
文本讨论的内容,基于hystrix 1.5.18:


线程池和Hystrix Command之间的关系

当hystrix command的隔离策略配置为线程,也就是execution.isolation.strategy设置为THREAD时,command中的代码会放到线程池里执行,跟发起command调用的线程隔离开。摘要官方wiki如下:


This property indicates which isolation strategy HystrixCommand.run() executes with, one of the following two choices:

THREAD — it executes on a separate thread and concurrent requests are limited by the number of threads in the thread-pool

SEMAPHORE — it executes on the calling thread and concurrent requests are limited by the semaphore count

一个线上的服务,往往会有很多hystrix command分别用来管理不同的外部依赖。 但会有几个hystrix线程池存在呢,这些command跟线程池的对应关系又是怎样的呢,是一对一吗?




* ThreadPoolKey
* This defines which thread-pool this command should run on.
* It uses the HystrixThreadPoolKey if provided, then defaults to use HystrixCommandGroup.
* It can then be overridden by a property if defined so it can be changed at runtime.
private static HystrixThreadPoolKey initThreadPoolKey(HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, HystrixCommandGroupKey groupKey, String threadPoolKeyOverride) {
if (threadPoolKeyOverride == null) {
// we don't have a property overriding the value so use either HystrixThreadPoolKey or HystrixCommandGroup
if (threadPoolKey == null) {
/* use HystrixCommandGroup if HystrixThreadPoolKey is null */
return HystrixThreadPoolKey.Factory.asKey(groupKey.name());
} else {
return threadPoolKey;
} else {
// we have a property defining the thread-pool so use it instead
return HystrixThreadPoolKey.Factory.asKey(threadPoolKeyOverride);


* Use the String from HystrixThreadPoolKey.name() instead of the HystrixThreadPoolKey instance as it's just an interface and we can't ensure the object
* we receive implements hashcode/equals correctly and do not want the default hashcode/equals which would create a new threadpool for every object we get even if the name is the same
/* package */final static ConcurrentHashMap<String, HystrixThreadPool> threadPools = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, HystrixThreadPool>(); /**
* Get the {@link HystrixThreadPool} instance for a given {@link HystrixThreadPoolKey}.
* <p>
* This is thread-safe and ensures only 1 {@link HystrixThreadPool} per {@link HystrixThreadPoolKey}.
* @return {@link HystrixThreadPool} instance
/* package */static HystrixThreadPool getInstance(HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, HystrixThreadPoolProperties.Setter propertiesBuilder) {
// get the key to use instead of using the object itself so that if people forget to implement equals/hashcode things will still work
String key = threadPoolKey.name(); // this should find it for all but the first time
HystrixThreadPool previouslyCached = threadPools.get(key);
if (previouslyCached != null) {
return previouslyCached;
} // if we get here this is the first time so we need to initialize
synchronized (HystrixThreadPool.class) {
if (!threadPools.containsKey(key)) {
threadPools.put(key, new HystrixThreadPoolDefault(threadPoolKey, propertiesBuilder));
return threadPools.get(key);


  • coreSize 核心线程数量
  • maximumSize 最大线程数量
  • allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize 允许maximumSize大于coreSize,只有配了这个值coreSize才有意义
  • keepAliveTimeMinutes 超过这个时间多于coreSize数量的线程会被回收,只有maximumsize大于coreSize,这个值才有意义
  • maxQueueSize 任务队列的最大大小,当线程池的线程线程都在工作,也不能创建新的线程的时候,新的任务会进到队列里等待
  • queueSizeRejectionThreshold 任务队列中存储的任务数量超过这个值,线程池拒绝新的任务。这跟maxQueueSize本来是一回事,只是受限于hystrix的实现方式maxQueueSize不能动态配置,所以有了这个配置。



coreSize = 2; maxQueueSize = 10


coreSize = 2; maximumSize = 5; maxQueueSize = -1


coreSize = 2; maximumSize = 5; maxQueueSize = 10


  • 可能一。线程池中常驻2个线程。新任务提交到线程池,2个线程中有空闲则直接执行,否则入队等候。当2个线程都在工作且等待队列中的任务数=10时,开始为新任务创建线程,直到线程数量为5,此时开始拒绝新任务。这样的话,对资源敏感型的任务比较友好,这也是JDK线程池ThreadPoolExecutor的行为。

