Cygwin ssh服务配置 (SecureCRT连接Cygwin配置)
$ ssh-host-config *** Query: Overwrite existing /etc/ssh_config file? (yes/no) yes
*** Info: Creating default /etc/ssh_config file
*** Query: Overwrite existing /etc/sshd_config file? (yes/no) yes
*** Info: Creating default /etc/sshd_config file
*** Info: Privilege separation is set to yes by default since OpenSSH 3.3.
*** Info: However, this requires a non-privileged account called 'sshd'.
*** Info: For more info on privilege separation read /usr/share/doc/openssh/README.privsep.
*** Query: Should privilege separation be used? (yes/no) yes
*** Warning: sshd is in /etc/passwd, but the
*** Warning: local machine's SAM does not know about sshd.
*** Warning: Perhaps sshd is a pre-existing domain account.
*** Warning: Continuing, but check if this is ok.
*** Info: Updating /etc/sshd_config file *** Query: Do you want to install sshd as a service?
*** Query: (Say "no" if it is already installed as a service) (yes/no) yes
*** Query: Enter the value of CYGWIN for the daemon: []
*** Info: On Windows Server , Windows Vista, and above, the
*** Info: SYSTEM account cannot setuid to other users -- a capability
*** Info: sshd requires. You need to have or to create a privileged
*** Info: account. This script will help you do so. *** Warning: cyg_server is in /etc/passwd, but the local
*** Warning: machine's SAM does not know about cyg_server.
*** Warning: Perhaps cyg_server is a pre-existing domain account.
*** Warning: Continuing, but check if this is ok.
*** Info: You appear to be running Windows XP 64bit, Windows Server,
*** Info: or later. On these systems, it's not possible to use the LocalSystem
*** Info: account for services that can change the user id without an
*** Info: explicit password (such as passwordless logins [e.g. public key
*** Info: authentication] via sshd). *** Info: If you want to enable that functionality, it's required to create
*** Info: a new account with special privileges (unless a similar account
*** Info: already exists). This account is then used to run these special
*** Info: servers. *** Info: Note that creating a new user requires that the current account
*** Info: have Administrator privileges itself. *** Info: The following privileged accounts were found: 'cyg_server' . *** Info: This script plans to use 'cyg_server'.
*** Info: 'cyg_server' will only be used by registered services.
*** Query: Do you want to use a different name? (yes/no) yes
*** Query: Enter the new user name: cyg_user123
*** Query: Reenter: cyg_user123 *** Query: Create new privileged user account 'cyg_user123'? (yes/no) yes
*** Info: Please enter a password for new user cyg_user123. Please be sure
*** Info: that this password matches the password rules given on your system.
*** Info: Entering no password will exit the configuration.
*** Query: Please enter the password:
*** Query: Reenter: *** Info: User 'cyg_user123' has been created with password 'Tough_01'.
*** Info: If you change the password, please remember also to change the
*** Info: password for the installed services which use (or will soon use)
*** Info: the 'cyg_user123' account. *** Info: Also keep in mind that the user 'cyg_user123' needs read permissions
*** Info: on all users' relevant files for the services running as 'cyg_user123'.
*** Info: In particular, for the sshd server all users' .ssh/authorized_keys
*** Info: files must have appropriate permissions to allow public key
*** Info: authentication. (Re-)running ssh-user-config for each user will set
*** Info: these permissions correctly. [Similar restrictions apply, for
*** Info: instance, for .rhosts files if the rshd server is running, etc]. *** Info: The sshd service has been installed under the 'cyg_user123'
*** Info: account. To start the service now, call `net start sshd' or
*** Info: `cygrunsrv -S sshd'. Otherwise, it will start automatically
*** Info: after the next reboot. *** Info: Host configuration finished. Have fun!
2、启动 sshd服务
$ net start sshd
The CYGWIN sshd service is starting.
The CYGWIN sshd service was started successfully.
$ ssh localhost
The authenticity of host 'localhost (::1)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is :4f::3e:f7::3f:a2:d2:::f5:1b:::fb.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'localhost' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
toughhou@localhost's password:
连接端口: 22
用户名密码: 自己机器的用户名及密码,不是之前配置的cyg_user123
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