做机器视觉和图像处理方面的研究工作,最重要的两个问题:其一是要把握住国际上最前沿的内容;其二是所作工作要具备很高的实用背景。解决第一个问题的办法就是找出这个方向公认最高成就的几个超级专家(看看他们都在作什么)和最权威的出版物(阅读上面最新的文献),解决第二个问题的办法是你最好能够找到一个实际应用的项目,边做边写文章。 做好这几点的途径之一就是利用网络资源,利用权威网站和专家们的个人主页。


用来搜索国际知名计算机视觉研究组(CV Groups):
美国计算机视觉研究组清单 http://peipa.essex.ac.uk/info/groups.html#USA

http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~cil/vision.html或 http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~cil/vision.html
这是卡奈基梅隆大学的计算机视觉研究组的主页,上面提供很全的资料,从发表文章的下载到演示程序、测试图像、常用链接、相关软硬件,甚至还有一个搜索引擎。著名的有人物Tomasi, Kanade等。
Calibrated Imaging Laboratory 图像
Digital Mapping Laboratory 映射
Interactive Systems Laboratory 互动
Vision and Autonomous Systems Center视觉自适应

Cornell University——Robotics and Vision group

http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/ 斯坦福大学计算机系主页
1. http://white.stanford.edu/ 
2. http://vision.stanford.edu/ 
3. http://ai.stanford.edu/美国斯坦福大学人工智能机器人实验室
The Stanford AI Lab (SAIL) is the intellectual home for researchers in the Stanford Computer Science Department whose primary research focus is Artificial Intelligence. The lab is located in the Gates...
Vision and Imaging Science and Technology

主要研究:Brain Extraction Tool, Nonlinear noise reduction, Linear Image Registration, Automated Segmentation, Structural brain change analysis, motion correction, etc.

The Pattern Recognition and Image Processing (PRIP) Lab faculty and students investigate the use of machines to recognize patterns or objects. Methods are developed to sense objects, to discover which...http://www.cse.msu.edu/rgroups/prip/

柏林大学 http://www.cv.tu-berlin.de/

Computer Vision Group located within the Division III of the Computer Science Department in the University of Bonn in Germany. This server offers information on topics concerning our computer vision http://www-dbv.informatik.uni-bonn.de/

http://www-staff.it.ut ... dir/home.html
CVIP(used to be CVCC for Computer Vision and Cluster Computing) is a research group focusing on cluster-based computer vision within the Spiral Architecture.

The mission of the Center for Image Analysis is to foster multi-disciplinary research in image, multimedia and related technologies by establishing links between academic institutes, industry and government agencies, and to transfer key technologies to help industry build next generation commercial and military imaging and multimedia systems.

英国的Bristol大学的Digital Media Group在高级图形图像方面不错。主要就是涉及到场景中光线计算的问题,比如用全局光照或是各种局部光照对高动态图的处理,还有近似真实的模拟现实环境(照片级别的),还有用几张照片来建立3D模型(人头之类的)。另外也有对古代建筑模型复原。http://www.cs.bristol. ... Digitalmedia/
而且根据Times全英计算机排名在第3, 也算比较顶尖的研究了

这是一个侧重图像分析的站点,一般。但是提供一个Image Analysis环境---ZIMAGE and SZIMAGE。

麻省理工视觉实验室MIT http://groups.csail.mit.edu/vision/welcome/ 
AI Laboratory Computer Vision group
Center for Biological and Computational Learning
Media Laboratory, Vision and Modeling Group
Perceptual Science group

UC Berkeley http://0-vision.berkel ... sp/index.html 
http://www.cs.berkeley ... on_group.html 
加州大学伯克利分校视觉实验室David A. Forsyth:http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~daf/

UCLA(加州大学洛杉矶分校) http://vision.ucla.edu/  视觉实验室

英国牛津的A.Zisserman:http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~az/ 机器人实验室

美国南加州大学智能机器人和智能系统研究所University of Southern California, Los Angeles
IRIS is an interdepartmental unit of USC's School of Engineering with ties to USC's Information Sciences Institute (ISI). Members include faculty, graduate students, and research staff associated with... http://iris.usc.edu/ Computer Vision 实验室
Computer Vision Laboratory at the University of Southern California is one of the major centers of computer vision research for thirty years. they conduct research in a number of basic and applied are...http://iris.usc.edu/USC-Computer-Vision.html

The Advanced Computer Architecture Group has had a thriving research programme in neural networks for over 10 years. The 15 researchers, led by Jim Austin, focus their work in the theory and applicati...http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/arch/neural/

IDIAP is a research institute established in Martigny in the Swiss Alps since 1991. Active in the areas of multimodal interaction and multimedia information management, the institute is also the leade...http://www.idiap.ch/

The Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP) is more than 60 members strong, comprising 12 academic staff, 18 research fellows and more than 44 research students. The activities of the ...http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Research/VSSP/

The Computer Vision Laboratory was established in the Computer Science Department at the University of Massachusetts in 1974 with the goal of investigating the scientific principles underlying the con...http://vis-www.cs.umass.edu 
University of Massachusetts——Computer Vision Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics

Includes the following groups: Professor Seth Hutchinson's Research Group Professor David Kriegman's Research Group Professor Jean Ponce's Research Group Professor Narendra Ahuja's Research Gro...http://www-cvr.ai.uiuc.edu/ 
Computer Vision and Robotics Laboratory
Vision Interfaces and Systems Laboratory (VISLab)

The vision group at the School of Computer Science (a RAE 5 rated department) performs research into a wide variety of computer vision and image understanding areas. Much of this work is performed in ...http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/research/vision/

微软研究院机器学习与理解研究小组 / 计算机视觉小组
The research group focuses on the development of more advanced and intelligent computer systems through the exploitation of statistical methods in machine learning and computer vision. The site lists ...http://research.microsoft.com/mlp/ 
http://research.micros ... roups/vision/ 
微软亚洲研究院:http://research.microsoft.com/asia/,值得关注Harry Shum, Jian Sun, Steven Lin, Long Quan(兼职HKUST)etc.

