
Personal Geodatabase - Can't Create New or Open Existing

I have ArcGIS 10 SP2 running at the ArcINFO level on Windows XP Professional with SP3 installed. In ArcMap I am trying to open an existing personal geodatabase. I get an error "failed to connect to database". I can open shapefiles, file geodatabases, and other data sources without problem. The problem is only with the personal geodatabase.

Note that I have previously been able to open and use personal geodatabases at ArcGIS 10. It wasn't until recently that I noticed I can no longer open or create personal geodatabases.

Additional Testing:
1) I opened ArcCatalog and tried to create a new personal geodatabase. I get an error: "Failed to create the database".
2) Re-applied Service Pack 2--rebooted--no change.
3) Uninstalled ArcGIS completely, rebooted, reinstalled ArcGIS and Service Pack 2. Rebooted. Tried again--no change.
4) Re-installed Microsoft Office (thinking that this was an Microsoft issue). No change.

I did receive an error message once when trying to open a personal geodatabase:
"The Microsoft Office database engine could not find the object "GDB_Toolboxes". Make sure that the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly." See attached screenshot. The object does exist in the MBD file--I verified by making a copy of the personal geodatabase and opening that copy in Access to verify.

Anyone else having the same problem?

I found a solution to my problem, posting in case others have this problem in the future.

1) Navigate to the folder where dao360.dll is stored. On my computer, this was:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DAO

2) Open a command prompt in this folder.

3) Type Regsvr32 dao360.dll

4) The DLL will re-register itself, and the personal geodatabase will now open.

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