''; --计算项目的编码 for select yw_id,yw_33 from TB_yw_item_03 where (yw_33 <>'') and (yw_33 is not null) and (yw_04 is not null) and (yw_04 <>'') and ((yw_03 is null) or (yw_03='')) order by yw_33,yw_id into :p_id,:p_lbcode do begin select max(yw_03) from TB_yw_item_03 where yw_33 =:p_lbcode into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin p_tmplbcode '; end else begin p_tmpnum ) as integer); p_tmpnum ; p_tmplbcode )); end if (p_tmplbcode <> '') then update TB_yw_item_03 set yw_03 =:p_tmplbcode where yw_id =:p_id ; end Outstr='TB_yw_item_03' ; End ) then --TB_yw_item_04 Begin for select yw_32 from TB_yw_item_04 where ((yw_31 = '')or (yw_31 is null)) and (yw_32 is not null) and (yw_32 <>'') group by yw_32 into :p_lbname do begin select max(yw_31) from TB_yw_item_04 where yw_32 =:p_lbname into :p_tmplbcode ; if ((p_tmplbcode = '') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin select max(yw_31) from TB_yw_item_04 into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin p_tmplbcode ' ; end else begin p_tmpnum = cast(p_tmplbcode as integer); p_tmpnum ; p_tmplbcode )); end end if (p_tmplbcode <>'') then update TB_yw_item_04 set yw_31 =: p_tmplbcode where yw_32 =:p_lbname; end p_tmplbcode =''; --计算细项分类的编码 p_lbcode=''; for select yw_31,yw_34 from TB_yw_item_04 where ((yw_33 ='') or (yw_33 is null)) and (yw_34 is not null) and (yw_31 is not null) and (yw_31 <>'') group by yw_31,yw_34 into :p_lbcode,:p_mxlbname do begin select max(yw_33) from TB_yw_item_04 where (yw_34 =:p_mxlbname) and (yw_31=:p_lbcode) into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin select max(yw_33) from TB_yw_item_04 where yw_31 =:p_lbcode into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin p_tmplbcode ' ; end else begin p_tmpnum = cast(p_tmplbcode as integer); p_tmpnum ; p_tmplbcode )); end end if (p_tmplbcode <> '') then update TB_yw_item_04 set yw_33 =:p_tmplbcode where (yw_34 =:p_mxlbname) and ((yw_33 is null) or (yw_33 ='')) and (yw_31 =:p_lbcode) ; end p_tmplbcode =''; --计算项目的编码 for select yw_id,yw_33 from TB_yw_item_04 where (yw_33 <>'') and (yw_33 is not null) and (yw_04 is not null) and (yw_04 <>'') and ((yw_03 is null) or (yw_03='')) order by yw_33,yw_id into :p_id,:p_lbcode do begin select max(yw_03) from TB_yw_item_04 where yw_33 =:p_lbcode into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin p_tmplbcode '; end else begin p_tmpnum ) as integer); p_tmpnum ; p_tmplbcode )); end if (p_tmplbcode <> '') then update TB_yw_item_04 set yw_03 =:p_tmplbcode where yw_id =:p_id ; end Outstr='TB_yw_item_04'; End ) then --TB_yw_item_05 Begin for select yw_32 from TB_yw_item_05 where ((yw_31 = '')or (yw_31 is null)) and (yw_32 is not null) and (yw_32 <>'') group by yw_32 into :p_lbname do begin select max(yw_31) from TB_yw_item_05 where yw_32 =:p_lbname into :p_tmplbcode ; if ((p_tmplbcode = '') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin select max(yw_31) from TB_yw_item_05 into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin p_tmplbcode ' ; end else begin p_tmpnum = cast(p_tmplbcode as integer); p_tmpnum ; p_tmplbcode )); end end if (p_tmplbcode <>'') then update TB_yw_item_05 set yw_31 =: p_tmplbcode where yw_32 =:p_lbname; end p_tmplbcode =''; --计算细项分类的编码 p_lbcode=''; for select yw_31,yw_34 from TB_yw_item_05 where ((yw_33 ='') or (yw_33 is null)) and (yw_34 is not null) and (yw_31 is not null) and (yw_31 <>'') group by yw_31,yw_34 into :p_lbcode,:p_mxlbname do begin select max(yw_33) from TB_yw_item_05 