(1)GUI部分是每帧擦除重绘的,只应该在OnGUI中绘制GUI,按钮:GUILayout.Button(“Hello”); 只读标签:GUILayout.Label()
(2)修改控件的颜色:GUI.backgroundColor = Color.red;设置背景色,GUI.color设置前景色,影响OnGUI中之后的控件直到下次修改颜色为止。
(1)GUILayout布局默认会伸展控件的尺寸。Button等控件支持params GUILayoutOption[] options可变参数数组,可以通过GUILayout.Width(30)返回一个设置控件宽度的GUILayoutOption对象, Height()、 MinWidth()、MinHeight()等同理。例子: GUILayout.Button("Test",GUILayout.Width(500),GUILayout.Height(30))
(2)GUILayout采用线性布局,类似于StackPanel,默认是纵向布局。通过GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();开启和GUILayout.EndHorizontal()结束一个横向排列区域,同理BeginVertical() 、EndVertical()。
(1)密码框:pwd = GUILayout.PasswordField(pwd,‘*’),第二个参数为掩码字符,注意帧刷新的问题。
(3)Tab页: electedToolBarId = GUILayout.Toolbar(selectedToolBarId,new string[]{“装备”,“经验”,“队友”}); 返回值为激活的按钮的序号。
(4)复选框:isMuted = GUILayout.Toggle(isMuted,“静音”);
(5)多行文本区: msgBody = GUILayout.TextArea(msgBody,GUILayout.Width(300),GUILayout.Height(300));
(6)滑动条:纵向, sliderValue = GUILayout.VerticalSlider(sliderValue,0,100);返回值为当前值,第二个参数为最小值,第二个为最大值。 HorizontalSlider()横向
(7)区域Area,相当于一个控件的盒子, Area中的控件跟着Area移动, BeginArea()开始一个区域,参数指定区域的大小和坐标, EndArea()结束区域;
(8)窗口,区域是没有边框和标题的,也不可以拖放。 GUILayout.Window(0, new Rect(50,50,200,200),AddWindow1,“我的窗口”); 第一个参数为窗口的编号,第二个为窗口大小,第三个为void WindowFunction(int windowId)委托,用来绘制窗口内容。
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections; public class Cube1Control : MonoBehaviour {
public Texture texture;
public Texture2D texture2D;
public Texture2D texture2DActive;
public string userName;
public string password;
public string remark;
public bool isSuccess;
public int select=;
public bool toggle1 = false;
public Texture2D bug1;
public Texture2D bug2;
public float h;
public Vector2 vector2;
Rect rect1 = new Rect(, , , );
Rect rect2 = new Rect(, , , );
public int selGridId = ;
string[] selString = new string[] { "Grid1", "Grid2", "Grid3", "Grid4", "Grid5" }; // Use this for initialization
void Start () {
h = ;
} // Update is called once per frame
void Update () { } void win(int id)
{ GUI.Button(new Rect(, , , ), "点击按钮"); //使用DragWindow启用窗口拖动
GUI.DragWindow(); } void OnGUI()
#region GUILayout布局
////开启和GUILayout.EndHorizontal()结束一个横向排列区域,同理BeginVertical() 、EndVertical()。
//GUILayout.Button("Button1", GUILayout.Width(100), GUILayout.Height(50));
//GUILayout.Button("Button2", GUILayout.Width(100), GUILayout.Height(50));
//GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //GUILayout.BeginVertical();
//GUILayout.Button("Button3", GUILayout.Width(100), GUILayout.Height(50));
//GUILayout.Button("Button4", GUILayout.Width(100), GUILayout.Height(50));
#endregion #region 常用的GUI控件
#region GUI.Button
//GUI.Button(new Rect(20, 20, 150, 30), "这是一个文字按钮"); ////绘制纹理按钮
//GUI.Button(new Rect(20, 60, 150, 30), texture);//texture是在unity上面Script脚本上面拖上图片进行赋值的
//GUIContent guic = new GUIContent("按钮", texture);
//GUI.Button(new Rect(20, 100, 150, 30), guic); ////设置按钮的样式
//GUIStyle guis = new GUIStyle();
//guis.fontSize = 23;
//guis.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; ////设置状态样式
//GUIStyleState guiss = new GUIStyleState();
//guiss.textColor = Color.white;
//guiss.background = texture2D;//设置按钮背景图片,texture2D在编辑器上拖图片赋值
//guis.normal = guiss;//设置按钮正常显示的状态
//GUIStyleState guissActive = new GUIStyleState();
//guissActive.textColor = Color.white;
//guissActive.background = texture2DActive;//设置按钮背景图片,texture2D在编辑器上拖图片赋值
//guis.active = guissActive;//设置鼠标按下去按钮上显示的状态
