ls -la /dev/tty shows the output:

crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 5, 0 Dec 14 22:21 /dev/tty

The 'c' means it's a character device. tty is a special file representing the 'controlling terminal' for the current process.

Character Devices

Unix supports 'device files', which aren't really files at all, but file-like access points to hardware devices. A 'character' device is one which is interfaced byte-by-byte (as opposed to buffered IO).


/dev/tty is a special file, representing the terminal for the current process. So, when you echo 1 > /dev/tty, your message ('1') will appear on your screen. Likewise, when you cat /dev/tty, your subsequent input gets duplicated (until you press Ctrl-C).

/dev/tty doesn't 'contain' anything as such, but you can read from it and write to it (for what it's worth). I can't think of a good use for it, but there are similar files which are very useful for simple IO operations (e.g. /dev/ttyS0 is normally your serial port)


(1)命令行登录:init进程调用getty程序(意为get teletype),让用户输入用户名和密码。输入完成后,再调用login程序,核对密码(Debian还会再多运行一个身份核对程序/etc/pam.d/login)。如果密码正确,就从文件 /etc/passwd 读取该用户指定的shell,然后启动这个shell。

(2)ssh登录:这时系统调用sshd程序(Debian还会再运行/etc/pam.d/ssh ),取代getty和login,然后启动shell。

(3)图形界面登录:init进程调用显示管理器,Gnome图形界面对应的显示管理器为gdm(GNOME Display Manager),然后用户输入用户名和密码。如果密码正确,就读取/etc/gdm3/Xsession,启动用户的会话。

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