where (yw_34 =:p_mxlbname) and (yw_31=:p_lbcode) into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin select max(yw_33) from TB_yw_item_05 where yw_31 =:p_lbcode into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin p_tmplbcode ' ; end else begin p_tmpnum = cast(p_tmplbcode as integer); p_tmpnum ; p_tmplbcode )); end end if (p_tmplbcode <> '') then update TB_yw_item_05 set yw_33 =:p_tmplbcode where (yw_34 =:p_mxlbname) and ((yw_33 is null) or (yw_33 ='')) and (yw_31 =:p_lbcode) ; end p_tmplbcode =''; --计算项目的编码 for select yw_id,yw_33 from TB_yw_item_05 where (yw_33 <>'') and (yw_33 is not null) and (yw_04 is not null) and (yw_04 <>'') and ((yw_03 is null) or (yw_03='')) order by yw_33,yw_id into :p_id,:p_lbcode do begin select max(yw_03) from TB_yw_item_05 where yw_33 =:p_lbcode into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin p_tmplbcode '; end else begin p_tmpnum ) as integer); p_tmpnum ; p_tmplbcode )); end if (p_tmplbcode <> '') then update TB_yw_item_05 set yw_03 =:p_tmplbcode where yw_id =:p_id ; end Outstr='TB_yw_item_05'; End ) then --TB_yw_item_06 Begin for select yw_32 from TB_yw_item_06 where ((yw_31 = '')or (yw_31 is null)) and (yw_32 is not null) and (yw_32 <>'') group by yw_32 into :p_lbname do begin select max(yw_31) from TB_yw_item_06 where yw_32 =:p_lbname into :p_tmplbcode ; if ((p_tmplbcode = '') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin select max(yw_31) from TB_yw_item_06 into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin p_tmplbcode ' ; end else begin p_tmpnum = cast(p_tmplbcode as integer); p_tmpnum ; p_tmplbcode )); end end if (p_tmplbcode <>'') then update TB_yw_item_06 set yw_31 =: p_tmplbcode where yw_32 =:p_lbname; end p_tmplbcode =''; --计算细项分类的编码 p_lbcode=''; for select yw_31,yw_34 from TB_yw_item_06 where ((yw_33 ='') or (yw_33 is null)) and (yw_34 is not null) and (yw_31 is not null) and (yw_31 <>'') group by yw_31,yw_34 into :p_lbcode,:p_mxlbname do begin select max(yw_33) from TB_yw_item_06 where (yw_34 =:p_mxlbname) and (yw_31=:p_lbcode) into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin select max(yw_33) from TB_yw_item_06 where yw_31 =:p_lbcode into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin p_tmplbcode ' ; end else begin p_tmpnum = cast(p_tmplbcode as integer); p_tmpnum ; p_tmplbcode )); end end if (p_tmplbcode <> '') then update TB_yw_item_06 set yw_33 =:p_tmplbcode where (yw_34 =:p_mxlbname) and ((yw_33 is null) or (yw_33 ='')) and (yw_31 =:p_lbcode) ; end p_tmplbcode =''; --计算项目的编码 for select yw_id,yw_33 from TB_yw_item_06 where (yw_33 <>'') and (yw_33 is not null) and (yw_04 is not null) and (yw_04 <>'') and ((yw_03 is null) or (yw_03='')) order by yw_33,yw_id into :p_id,:p_lbcode do begin select max(yw_03) from TB_yw_item_06 where yw_33 =:p_lbcode into :p_tmplbcode; if ((p_tmplbcode ='') or (p_tmplbcode is null)) then begin p_tmplbcode '; end else begin p_tmpnum ) as integer); p_tmpnum ; p_tmplbcode )); end if (p_tmplbcode <> '') then update TB_yw_item_06 set yw_03 =:p_tmplbcode where yw_id =:p_id ; end Outstr='TB_yw_item_06' ; End OutInt ; -- OutStr = in_iparin1; OutMessage ='这是存储返回消息'; suspend; End
基础项目中其他菜单功能 和 相关单位信息维护 功能一样
工作人员信息 |
TB_yw_item_02 |
部门信息维护 |
TB_yw_item_03 |
耗材信息维护 |
TB_yw_item_04 |
基础项目维护 |
TB_yw_item_05 |
设备采购入库功能 业务表 和 设备管理中心表设计为一个表,记录设备信息和 设备动态变化信息,所以这个表设计预留字段长一些,初步设计为170个字段
C.设备入库功能覆盖两个功能: 新设备的入库维护,老设备或初始入库,
企业设备信息在初始盘点的时候一般在Excel文档中或者盘点人员把数据整理到Excel文件中,小房子系统每个页面均支持Excel数据粘贴导入 和 复制导出功能,这样有利于快速初始化数据.
