
def day06_1(s):
dic = {'num': 0, 'alpha': 0, 'space': 0, 'other': 0}
for i in s:
if i.isdigit():
dic['num'] += 1
elif i.isalpha():
dic['alpha'] += 1
elif i.isspace():
dic['space'] += 1
dic['other'] += 1
return dic print(day06_1('sdfjiosdf34430f=-=df'))


a = int(input('请输入一个整数:'))
b = int(input('请输入一个整数:'))
c = int(input('请输入一个整数:'))
if (a + b > c and a - b < c) and (a + c > b and a - c < b) and (b + c > a and b - c < a):
if a == b and a == c and b == c:
print("由{}、{}、{}组成的三角形是等边三角形".format(a, b, c))
elif a == b or a == c or b == c:
print("由{}、{}、{}组成的三角形是等腰三角形".format(a, b, c))
print("由{}、{}、{}组成的三角形是三边不等的三角形".format(a, b, c))
print("由{}、{}、{}这三个数不能组成一个三角形".format(a, b, c))

3.假设商店货品价格(R)皆不大于100元(且为整数),若顾客付款在100元内 (P) ,求找给顾客最少货币个(张)数?(货币面值50元10 元,5 元,1元四 种 ).

price = int(input('请输入商品的价格:'))
money = int(input('请输入您给的钞票面值:'))
change = money - price
num = 0
while change >= 50:
num += 1
change -= 50
while change >= 10:
num += 1
change -= 10
while change >= 5:
num += 1
change -= 5
while change >= 1:
num += 1
change -= 1



(2)前 缀:非'0'或'1'的三位数字;

(3)后 缀:4位数字。


s = 0
phone = input('请输入电话号码:')
if phone.isdigit():
if len(phone) == 10:
for i in phone[3:6]:
if i in ['', '']:
s += 1
if s == 3:
elif len(phone) == 7:
for i in phone[0:3]:
if i in ['', '']:
s += 1
if s == 3:

5.程序有三个输入变量month、day、year(month 、 day和year均为整数值,并且满足:1≤month≤12和1≤day≤31),分别作为输入日期的月份、日、年份,通过程序可以输出该输入日期在日历上隔一天的日期。例如,输入为 2004 年11月29日,则该程序的输出为2004年12月1日。

year = input('请输入年份:')
month = input('请输入月份:')
day = input('请输入日期:')
if year.isdigit() and month.isdigit() and day.isdigit():
year = int(year)
month = int(month)
day = int(day)
if month <= 12 and day <= 31:
if (year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0) or (year % 400 == 0):
if month in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]:
if day + 2 <= 31:
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year, month, day + 2))
elif day + 2 == 32: #
if month < 12:
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year, month + 1, day - 29))
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year + 1, month - 11, day - 29))
elif day + 2 == 33: #
if month < 12:
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year, month + 1, day - 29))
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year + 1, month - 11, day - 29))
elif month == 2:
if day + 2 <= 29:
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year, month, day + 2))
elif day + 2 == 30: #
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year, month + 1, day - 27))
elif day + 2 == 31: #
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year, month + 1, day - 27))
if day + 2 <= 30: #
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year, month, day + 2))
elif day + 2 == 31: #
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year, month + 1, day - 28))
elif day + 2 == 32: #
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year, month + 1, day - 28)) else:
if month in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]:
if day + 2 <= 31:
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year, month, day + 2))
elif day + 2 == 32: #
if month < 12:
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year, month + 1, day - 29))
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year + 1, month - 11, day - 29))
elif day + 2 == 33: #
if month < 12:
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year, month + 1, day - 29))
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year + 1, month - 11, day - 29))
elif month == 2:
if day + 2 <= 28:
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year, month, day + 2))
elif day + 2 == 29: #
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year, month + 1, day - 26))
elif day + 2 == 30: #
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year, month + 1, day - 26))
if day + 2 <= 30: #
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year, month, day + 2))
elif day + 2 == 31: #
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year, month + 1, day - 28))
elif day + 2 == 32: #
print("{}年{}月{}日".format(year, month + 1, day - 28)) else:
print("你输入的年份月份或日期不符合规则。 注:只能是数字")


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