
class Solution {
bool isScramble(string s1, string s2) {
if(s1.size() != s2.size())
return false; if(s1.size() == || s1 == s2)
return true; string sa = s1;
string sb = s2;
if(sa != sb)
return false; for(int i = ; i < s1.size(); i++)
string s11 = s1.substr(,i);
string s12 = s1.substr(i,s1.size() - i); string s21 = s2.substr(,i);
string s22 = s2.substr(i,s2.size() - i);
string s31 = s2.substr(,s2.size() - i);
string s32 = s2.substr(s2.size() - i,s2.size()); if(isScramble(s11,s21)&&isScramble(s12,s22) || isScramble(s11,s32)&&isScramble(s12,s31))
return true;
return false;

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