What am I missing out in life if I don't have a girlfriend?
Depends entirely on the girlfriend. Some things you might be missing out on:
- Soft smells from her hair, her skin, her extra set of clothes that she leaves in your closet
- Hugs, peekaboo-guess-who, kisses on the back of your neck when you're hard at work and forgot about the world around you for too long
- Good cooking, or maybe good-morning coffee, or good takeout
- Inspiration, shared jokes, mind-bending middle-of-the-night discussions
- A buddy who'll hand you a tissue during the sad parts of your favorite movies... you know when Bruce Willis died in that one, you got all choked up, didn't ya
- An enthusiastic fan of your career, your writing, your sense of humor, your (terrible) saxophone playing, your pickup games of basketball on Saturday mornings
- A convert to your football team... at least on the weeks when her fav team isn't playing yours
- New music you didn't know about
- Someone to tell about that new song you just heard... even if it's kinda cheesy she'll probably give it a try
- Stories of her life before you
- Someone to brag to, who loves listening to you brag
- Whispered sweet nothings
- A helper when you need a hand
- Someone to help—who shows her appreciation in wild and wonderful ways, like cake when it's not your birthday
- Tons of new experiences, new places to go, new foods to try, new friends to learn about, new authors and artists to consider, new lingerie to appreciate
- Someone to grow into and grow comfortable with
- Someone to tell secrets to... good ones and bad ones... without judgement
- Tickling
- Teasing
- Phone calls when your boss isn't within earshot
- Texts when ur boss isn't looking
- A hand to hold, and arms to hold you, when times are tough and you're not sure you can support your own weight any more
- A perspective very different from your own, but meltingly familiar
- Butterflies in your stomach
- The gentle jealousy of being in a secure relationship with someone who's a "catch" in your eyes—yet your eyes are the only ones that count to her
- Massages
- Caressing
- French kisses
- Spooning
- Someone to be insanely, animalistically, proud of at all times
- Someone to be insanely, animalistically, protective of at all times
- Someone to be insane and animalistic with. At any time. ;)
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