Resolving RMAN-06023 or RMAN-06025 (Doc ID 2038119.1)
Resolving RMAN-06023 or RMAN-06025 (Doc ID 2038119.1)
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 9.0.1 to 12.1]
Oracle Database Cloud Schema Service - Version N/A and later
Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Machine - Version N/A and later
Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service - Version N/A and later
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version N/A and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
You are receiving error:
RMAN-: no backup of archived log for thread 1 with sequence 19684 and starting SCN of 1483914453 found to restore
RMAN-: no backup or copy of datafile 4 found to restore
These errors are returned by RMAN when it is unable to identify a backup of either an archivelog file (RMAN-06025) or datafile (RMAN-06023)
当RMAN无法识别归档日志文件(RMAN-06025) 或数据文件 (RMAN-06023) 的备份时,这些错误将由RMAN返回
1. Connected with RMAN to the instance in which you are running the restore (or the target when running an RMAN duplicate) and issue:
使用RMAN连接到您正在其中运行还原的实例(或运行 RMAN duplicate 时的 target )并发出:
For RMAN-: no backup of archived log.......
RMAN> list backup of archivelog sequence <sequence# returned by error>;
For example:
RMAN> list backup of archivelog sequence 19684;
For RMAN-: no backup or copy of datafile ......
RMAN> list backup of datafile <number returned by the error>;
For example:
RMAN> list backup of datafile 4;
2. If no backups are returned: 如果没有返回备份
a. Check if the you should be connecting to a catalog. 检查您是否应该连接到catalog
b. If no catalog is used, you may need to catalog the backups contining the file (archivelog or datafile). To do this, execute:
如果未使用 catalog,则可能需要对备份文件(archivelog or datafile)的备份进行 catalog。为此,执行
RMAN> catalog start with '/location of backup/' noprompt;
If backups are on tape, see: 如果备份在磁带上,请参阅
Note 550082.1 How to Catalog Tape Backup Pieces
c. Consider restoring a controlfile which contains the backup information. 考虑还原包含备份信息的控制文件
3. If RMAN returns backup information: 如果RMAN返回备份信息
a. Check that the backup's status is available. 检查备份状态是否可用
For example:
RMAN> list backup of datafile 4; List of Backup Sets
=================== BS Key Type LV Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---- -- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
291 Full 1.06G DISK 00:00:15 27-JUL-15
BP Key: 292 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: NO Tag: TAG20150727T144532
Piece Name: <backuppiece path</<backuppiece name>
b. for datafiles, check that the datafile's Ckp SCN/Ckp Time in the backup is before the until specified by the restore/duplicate:
对于数据文件,请检查备份中数据文件的 Ckp SCN/Ckp Time 是否早于 restore/duplicate 指定的时间
For example:
RMAN> list backup of datafile 4; List of Backup Sets
=================== BS Key Type LV Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
------- ---- -- ---------- ----------- ------------ --------------------
291 Full 1.06G DISK 00:00:15 27-JUL-2015 14:45:47
BP Key: 292 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: NO Tag: TAG20150727T144532
Piece Name: <backuppiece path</<backuppiece name>
List of Datafiles in backup set 291 File LV Type Ckp SCN Ckp Time Name
---- -- ---- ---------- -------------------- ----
4 Full 59195530 27-JUL-2015 14:45:32 <db file path>/<db file name>
c. check that the backup you expect to be used is within the CURRENT incarnation.
For example:
RMAN> list incarnation; using target database control file instead of recovery catalog List of Database Incarnations
DB Key Inc Key DB Name DB ID STATUS Reset SCN Reset Time
------- ------- -------- ---------------- --- ---------- ----------
1 1 <db name> 82280094 PARENT 1 19-JUN-2015 10:31:58
2 2 <db name> 82280094 CURRENT 59448598 29-JUL-2015 12:45:27
In this case, we clearly see that the backup from 27-JUL-2015 was not taken in the CURRENT incarnation, Reset Time=29-JUL-2015. To restore the backup of datafile 4, the incarnation must be reset.
在这种情况下,我们清楚地看到从2015年7月27日开始的备份未包含在当前版本中,重置时间 = 2015年7月29日。要恢复数据文件4的备份,必须重置 incarnation
For example:
RMAN> reset database to incarnation 1; database reset to incarnation 1 RMAN> list incarnation; List of Database Incarnations
DB Key Inc Key DB Name DB ID STATUS Reset SCN Reset Time
------- ------- -------- ---------------- --- ---------- ----------
1 1 <db name> 82280094 CURRENT 1 19-JUN-2015 10:31:58
2 2 <db name> 82280094 ORPHAN 59448598 29-JUL-2015 12:45:27
注意:如果对于存档日志文件,您得到的“规范与任何存档日志都不匹配..”,则有所不同。此错误表明控制文件不知道现有的存档日志文件与备份。请参见 Note 869671.1 RMAN List / Delete error with "specification does not match any archive log..."
NOTE:869671.1 - RMAN List / Delete error with "specification does not match any archive log..."
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