设备管理中心围绕设备信息 实现对设备的 维护,维修,调配,报废 的动态管理
此页面的 维护,维修,调配,报废功能在数据字典中配置,主要展示数据表格内调用菜单的功能
以 调配功能实现说明:在设备管理中心页面数据编辑区域点击 调配 button 弹出设备调配信息维护菜单页面,录入调配信息 并保存,保存记录该设备调配流水记录 并且在保存后执行存储 更新设备信息中该设备 关于调配的记录
C.调配 调出功能菜单 设备调配 的配置 在设备调配保存后更新 设备信息表中调配信息为最新状态,方便设备管理中心实时展现设备调配状态.
设备使用情况查询 以设备当前状态为主数据加上其他变动信息明细的主从数据查询 页面采用FCL
A.主表 数据字典配置如下:
重点 主表和明细表 数据的关联关系配置
报废设备查询配置过程完全拷贝 设备使用情况查询 菜单功能,所不同的是在主表数据 查询中加入了 作废的条件
耗材管理 实现IT设备耗材的 入,出库 管理. 主要分为两类功能:入,出 库 信息采集(登记), 入,出 库信息 查询修改.
菜单功能实现 入库信息的快速录入(采集) 菜单中页面类型采用Fyw5 类型,此菜单灵活采集数据的功能主要在字典中配置,菜单配置比较简单 我们先配置
- 菜单配置
- 字典配置
采购人、库管人、耗材名称 弹出检索信息配置 和供应商 的配置属性一直,对应的数据源表和条件不同.
2) .耗材入库流水查询(带修改 和 删除 功能)
功能性能:实现耗材入库记录信息的流水查询功能 和修改删除功能
- 菜单配置
- 字典配置
修改 button 打开的菜单可以配置为 不启用.
耗材出库功能从配置开发角度看 和 耗材入库功能一致,把入库功能 改变一个数据存储表
此功能配置仿照 入库配置 不在赘述
统计分析几个菜单的功能 主要演示 Fcxcl 页面 视图查询功能,存储查询功能,交叉表统计功能
实现 按部门 设备类型分类的 综合统计 配置视图实现此功能
- 视图
CREATE OR ALTER VIEW V_YW_SBFB_SY_HZ( YW_01, YW_02, YW_03, YW_04, YW_05, YW_06, YW_08, YW_10, YW_11, YW_12, YW_13, YW_14, YW_15, YW_16, YW_19) AS select max(yw_031) as yw_01,max(yw_032) as yw_02,yw_033 as yw_03,yw_034 as yw_04,yw_057 as yw_05, yw_058 )) )) as yw_10, )) )) as yw_12, max(EXTRACT(year from current_date) - Extract(year from yw_020) )as yw_13, end ) as yw_14,sum(yw_097) as yw_15,sum(yw_016) as yw_16, sum(yw_096) as yw_19 from tb_yw_long_01 group by yw_033,yw_034,yw_057,yw_058 order by yw_033 ;
字典配置列要和 视图输出字段
2) .耗材出入库统计
- 菜单配置
2) .分部门耗材消耗统计
- RDIFramework.NET -.NET快速信息化系统开发整合框架 【开发实例 EasyUI】之产品管理(WebForm版)
RDIFramework.NET—.NET快速开发整合框架 [开发实例]之产品管理(WebForm版) 接上篇:RDIFramework.NET (.NET快速信息化系统开发整合框架) [开发实例]之 ...
- RDIFramework.NET-.NET快速信息化系统开发整合框架 【开发实例 EasyUI】之产品管理(MVC版)
RDIFramework.NET—.NET快速开发整合框架 [开发实例]之产品管理(MVC版) 接上篇:RDIFramework.NET (.NET快速信息化系统开发整合框架) [开发实例]之产品管理 ...
