- <template>
- <name>centos72-source</name>
- <os>
- <name>CentOS-7</name>
- <version>2</version>
- <arch>x86_64</arch>
- <install type='iso'>
- <iso>file:///data/md0/iso/CentOS-7.2-x86_64-Minimal-1511.iso</iso>
- </install>
- <rootpw>Ct@2017Yun!@$%.CN</rootpw>
- </os>
- <disk>
- <size>20</size>
- </disk>
- <description>CentOS 7.2 x86_64</description>
- <packages>
- <package name='net-tools'/>
- <package name='acpid'/>
- <package name='cloud-utils-growpart'/>
- <package name='sysstat'/>
- </packages>
- <commands>
- <command name='install_qga'>
- cd /root
- tar xf qga.20171124.tar.gz
- cd qga
- bash ./install_qga_local.sh
- </command>
- <command name='sed_profile'>
- echo "NOZEROCONF=yes" >> /etc/sysconfig/network
- rm -rf /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
- touch /etc/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules
- chmod +x /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-boot/resetroot
- chmod +x /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-instance/ssh.sh
- chmod +x /usr/local/bin/nic_set_mq.sh
- echo "/usr/local/bin/nic_set_mq.sh > /tmp/nic_set_mq.log 2>&1" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local
- chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local
- </command>
- <command name='install_Cloudinit_and_dependencies'>
- mkdir -p /root/.pip/
- yum install wget -y
- yum install epel-release -y
- yum clean all
- yum install python-pip -y
- pip install setuptools jinja2 prettytable oauthlib pyyaml requests jsonpatch jsonschema six --upgrade
- cd /root
- wget https://launchpad.net/cloud-init/trunk/17.1/+download/cloud-init-17.1.tar.gz
- tar -zxvf cloud-init-17.1.tar.gz
- cd ./cloud-init-17.1
- python setup.py build
- python setup.py install --init-system systemd
- </command>
- <command name='console'>
- grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
- </command>
- <command name='services'>
- systemctl enable sshd
- systemctl disable firewalld
- systemctl enable cloud-init
- systemctl enable cloud-config
- systemctl enable cloud-final
- systemctl enable cloud-init-local
- systemctl enable acpid
- systemctl disable NetworkManager
- </command>
- <command name='clear-logs'>
- rm -rf /root/*
- rm -rf /var/log/anaconda*
- rm -rf /var/log/message
- >/var/log/boot.log
- >/var/log/messages
- >/var/log/cloud-init-output.log
- >/var/log/yum.log
- >/var/log/lastlog
- </command>
- </commands>
- <files>
- <file name="/root/qga.20171124.tar.gz" type="url">
- file:///data/nvme0n1/OZ-build-image/scripts/qga.20171124.tar.gz
- </file>
- <file name="/var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-boot/resetroot" type="url">
- file:///data/nvme0n1/OZ-build-image/scripts/resetroot
- </file>
- <file name="/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg" type="url">
- file:///data/nvme0n1/OZ-build-image/scripts/cloud.cfg_centos7
- </file>
- <file name="/usr/local/bin/nic_set_mq.sh" type="url">
- file:///data/nvme0n1/OZ-build-image/scripts/nic_set_mq.sh
- </file>
- <file name="/etc/default/grub" type="url">
- file:///data/nvme0n1/OZ-build-image/scripts/grub_centos7
- </file>
- <file name="/var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-instance/ssh.sh" type="url">
- file:///data/nvme0n1/OZ-build-image/scripts/ssh-centos7.ssh
- </file>
- <file name="/root/.pip/pip.conf" type="url">
- file:///data/nvme0n1/OZ-build-image/scripts/pip.conf
- </file>
- <file name="/lib/systemd/system/cloud-init-local.service" type="url">
- file:///data/nvme0n1/OZ-build-image/scripts/cloud-init-local.service
- </file>
- <file name="/lib/systemd/system/cloud-init.service" type="url">
- file:///data/nvme0n1/OZ-build-image/scripts/cloud-init.service
- </file>
- </files>
- </template>
- install
- text
- keyboard us
- lang en_US.UTF-8
- skipx
- network --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --onboot=on
- rootpw Ct@2017Yun!@$%.CN
- firewall --disabled
- authconfig --enableshadow --enablemd5
- timezone --utc Asia/Shanghai
- selinux --disabled
- zerombr
- clearpart --all --drives=vda
- bootloader --location=mbr --append="console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8"
- part / --fstype xfs --size=2048 --grow --ondisk=vda
- reboot
- %post
- cat <<EOL >> /etc/rc.local
- if [ ! -d /root/.ssh ] ; then
- mkdir -p /root/.ssh
- chmod 0700 /root/.ssh
- restorecon /root/.ssh
- fi
- echo "ttyS0" >> /etc/securetty
- cat <<EOF > /etc/init/ttyS0.conf
- start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345]
- stop on starting runlevel [016]
- respawn
- instance /dev/ttyS0
- exec /sbin/agetty /dev/ttyS0 115200 vt100-nav
- %end
- %packages --nobase --excludedocs
- %end
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