


另外:本来是debug都不用就1A的节奏。可在输入数据上,一开始我用的是scanf读入字符 和 getchar跳过无效字符,在测试数据上是没有问题的,但一交上去就WA掉了。


 //#define LOCAL
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; const int maxn = ;
char map[maxn][maxn];
int h[maxn], l[maxn], r[maxn]; int main(void)
#ifdef LOCAL
freopen("1505in.txt", "r", stdin);
#endif int T;
scanf("%d", &T);
int row, col;
scanf("%d%d", &row, &col);
int i, j;
for(i = ; i <= row; ++i)
for(j = ; j <= col; ++j)
cin >> map[i][j]; memset(h, , sizeof(h));
l[] = , r[col] = col;
int t, ans = -;
for(i = ; i <= row; ++i)
for(j = ; j <= col; ++j)
if(map[i][j] == 'F')
h[j] = ; for(j = ; j <= col; ++j)
t = j;
while(t > && h[j] <= h[t-])
t = l[t-];
l[j] = t;
for(j = col-; j > ; --j)
t = j;
while(t < col && h[j] <= h[t+])
t = r[t+];
r[j] = t;
for(j = ; j <= col; ++j)
ans = max(ans, (r[j]-l[j]+)*h[j]);
printf("%d\n", ans * );
return ;


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