C\C++ 1A2B小游戏源码
// name:1A2B.cpp
// author:Frank
// descraption: 1A2B Game, in the beginning, the program will generate a random four-digits number
// in which the digits is not equal to each other, you need to guess it, and as you
// enter your answer, there would be a tips likes: xAyB. x means the count of right
// numbers those are in the right sites, y means the count of right numbers those
// are not in the right sites. 4A0B means you have got the right number.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h> void InitializeGame(void);
void GetInput(char * input);
bool CheckAnswer(char * input);
bool GiveTips(char * input);
void GetRandom(char * random);
using namespace std; char answer[] = "";
char input[] = "";
int times = ; int main(int argc, char** argv) {
char c;
while (true){
cout << "Enter 'S' to start the game, 'Q' to quit." << endl;
c = toupper(getchar());
while(getchar() != '\n');
if (c == 'Q')
else if(c == 'S'){
cout << "Game Start! Enter your answer:" << endl;
times = ;
// cout << "The answer is: " << answer << endl;
GetInput(input); //输入猜测值
//检查猜测是否正确 不正确则给出提示
while(GiveTips(input) == false){
cout << "Congratulations! You have got it after " << times << " times." << endl;
cout << "Only 'S' and 'Q' are received." << endl;
} return ;
} /******************************************************************************
*函数名称:void InitializeGame(void)
*返 回 值:无
void InitializeGame(void){
static bool init_rand = false;
if (init_rand == false){
srand ((unsigned) time(NULL)); //如果未初始化则初始化随机数种子
init_rand = true;
// cout << answer << endl;
} /******************************************************************************
*函数名称:void GetInput(char * input)
*返 回 值:无
void GetInput(char * input){
if(strlen(input) != ){
cout << "Please input a 4-digits number!" << endl;
if(CheckAnswer(input) == false){
cout << "There couldn't be two same character in your answer!" << endl;
} /******************************************************************************
*函数名称:bool checkanswer(char * input)
*返 回 值:正确则返回真,否则返回假
bool CheckAnswer(char * input){
char temp[];
strcpy (temp, input);
for(int i = ; i < ; i++){
for(int j = i + ; j < ; j++)
if(temp[i] == input[j])
return false;
return true;
} /******************************************************************************
*函数名称:void GiveTips(char * input)
*返 回 值:无
bool GiveTips(char * input){
// cout << "I'm checking." << endl;
int a = , b = ;
for(int i = ; i < ; i++){
for(int j = ; j < ; j++){
// cout << "i:" << i << "j:" << j << endl;
if (input[i] == answer[j]){
if(i == j)
cout << "Tips:" << a << "A" << b << "B\n" << endl;
if (a == )
return true;
cout << "Enter another answer:";
return false;
} /******************************************************************************
*函数名称:void GetRandom(char * random)
*返 回 值:无
*备 注:先生成一个0-9的整数数组,再随机从中取四个数,每取一个将该位置为-1
void GetRandom(char * random){
int i, j[], k;
for (i = ; i < ; i++){
j[i] = i;
for(i = ; i < ; i++){
k = (int)rand() % ;//k为下标
while (j[k] == -){
k = (k + ) % ;
random[i] = '' + j[k];
j[k] = -;
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