There is more to life than increasing its speed.


Get a life, a real life, not a manic pursuit of the next promotion, the bigger paycheck, the larger house, and so on.

Get a life in which you are not alone.

Find people you love, and who love you.

And remember that love is not leisure,it is work.

Pick up the phone. Send an e-mail. Write a letter. Get a life in which you are generous.

And realize that life is the best thing ever, and that you have no business taking it for granted.

Yes, life is the best thing, and there is more to it than just increasing its speed.

Remember, a wrong approach means a waste of effort.

So sometimes stop or slow down to see things around the road and think about whether you have walked on the right road.

I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it.


Negativity is contagious, so we must be positive.

Sometimes I really thought my life was a big joke, I always did some silly things, not only had no positive effects on my life, but also showed my brain was dull and my abilities were poor, that all made me a taunt and made my life ridiculous.

Seemingly the God always mocked me and my attempts to gain a better consequence.

Maybe it is myself that mock me and let all my efforts in vain.

Some people tell me that life can't get better by chance, it gets better by change.


Maybe pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.

Just be a bit more patient.

Good things will come to those who wait and strive for.

Stay hungry, stay foolish.

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