

关键的区别:网关是这样一个网络节点:以两个不同协议搭建的网络可以通过它进行通信。路由器是这样一种设备:它能在计算机网络间收发数据包,同时创建一个覆盖网络(overlay network)

For people that are new to networking or the world of networking often get confused by the various terminology that are used to refer to different protocols, connections, etc. Gateways and routers are two words are often confused due to their similarities. Both gateways and routers are used to regulate traffic into more separate networks. However, these are two different technologies and are used for different purposes.

The term gateway can be used to define two different technologies: gateway and default gateway. These two terms should not be confused. In terms of communications network, gateway it is defined as a network node that allows a network to interface with another network with different protocols. In laymen terms, gateway allows two different networks to communicate with each other. It contains devices such as impedance matching devices, protocol translators, fault isolators, rate converters, or signal translators in order to allow system interoperability. A protocol translation/mapping gateway interconnects networks that have different network protocol technologies. Gateways acts as a network point that acts as an entrance to another network. The gateway can also allow the network to connect the computer to the internet. Many routers are available with the gateway technology, which knows where to direct the packet of data when it arrives at the gateway. Gateways are often associated with both routers and switches.

Default gateway is a computer or a computer program that is configured to perform the tasks of a traditional gateway. These are often used by ISP or computer servers that act as gateway between different systems. Wikipedia describes ‘default gateway’ as “the node on the computer network that the network software uses when an IP address does not match any other routes in the routing table.” When getting a internet connection, an ISP usually provides a device that allows the user to connect to the internet, these devices are known as modems. In organizational systems a computer is used as a node to connect the internal networks to the external networks, such as the Internet.

A router is a device that is capable of sending and receiving data packets between computer networks, also creating an overlay network. The router connects two or more data line, so when a packet comes in through one line, the router reads the address information on the packet and determines the right destination, it then uses the information in its routing table or routing policy to direct the packet to the next network. On the internet, routers perform "traffic directing" functions. Routers can also be wireless as well as wired.

The most common type of routers are small office or home routers, which are responsible for passing data from the computer to the owner's cable or DSL modem, which is connected to the internet. Other routers are huge enterprise types that connect large businesses to powerful core routers that forward data to the internet. When connected in interconnected networks, the routers exchange data such as destination addresses by using a dynamic routing protocol. Each router is responsible for building up a table that lists the preferred routes between any two systems on the interconnected networks. Routers can also be used to connect two or more logical groups of computer devices known as subnets. Routers can offer multiple features such as a DHCP server, NAT, Static Routing, and Wireless Networking.

These days’ routers are mostly available with built-in gateway systems make it easier for users with them not having to buy separate systems.





















3.1、How Does A Router Work?


所有使用TCP/IP协议的网络设备都有一个路由表,你的PC机也不例外。所有设备都是使用它们的路由表来决定把数据包发向哪里。没有路由表,你的PC甚至不能和同一子网内的PC通信。下图是作者计算机路由表的截图,它是通过在CMD窗口中执行“route print”命令打印出来的。


Before continuing you should know how the subnet mask works to define
the start and end range of a subnet. If you do not you need to read computer networking basics now.


第一行 -目标网络结合0.0.0.0子网掩码表示所有IP地址。

  • – The network combined with the netmask (subnet
    mask) of means ALL IP addresses. Note how this is the only line
    where the gateway is This line tells the computer that
    for ALL traffic no matter what the destination IP address is send it to This as you may have noticed is my default gateway.
    This is a default route created by Windows when you configure your
    TCP/IP settings . It is the last route it evaluates if it can’t find a
    more specific match in the routing table.
  • – The next 3 lines are entries for the loopback address
    and can be ignored. These are default entries but notice the gateway
    says “On-link”. This means that these addresses are directly accessible
    on the local LAN and do not need to be routed through another network.
    Although is assigned to the local NIC, if these entries where
    not in the routing table your PC would try to send these to the default
    gateway as the next entry it would closely match would be the
  • – These next 3 lines are for your local network. The
    first one is the entire 192.168.111.x range as defined by the netmask of Again as this network is local it says “on-link” in the
    gateway. These are created automatically like the others when you
    configure your TCP/IP settings.
  • – These are also default entries for multicasting and can be ignored for the purpose of this article.
  • – This is also a default entry and can be ignored.

