对于有多级web获取getlist会报错:Exception calling “GetList” with “1” argument

$SPWeb = Get-SPWeb -Identity
$list = $SPWeb.GetList("/oasite/Lists/Facilities and Shared Assets")
$item = $list.Items| where{ $_.Name -eq "北京10F第五会议室"} $return = $item.RoleAssignments |where {$_.RoleDefinitionBindings -eq $SPWeb.RoleDefinitions["受限访问"]}; foreach ($i in $return)
Write-Host "Removing: " $i.Member;


$SPWeb = Get-SPWeb -Identity
$list = $SPWeb.GetList("/oasite/Lists/Facilities and Shared Assets") $item = $list.Items| where{ $_.Name -eq "北京10F第五会议室"}
$item.BreakRoleInheritance(true) $return = $item.RoleAssignments |where {$_.RoleDefinitionBindings -eq $SPWeb.RoleDefinitions["受限访问"]}; foreach ($i in $return)
Write-Host "Removing: " $i.Member;

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