//guis.hover = guissActive;//设置鼠标放在按钮上显示的状态
//if (GUI.Button(new Rect(20, 140, 150, 30), "样式按钮", guis))//点击后返回true
// Debug.Log("点击了按钮");
#endregion #region GUI.Label
//GUI.color = Color.red;//全局设置颜色,设置后后面的控件都变为红色,直到重新设置颜色
//GUI.Label(new Rect(20, 180, 100, 50), "label1");
//GUI.color = Color.blue;
//GUI.Label(new Rect(20, 200, 100, 50), "label2");
#endregion #region GUI.TextField GUI.PasswordField GUI.TextArea
//userName = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10, 10, 100, 30), userName);
//password = GUI.PasswordField(new Rect(10, 50, 100, 30), password,'*');
//remark = GUI.TextArea(new Rect(10, 100, 100, 30),remark);
//if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10,150,50,30),"登录"))
// Debug.Log(userName + "-"+password+"-"+remark);
// if (userName.Equals("admin")&&password.Equals("123"))
// {
// isSuccess = true;
// }
// else
// {
// isSuccess = false;
// }
//if (isSuccess)
// GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 200, 100, 30), "登录成功!");
// GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 200, 100, 30), "登录失败!");
#endregion #region GUI.Toolbar GUI.Toggle GUI.HorizontalSlider
//select = GUI.Toolbar(new Rect(0, 0, 300, 50), select, new string[] { "功能一", "功能二", "功能三" });
//Debug.Log(select); //单选按钮
//GUIStyle gs = new GUIStyle();
//GUIStyleState gss = new GUIStyleState();
//gss.textColor = Color.white;
//gs.normal = gss;
//gs.active = gss;
//GUIContent contenxt = new GUIContent("开关", bug1);
//if (toggle1)
// contenxt.image = bug2;
//// toggle = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(10, 10, 100, 30), toggle, "是否开启声音");
//toggle1 = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(10, 10, 50, 50), toggle1, contenxt, gs);
//GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 80, 100, 30), toggle1 + ""); //水平拖动的Slider,h为Slider赋值
//h = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), h, 0, 100);
#endregion #region GUI.BeginScrollView GUI.BeginGroup GUI.Window GUI.SelectionGrid
// public static Vector2 BeginScrollView(Rect position, Vector2 scrollPosition, Rect viewRect, bool alwaysShowHorizontal, bool alwaysShowVertical);
//position 用于滚动视图在屏幕上矩形的位置
//scrollPosition 用来显示滚动位置
//viewRect 滚动视图内使用的矩形
//vector2 = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(0, 0, 200, 200), vector2, new Rect(0, 0, 200, 200), true, true);
//GUI.Button(new Rect(0, 0, 50, 50),"Button");
//GUI.EndScrollView(); //开始组 将控件都放在一组中,只要组变动,里面的控件都跟着变
//GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(10, 100, 200, 400));
//GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 100, 100, 30), "群组视图1");
//GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 130, 100, 30), "按钮");
//GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(200, 0, 300, 400));
//GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 100, 100, 30), "群组视图2");
//GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 130, 100, 30), "按钮");
//GUI.EndGroup(); //弹出窗口
//rect1 = GUI.Window(0, rect1, win, "窗口");
//rect2 = GUI.Window(1, rect2, win, "窗口"); //选择表格
//selGridId = GUI.SelectionGrid(new Rect(10, 10, 300, 200), selGridId, selString, 2);
#endregion #region GUILayout.BeginArea
//GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(0, 50, 200, 200), "Area");
//GUI.Button(new Rect(0,0,100,50),"Button");
#endregion #endregion }
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