How the Routing Table is Processed

Before sending a packet your PC looks up the destination IP address
in the routing table to determine the best route possible. A more
specific match will take priority over others. For example if our PC
from above wants to send data to it first looks this up in
it’s routing table and finds the entry It also finds the entry but as is a closer match it takes priority.
If I were to add a static entry (which we’ll come onto later) of with a netmask of this is an EXACT match
so this would take priority over the AND entries.
Once it finds a match it then checks the gateway column where in the
case of our entry it finds the “on-link” status. The
on-link status tells the machine that this network is directly attached so it sends the packets directly to using the NIC with interface

If a PC can’t find a matching entry in the routing table it will
fail. It will also fail if the routing table is wrongly configured. For
example what do you think would happen if we remove all the entries
starting with 192.168.111? If I try to connect to any IP address
starting with 192.168.111 there won’t be a specific entry for
this anymore so the next best route is This route tells my PC
to forward the packets to the gateway which would
consequently fail of course. The same would happen if I left those
entries in but changed the gateway from “on-link” to (a
random IP). What I am telling my PC to do now is forward all traffic for
the network to instead of going directly
to the PC’s. As you can see this would also fail.

You may be wondering what the interface column is for? Well if you
remember, routers have two NIC’s. When a router forwards packets it
doesn’t know which NIC to use without this value. In the case where
there is only one NIC in a device (like a PC) this value would be
pointless, but when there are two or more NICs you must tell the router
which one to use for a given route.

A Step by Step Routing Example

Let’s expand on the above network and take a look at
the router The routing table will be similar to the one
above but will obviously have references to it’s own IP address rather
than We will join the router to another subnet with it’s
second NIC. We assign it an IP address of with a subnet
mask of Doing so automatically adds more entries into the
routing table. We would now have an additional entry as follows:

destination address, netmask, gateway on-link, interface

From everything learned so far we can now trace the exact steps taken
when one computer communicates with another on a different subnet. Now
our router is aware of two subnets and it knows that it is directly
attached to both of them via it’s respective interfaces. This is what
happens when our PC  with IP communicates with a PC on
the other subnet (

  • Using the same methods above the PC looks at the destination IP
    address of and looks at it’s routing table to find a match.
  • As the PC doesn’t know of the 192.168.1.x network the closest match
    it finds is the match (that means ANYWHERE). This entry already
    explained above is the default gateway and it’s scope covers every IP
    range. In this entry it finds the gateway of The PC now
    knows that to get to the 192.168.1.x network it must forward the
    packets onto and does so.
  • The router receives these packets on interface and
    examines it’s own routing table. It finds a match for this network
    ( which states it is directly attached to (on-link) through
    the interface assigned with IP The router sends the
    packet out through this interface and on it’s way. As the packet is now
    on the destination network it goes directly to the machine and the job
    of the router is done.
  • The exact same thing happens when sends a packet back to The PC looks at it’s local routing table and the
    closest match it finds is the network with interface (due to it’s own default gateway being set to this).
  • The PC sends the packets to the router with IP The
    router checks it’s routing table and finds a match for the
    network out the inteface and sends it on its way
    directly to

In summary all devices have a routing table, without it they wouldn’t
know where to send packets to. When a PC sends packets to another PC it
looks at it’s routing table to determine the best route possible. If it
finds the destination address is “on-link” it knows it is part of the
same subnet as the destination and sends the packets directly to the PC.
If not it forwards the packet onto whatever is in the gateway field of
the matching route entry. This same process is repeated at every
router/hop along the way until it eventually arrives at a router that is
part of the destination network. The router then sends the packets
directly to the destination PC. Check out the next article in this
series Part 3 – IP Routing.

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