- Ext JS 6开发实例(三) :主界面设计
在上文中,已经将CMD创建的应用程序导入到项目里了,而且也看到默认的主界面了,今天的主要工作就是修改这个主界面,以符合项目的需要.除了设计主界面,还有一些其他的东西需要配置一下. 添加本地化包 打开a ...
- 安装Nginx+Lua+OpenResty开发环境配置全过程实例
安装Nginx+Lua+OpenResty开发环境配置全过程实例 OpenResty由Nginx核心加很多第三方模块组成,默认集成了Lua开发环境,使得Nginx可以作为一个Web Server使用. ...
- 第六章 “我要点爆”微信小程序云开发实例之爆文详情页制作
爆文详情页制作 从首页中数据列表打开相应详情页面的方法: 给数据列表中每个数据项加一个点击事件,同时将当前数据项的id暂时记录在本地,然后跳转到详情页面detail goopen: function ...
- android widget 开发实例 : 桌面便签程序的实现具体解释和源代码 (上)
如有错漏请不吝拍砖指正,转载请注明出处,很感谢 桌面便签软件是android上经常使用软件的一种,比方比較早的Sticky Note,就曾很流行, Sticky Note的介绍能够參见 http:// ...
- NDK 开发实例二(添加 Eigen库)
上一篇,我已经阐述了如何创建一个简单的NDK实例: NDK 开发实例一(Android.mk环境配置下) 在上一篇的基础上,我们来添加Eigen库,然后做一个简单实例. Eigen是一个高层次的C + ...
- 【推荐图书】+ 基于Nios II的嵌入式SoPC系统设计与Verilog开发实例+C#入门经典等
[推荐图书]+ 基于Nios II的嵌入式SoPC系统设计与Verilog开发实例+C#入门经典等 3赞 发表于 2016/7/4 21:14:12 阅读(1921) 评论(3) 初次接触FPGA,到 ...
- Ubuntu16.04安装Hadoop2.6+Spark1.6+开发实例
Ubuntu16.04安装Hadoop2.6+Spark1.6,并安装python开发工具Jupyter notebook,通过pyspark测试一个实例,調通整个Spark+hadoop伪分布式开发 ...
- mysql安装可能遇到的错误和安装过程
- python3.6安装【scrapy】-最保守方法
系统:win10平台 python版本:3.6.1 1. 下载并安装 pywin32: 进入https://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/,按照下 ...
- 从壹开始学习NetCore 45 ║ 终于解决了事务问题
一.项目说明 哈喽,又来写文章了,原来放假可以这么爽,可以学习和分享,
- 如何优雅的使用springboot项目内置tomcat
问题:以前,我们在使用SSM框架的时候,都是通过外置的tomcat进行部署,如果想访问文件,直接拖到项目的根目录下面即可.假如我们需要放一个apk文件,然后让别人下载,只需将apk放到项目根目录下面, ...
- thymeleaf 将后端绑定数据直接传递js变量
根据自我需求,thymeleaf可以直接将后端数据传递给js中进行使用,例如: 1.后端接口数据: @Controllerpublic class TestController { @RequestM ...
- 阿里云ecs安全组端口开放设置
新买的一些云服务,上面操作都没问题还是无法访问,需要在购买的服务里加上安全规则,如图: 点击配置规则进行操作
- Python——Pandas速查手册中文版
转自——http://blog.csdn.net/qq_33399185/article/details/60872853,非常感谢大神的整理! 还有图片版,转自——https://zhuanlan. ...
- spring源码分析系列3:BeanFactory核心容器的研究
目录 @(spring源码分析系列3:核心容器的研究) 在讲容器之前,再明确一下知识点. BeanDefinition是Bean在容器的描述.BeanDefinition与Bean不是一个东西. Be ...
- Android 捕捉app系统中未处理的异常
一:为什么要处理? 其实我们都知道,在开发过程中,自己的app系统或许有许多隐藏的异常,自己没有捕捉到,那么关于异常的捕捉,这是相当重要的,如果系统发生崩溃,那么至少也可以让系统挂在系统之内,不会发现 ...
- oracle表空间不足:ORA-01653: unable to extend table
问题背景: oracle表空间不足报错是比较常见的故障,尤其是没有对剩余表空间做定期巡检的系统: 报错代码如下: oracle表空间不足错误代码:ORA-01653: unable to extend ...