


      TEXT A                   TEXT B

      appraise  vt.评定          |  abort  vt.(因困难或危险)使(活动)终止

      paralyze  vt.使呆若木鸡       |  vulnerable  a.易受伤害的

      symptom  n.症状          |  proximity  n.临近

      dismay   n.忧虑  vt.使担心    |  evoke  vt.唤起(强烈的感情或回忆)

      brink  n.边缘            |  necessitate  vt.需要

      bleak  a.令人沮丧的           |  lofty  a.傲慢的

      deem  vt.认为             |  intent  a.专注的

      recede  vi.减弱           |  plight  n.困难

      underestimate  v.低估  vt.轻视   |  evaporate  vi.(逐渐)消失  v.(使)蒸发

      intervene  vi.干预  v.打岔      |  vertical  a.垂直的


      TEXT A:

      pull to a stop  停下    sick to one's stomach  想呕吐的

      black out   晕厥     pop up  突然出现

      stop short  (灵光一闪)突然停下来  plow through sth  艰难费力地通过

      throw oneself into / at / on / down, etc  突然猛力地冲进 / 扑向 / 跳到 / 扑倒等  make one's way  行进(艰难地,长时间的)

      let oneself go  放松自己  grab for / at sth  (迅速伸手)抓住

      TEXT B:

      settle back  舒服地躺下        be stunned by  被...震惊

      on board  在船上          for sure  肯定地

      in the event of sth  万一······     no earthly reason / use, etc  毫无缘由 / 用处等

      in / into position  在适当的位置    hint of  少许





      TEXT A:                     TEXT B:

      conscientious  a.细心负责的        |  mount    n.底座  vt.准备

      compliment  vt.赞美  n.赞美的话     |  coincidence  n.巧合

      domain  n.范围              |  upgrade  v.升级

      anonymous  a.无名的           |  contrive  vt.设法做到

      cherish  vt.珍爱                |  divert  vt.转移...的注意力

      noteworthy  a.显著的            |  simulate  vt.模仿

      afflict  vt.使受痛苦              |  infect  vt.感染

      perpetual  a.无休止的           |  manifest  a.显而易见的  vt.显示

      portray  vt.扮演(角色)          |  skeptical  a.持怀疑态度的

      integral  a.不可缺少的           |  temperament  n.气质


      TEXT A:

      take / hold sb captive 关押某人  turn sb / sth down 拒绝

      embark on / upon sth 开始  share in sth 分享

      lead by example 以身作则  be stricken by / with 受灾

      live on 继续存在

      TEXT B:

      establish oneself (as / in)使被接受  end (sth)with sth 以...作为结束

      be related to sth / sb 与...相关  (all)on one's own 无援地

      put effort into (doing) sth 努力做····  under / on the pretext of 以...为借口

      stand fast 坚持立场  drive sb to do sth 迫使



      TEXT A:                     TEXT B:

      gigantic  a.巨大的              |  dispatch  vt.派遣

      standpoint  n.立足点             |  vicinity  n.附近

      evacuate  v.撤离                |  haunt  vt.缠扰

      naive  a.天真的               |  dwell  vi.唠叨,居住

      permeate  v.感染               |  supervise  v.监督

      nutrition  n.营养               |  enclose  vt.围住,随信寄出

      inflict  vt.使(某人)遭受(不愉快的事)    |  petition  v.请愿  n.请愿书

      stray  a.迷路的  vi.走离           |  timid  a.羞怯的

      dilute  a.冲淡了的  vt.冲淡         |  clutch  vt.紧抓

      pervasive  a.贯穿始终的            |     fragrance  n.芳香


      TEXT A:

      radiate from 自...发出    conceive of 想象

      in the direction of 朝...方向    stay down 卧倒

      press....to.... 使...紧靠...    line...with.... 铺

      dive into 跳入    fly at 扑向

      next to nothing 几乎没有    weave one's way around / through / to sth 迂回穿行

      huddle together (使)聚在一起

      TEXT B:

      spring to / into life 突然活跃起来    in essence 本质上

      come to life 开始动起来    load....with....使装满

      check sth off 登记    sprinkle....with....   撒...

      out of sight 看不见了    tear sth apart 损毁

      piece sth together 把(物体的部件)拼合起来    leave off 中断

      plead with sb (to do sth)恳求某人(做某事)

  U8  The art of parenting:


       TEXT A                         TEXT B

       cradle  vt.轻拥  n.摇篮            |   scrutiny  n.仔细检查

       hesitant  a.犹豫的                |   contention  n.看法

       militant  a.动武的  n.好斗分子           |   unanimous  a.一致同意的

       confer  vt.授予(权力)  vi.讨论          |   administer  vt.施行

       defiance  n.违抗                |   constrict  vt.限制  v.压缩

       indignation  n.愤怒                      |    intermediate  a.中级的

       preach  vt.竭力劝导  v.布道           |    articulate  vt.清楚说明

       procovative  a.挑衅的               |    rear  vt.培养  n.后部  a.后面的

       milestone  n.重要事件              |    sniff  vi.对...嗤之以鼻  v.抽鼻子

       overlap  n.交搭的数量  v.交搭          |    contempt  n.轻蔑


       TEXT A

       dispense with  摒弃      gorge (oneself) on sth  贪婪地吃

       lose weight  减轻体重     tiptoe around sth   避而不谈

       in terms of   就...而言      get away with sth     逃避

       insulate sb from  把(某人)隔离    at one's disposal  由某人支配

       force sth on / upon sb  把...强加于    provide for sb / sth  提供生活所需

       have authority over  具有对...的管辖权    don't get me wrong  不要误解我

       for one's part  就...而言    have a high / low / good / bad opinion of sb / sth  对(某人或某事)有(...)的评价

       the proof is in the pudding  布丁好不好,吃了才知道(没有调查,就没有发言权)

       TEXT B

       sniff at  对...嗤之以鼻    subordinate...to...  使处于次要地位

       work through  解决(问题)    (right)off the bat  立刻

       clamp down (on sb / sth)  对某人 / 某事更严格    out of character  不合乎某人的性格

       under the weight of  在...的重压下


       The CCTV Spring Festival Gala (Spring Festival Gala for short), which was started in 1983, has become an indispensable cultural consumer product and a cultural symbol in the cultural life of the Chinese people.


         Though it’s hard to satisfy the tastes of all the people, it has to be admitted that the Spring Festival Gala has become a “new custom” for the public that they can’t live without.


       The Spring Festival Gala is more than a gala; it is a ritual and a symbol, a culture and a label, and an emotion and a place where people entrust their hearts to.

       春晚不仅是 一台晚会,更是一种仪式与象征,一种文化与标签,一种情感与寄托。

       With the development of the times and the emerging of new media, the audiences are having more diversified choices and demands. Correspondingly, the Spring Festival Gala is also advancing with the time to satisfy the growing cultural needs of the people.



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