  • 可能二。线程池中常驻2个线程。新任务提交到线程池,有空闲线程则直接执行,没有空闲线程时,如果当前线程数小于5则创建1个新的线程用来执行任务。当线程数量达到5个且都在工作时,任务入队等候。等待队列中的任务数=10时,拒绝接受新任务。这样的话,对延迟敏感型的任务比较友好。





coreSize = 2; maximumSize = 5; maxQueueSize = 10


public class HystrixThreadPoolTest {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
final int coreSize = 2, maximumSize = 5, maxQueueSize = 10;
final String commandName = "TestThreadPoolCommand"; final HystrixCommand.Setter commandConfig = HystrixCommand.Setter
.withQueueSizeRejectionThreshold(maxQueueSize)); // Run command once, so we can get metrics.
HystrixCommand<Void> command = new HystrixCommand<Void>(commandConfig) {
@Override protected Void run() throws Exception {
return null;
Thread.sleep(100); final CountDownLatch stopLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
List<Thread> threads = new ArrayList<Thread>(); for (int i = 0; i < coreSize + maximumSize + maxQueueSize; i++) {
final int fi = i + 1; Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
HystrixCommand<Void> command = new HystrixCommand<Void>(commandConfig) {
@Override protected Void run() throws Exception {
return null;
} catch (HystrixRuntimeException e) {
System.out.println("Started Jobs: " + fi);
System.out.println("Job:" + fi + " got rejected.");
Thread.sleep(200); if(fi == coreSize || fi == coreSize + maximumSize || fi == coreSize + maxQueueSize ) {
System.out.println("Started Jobs: " + fi);
} stopLatch.countDown(); for (Thread thread : threads) {
} } static void printThreadPoolStatus() {
for (HystrixThreadPoolMetrics threadPoolMetrics : HystrixThreadPoolMetrics.getInstances()) {
String name = threadPoolMetrics.getThreadPoolKey().name();
Number poolSize = threadPoolMetrics.getCurrentPoolSize();
Number queueSize = threadPoolMetrics.getCurrentQueueSize();
System.out.println("ThreadPoolKey: " + name + ", PoolSize: " + poolSize + ", QueueSize: " + queueSize);
} } }


// 任务数 = coreSize。此时coreSize个线程在工作
Started Jobs: 2
ThreadPoolKey: TestThreadPoolCommand, PoolSize: 2, QueueSize: 0 // 任务数 > coreSize。此时仍然只有coreSize个线程,多于coreSize的任务进入等候队列,没有创建新的线程
Started Jobs: 7
ThreadPoolKey: TestThreadPoolCommand, PoolSize: 2, QueueSize: 5 // 任务数 = coreSize + maxQueueSize。此时仍然只有coreSize个线程,多于coreSize的任务进入等候队列,没有创建新的线程
Started Jobs: 12
ThreadPoolKey: TestThreadPoolCommand, PoolSize: 2, QueueSize: 10 // 任务数 > coreSize + maxQueueSize。此时仍然只有coreSize个线程,等候队列已满,新增任务被拒绝
Started Jobs: 13
Job:13 got rejected.
ThreadPoolKey: TestThreadPoolCommand, PoolSize: 2, QueueSize: 10 Started Jobs: 14
Job:14 got rejected.
ThreadPoolKey: TestThreadPoolCommand, PoolSize: 2, QueueSize: 10 Started Jobs: 15
Job:15 got rejected.
ThreadPoolKey: TestThreadPoolCommand, PoolSize: 2, QueueSize: 10 Started Jobs: 16
Job:16 got rejected.
ThreadPoolKey: TestThreadPoolCommand, PoolSize: 2, QueueSize: 10 Started Jobs: 17
Job:17 got rejected.
ThreadPoolKey: TestThreadPoolCommand, PoolSize: 2, QueueSize: 10