瑞典隆德大学数学系视觉组:http://www.maths.lth.s ... onal/andersp/



法国INRIA:http://www-sop.inria.fr/odyssee/team/ 由Olivier.Faugeras领衔的牛人众多。

比利时鲁汶大学的L.Van Gool: www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/psi/visics/


Amerinex Applied Imaging, Inc.

Boston University
Image and Video Computing Research group

University of California at Santa Barbara加州大学芭芭拉分校
Vision Research Lab

University of California at San Diego加州大学圣迭戈分校
Computer Vision & Robotics Research Laboratory
Visual Computing laboratory

University of California at Irvine加州大学欧文分校,加州南部一城,在圣安娜东南, 
Computer Vision laboratory

University of California, Riverside加州大学河滨分校
Visualization and Intelligent Systems Laboratory (VISLab)

University of California at Santa Cruz
Perceptual Science Laboratory

Caltech (加州理工)
Vision group

University of Central Florida
Computer Vision laboratory

University of Florida
Center for Computer Vision and Visualization

Colorado State University
Computer Vision group

Columbia University
Automated Vision Environment (CAVE)
Robotics group

University of Georgia, Athens
Visual and Parallel Computing Laboratory

Harvard University(哈佛)
Robotics Laboratory

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Robotics and Computer Vision

University of Iowa
Division of Physiologic Imaging

Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Machine Vision and Tracking Sensors group

Khoral Research, Inc

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories
Imaging and Collaborative Computing Group
Imaging and Distributed Computing

Lehigh University
Image Processing and Pattern Analysis Lab
Vision And Software Technology Laboratory

University of Louisville
Computer Vision and Image Processing Lab

University of Maryland
Computer Vision Laboratory

University of Miami
Underwater Vision and Imaging Laboratory

University of Michigan密歇根
AI Laboratory

Michigan State University 密歇根州立
Pattern Recognition and Image Processing laboratory

Environmental Research Institute of Michigan (ERIM) 密歇根大学有汽车车身检测研究

University of Missouri-Columbia
Computational Intelligence Research Laboratory

Computer Vision and Image Processing

University of Nevada
Computer Vision Laboratory

Notre-Dame University
Vision-Based Robotics using Estimation

Ohio State University
Signal Analysis and Machine Perception Laboratory

University of Pennsylvania
GRASP laboratory
Medical Image Processing group
Vision Analysis and Simulation Technologies (VAST) Laboratory

Penn State University 宾夕法尼亚大学
Computer Vision 
Precision Digital Images

Purdue University普渡大学
Robot Vision laboratory
Video and Image Processing Laboratory (VIPER)

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)
Computer Science Vision

University of Rochester
Center for Electronic Imaging Systems
Vision and Robotics laboratory

Rutgers University (The State University of New Jersey)
Image Understanding Lab

University of Southern California
Computer Vision

University of South Florida
Image Analysis Research group

Stanford Research Institute International (SRI)
RADIUS -- Research and Development for Image Understanding Systems
The Perception program at SRI's AI Center

SUNY at Stony Brook
Computer Vision Lab

University of Tennessee
Imaging, Robotics and Intelligent Systems laboratory

University of Texas, Austin
Laboratory for Vision Systems

University of Utah
Center for Scientific Computing and Imaging
Robotics and Computer Vision

University of Virginia
Computer Vision Research (CS)

University of Washington
Image Computing Systems Laboratory
Information Processing Laboratory
CVIA Laboratory

University of West Florida
Image Analysis/Robotics Research Laboratory

University of Wisconsin
Computer Vision group

Vanderbilt University
Center for Intelligent Systems

Washington State University
Imaging Research laboratory

Model-Based Vision laboratory

Wright State University
Intelligent Systems Laboratory

University of Wyoming
Wyoming Image and Signal Processing Research (WISPR)

Yale University
Computational Vision Group http://www.cs.yale.edu/ 
School of Medicine, Image Processing and Analysis group

中科院模式识别国家重点实验室 http://www.nlpr.ia.ac. ... mainpage.html 

中科院长春光机所 http://www.ciomp.ac.cn/ny/keyan.asp



这位可是MIT人工智能实验室的BILL FREEMAN。专长是:理解--贝叶斯模型。

MERL(Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory)中的擅长“Style Machine”。

CV界极有声望的A.Blake 1977年毕业于剑桥大学三一学院并或数学与电子科学学士学位。之后在MIT,Edinburgh,Oxford先后组建过研究小组并成为Oxford的教授,直到1999年进入微软剑桥研究中心。主要工作领域是计算机视觉。

http://www-2.cs.cmu.ed ... Web/home.html 
这位专家好像正在学习汉语,主页并且搜集了诸如“两只老虎(Two Tigers)”的歌曲。
他的主页上面还有几个专家:Shumeet Baluja, Takeo Kanade。他们的Face Detection作的绝对是世界一流。毕业于卡奈基梅隆大学的计算机科学系,兴趣是计算机视觉。

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