
Little C loves number «3» very much. He loves all things about it.

Now he has a positive integer nn. He wants to split nn into 3 positive integers a,b,ca,b,c, such that a+b+c=na+b+c=n and none of the 3 integers is a multiple of 3. Help him to find a solution.


A single line containing one integer nn (3≤n≤10^9) — the integer Little C has.


Print 3 positive integers a,b,c in a single line, such that a+b+c=n and none of them is a multiple of 3

It can be proved that there is at least one solution. If there are multiple solutions, print any of them.

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如果N的素因子中有3,那么此时,3应该还有个最大幂指数t,并且3的t次幂是N的一个因子。现在就是对3的t次幂的分解。假设 b = N/(3^t)
对3的t次幂分解成3个不被3整除的数还是比较简单的,因为是3的次幂,所以肯定可以分解成3个3的(t-1)次幂,那么 其中任意两个数减去1,另外一个数加上1就满足了,再把这3个数都乘以b即满足。 代码:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
int main()
int N;
while(~scanf("%d", &N))
int cnt = 1;
if(N%3 != 0)  //N不是3的倍数
printf("%d %d %d\n", 1, 2, N-3);
while(N%3 == 0) //提取N中3的t次幂因子。
int a, b, c, d;
d = cnt/3;
a = (d-1)*N;
b = (d+2)*N;
c = (d-1)*N;
else  //d==1
a = b = c = d*N;
printf("%d %d %d\n", a, b, c); }
return 0;


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