可以看到Hystrix线程池的实际表现,跟之前的两种猜测都不同,跟JDK线程池的表现不同,跟另一种合理猜测也不通。当maxSize > coreSize && maxQueueSize != -1的时候,maxSize这个参数根本就不起作用,线程数量永远不会超过coreSize,对于的任务入队等候,队列满了,就直接拒绝新任务。





  • corePoolSize核心线程数,maximumPoolSize最大线程数。这个两个参数跟hystrix线程池的coreSize和maximumSize含义是一致的。
  • workQueue任务等候队列。跟hystrix不同,jdk线程池的等候队列不是指定大小,而是需要使用方提供一个BlockingQueue。
  • handler当线程池无法接受任务时的处理器。hystrix是直接拒绝,jdk线程池可以定制。



* Creates a new {@code ThreadPoolExecutor} with the given initial
* parameters.
* @param corePoolSize the number of threads to keep in the pool, even
* if they are idle, unless {@code allowCoreThreadTimeOut} is set
* @param maximumPoolSize the maximum number of threads to allow in the
* pool
* @param keepAliveTime when the number of threads is greater than
* the core, this is the maximum time that excess idle threads
* will wait for new tasks before terminating.
* @param unit the time unit for the {@code keepAliveTime} argument
* @param workQueue the queue to use for holding tasks before they are
* executed. This queue will hold only the {@code Runnable}
* tasks submitted by the {@code execute} method.
* @param threadFactory the factory to use when the executor
* creates a new thread
* @param handler the handler to use when execution is blocked
* because the thread bounds and queue capacities are reached
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if one of the following holds:<br>
* {@code corePoolSize < 0}<br>
* {@code keepAliveTime < 0}<br>
* {@code maximumPoolSize <= 0}<br>
* {@code maximumPoolSize < corePoolSize}
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code workQueue}
* or {@code threadFactory} or {@code handler} is null
public ThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize,
int maximumPoolSize,
long keepAliveTime,
TimeUnit unit,
BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue,
ThreadFactory threadFactory,
RejectedExecutionHandler handler) {
if (corePoolSize < 0 ||
maximumPoolSize <= 0 ||
maximumPoolSize < corePoolSize ||
keepAliveTime < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (workQueue == null || threadFactory == null || handler == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
this.corePoolSize = corePoolSize;
this.maximumPoolSize = maximumPoolSize;
this.workQueue = workQueue;
this.keepAliveTime = unit.toNanos(keepAliveTime);
this.threadFactory = threadFactory;
this.handler = handler;


corePoolSize = 2; maximumPoolSize = 5; workQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue(10); handler = new ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardPolicy()



    public void execute(Runnable command) {
if (command == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
* Proceed in 3 steps:
* 1. If fewer than corePoolSize threads are running, try to
* start a new thread with the given command as its first
* task. The call to addWorker atomically checks runState and
* workerCount, and so prevents false alarms that would add
* threads when it shouldn't, by returning false.
* 2. If a task can be successfully queued, then we still need
* to double-check whether we should have added a thread
* (because existing ones died since last checking) or that
* the pool shut down since entry into this method. So we
* recheck state and if necessary roll back the enqueuing if
* stopped, or start a new thread if there are none.
* 3. If we cannot queue task, then we try to add a new
* thread. If it fails, we know we are shut down or saturated
* and so reject the task.
int c = ctl.get();
if (workerCountOf(c) < corePoolSize) {
if (addWorker(command, true))
c = ctl.get();
if (isRunning(c) && workQueue.offer(command)) {
int recheck = ctl.get();
if (! isRunning(recheck) && remove(command))
else if (workerCountOf(recheck) == 0)
addWorker(null, false);
else if (!addWorker(command, false))




