# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
* User: not me
* Date: 11-11-9
* Time: 13:20
* Desc: not easy for newer like me
from  xml.dom import  minidom
def get_attrvalue(node, attrname):
     return node.getAttribute(attrname) if node else ''
def get_nodevalue(node, index = 0):
    return node.childNodes[index].nodeValue if node else ''
def get_xmlnode(node,name):
    return node.getElementsByTagName_r(name) if node else []
def xml_to_string(filename='example.xml'):
    doc = minidom.parse(filename)
    return doc.toxml('UTF-8')
def get_xml_data(filename='example.xml'):
    doc = minidom.parse(filename) 
    root = doc.documentElement
    user_nodes = get_xmlnode(root,'user')
    for node in user_nodes: 
        user_id = get_attrvalue(node,'id') 
        node_name = get_xmlnode(node,'username')
        node_email = get_xmlnode(node,'email')
        node_age = get_xmlnode(node,'age')
        node_sex = get_xmlnode(node,'sex')
        user_name =get_nodevalue(node_name[0]).encode('utf-8','ignore')
        user_email = get_nodevalue(node_email[0]).encode('utf-8','ignore') 
        user_age = int(get_nodevalue(node_age[0]))
        user_sex = get_nodevalue(node_sex[0]).encode('utf-8','ignore') 
        user = {}
        user['id'] , user['username'] , user['email'] , user['age'] , user['sex'] = (
            int(user_id), user_name , user_email , user_age , user_sex
    return user_list
def test_xmltostring():
    print xml_to_string()
def test_laod_xml():
    user_list = get_xml_data()
    for user in user_list :
        #print user['sex']
        print '-----------------------------------------------------'
        if user:
            user_str='编   号:%d\n用户名:%s\n性   别:%s\n年   龄:%s\n邮   箱:%s\n ' % (int(user['id']) , user['username'], user['sex'] , user['age'] , user['email'])
            print user_str
            print '====================================================='
if __name__ == "__main__":
##code end
obtain the id attribute
<user id="1000001">
get nodevalue not attribute
##note section
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <user id="1000001">
from xml.dom import minidom, Node 
doc = minidom.Document() 
doc.a(doc.createComment("Simple xml document__chapter 8")) 
#generate the book 
#<book> (root node)
book = doc.createElement_x_x('book') 
#the title 
#      sample xml thing 
title = doc.createElement_x_x('title') 
title.a(doc.createTextNode("sample xml thing")) 
book.a(title) #在title在book下
#the author section 
        sample xml thing 
author = doc.createElement_x("author") 
name = doc.createElement_x('name') 
firstname = doc.createElement_x('first') 
lastname = doc.createElement_x('last') 

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