public ThreadPoolExecutor getThreadPool(final HystrixThreadPoolKey threadPoolKey, HystrixThreadPoolProperties threadPoolProperties) {
final ThreadFactory threadFactory = getThreadFactory(threadPoolKey); final boolean allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize = threadPoolProperties.getAllowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize().get();
final int dynamicCoreSize = threadPoolProperties.coreSize().get();
final int keepAliveTime = threadPoolProperties.keepAliveTimeMinutes().get();
final int maxQueueSize = threadPoolProperties.maxQueueSize().get();
final BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue = getBlockingQueue(maxQueueSize); if (allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize) {
final int dynamicMaximumSize = threadPoolProperties.maximumSize().get();
if (dynamicCoreSize > dynamicMaximumSize) {
logger.error("Hystrix ThreadPool configuration at startup for : " + threadPoolKey.name() + " is trying to set coreSize = " +
dynamicCoreSize + " and maximumSize = " + dynamicMaximumSize + ". Maximum size will be set to " +
dynamicCoreSize + ", the coreSize value, since it must be equal to or greater than the coreSize value");
return new ThreadPoolExecutor(dynamicCoreSize, dynamicCoreSize, keepAliveTime, TimeUnit.MINUTES, workQueue, threadFactory);
} else {
return new ThreadPoolExecutor(dynamicCoreSize, dynamicMaximumSize, keepAliveTime, TimeUnit.MINUTES, workQueue, threadFactory);
} else {
return new ThreadPoolExecutor(dynamicCoreSize, dynamicCoreSize, keepAliveTime, TimeUnit.MINUTES, workQueue, threadFactory);
} public BlockingQueue<Runnable> getBlockingQueue(int maxQueueSize) {
* We are using SynchronousQueue if maxQueueSize <= 0 (meaning a queue is not wanted).
* <p>
* SynchronousQueue will do a handoff from calling thread to worker thread and not allow queuing which is what we want.
* <p>
* Queuing results in added latency and would only occur when the thread-pool is full at which point there are latency issues
* and rejecting is the preferred solution.
if (maxQueueSize <= 0) {
return new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>();
} else {
return new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(maxQueueSize);


coreSize = 2; maximumSize = 5; maxQueueSize = 10 //jdk
corePoolSize = 2; maximumPoolSize = 5; workQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue(10); handler = new ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardPolicy()



    public boolean isQueueSpaceAvailable() {
if (queueSize <= 0) {
// we don't have a queue so we won't look for space but instead
// let the thread-pool reject or not
return true;
} else {
return threadPool.getQueue().size() < properties.queueSizeRejectionThreshold().get();
} public Subscription schedule(Action0 action, long delayTime, TimeUnit unit) {
if (threadPool != null) {
if (!threadPool.isQueueSpaceAvailable()) {
throw new RejectedExecutionException("Rejected command because thread-pool queueSize is at rejection threshold.");
return worker.schedule(new HystrixContexSchedulerAction(concurrencyStrategy, action), delayTime, unit);






同时配置maximumSize > coreSize,maxQueueSize > 0,像下面这样,是不行了。

coreSize = 2; maximumSize = 5; maxQueueSize = 10

妥协一下,如果对延迟比较看重,配置maximumSize > coreSize,maxQueueSize = -1。这样在任务多的时候,不会有等候队列,直接创建新线程执行任务。

coreSize = 2; maximumSize = 5; maxQueueSize = -1

如果对资源比较看重, 不希望创建过多线程,配置maximumSize = coreSize,maxQueueSize > 0。这样在任务多的时候,会进等候队列,直到有线程空闲或者超时。

coreSize = 2; maximumSize = 2; maxQueueSize = 10








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