Living in the Matrix with Bytecode Manipulation--转
You are probably all too familiar with the following sequence: You input a .java file into a Java compiler, (likely using javac or a build tool like ANT, Maven or Gradle), the compiler grinds away, and finally emits one or more .class files.
Figure 1: What is Java bytecode?
If you run the build from the command line with verbose enabled, you can see the output as it parses your file until finally it prints your .class file.
javac -verbose src/com/example/spring2gx/
The generated .class file contains the bytecode, essentially the instruction set for the Java virtual machine (JVM), and is what gets loaded by the Java runtime class loader when a program executes.
In this article we will investigate Java bytecode and how to manipulate it, and why anyone would ever want to do so.
Bytecode-manipulation frameworks
Some of the more popular frameworks for manipulating bytecode include:
This article focuses on Javassist and ASM.
Why should you care about manipulating bytecode?
Many common Java libraries such as Spring and Hibernate, as well as most JVM languages and even your IDEs, use bytecode-manipulation frameworks. For that reason, and because it’s really quite fun, you might find bytecode manipulation a valuable skillset to have. You can use bytecode manipulation to perform many tasks that would be difficult or impossible to do otherwise, and once you learn it, the sky's the limit.
One important use case is program analysis. For example, the popular FindBugs bug-locator tool uses ASM under the hood to analyze your bytecode and locate bug patterns. Some software shops have code-complexity rules such as a maximum number of if/else statements in a method or a maximum method size. Static analysis tools analyze your bytecode to determine the code complexity.
Another common use is class generation. For example, ORM frameworks typically use proxies based on your class definitions. Or consider security applications that provide syntax for adding authorization annotations. Such use cases lend themselves nicely to bytecode manipulation.
JVM languages such as Scala, Groovy, and Grails all use a bytecode-manipulation framework.
Consider a situation where you need to transform library classes without having the source code, a task routinely performed by Java profilers. For example, at New Relic, bytecode instrumentation is used to time method executions.
With bytecode manipulation, you can optimize or obfuscate your code, or you can introduce functionality such as adding strategic logging to an application. This article will focus on a logging example, which will provide the basic tools for using these bytecode manipulation frameworks.
Our example
Sue is in charge of ATM coding for a bank. She has a new requirement: add key data to the logs for some designated important actions.
Here is a simplified bank-transactions class. It allows a user to log in with a username and password, does some processing, withdraws a sum of money, and then prints out “transactions completed.” The important actions are the login and withdrawal.
public void login(String password, String accountId, String userName) {
// login logic
public void withdraw(String accountId, Double moneyToRemove) {
// transaction logic
To simplify the coding, Sue would like to create an @ImportantLog
annotation for those method calls, containing input parameters that represent the indexes of the method arguments she wants to record. With that, she can annotate her login
and withdraw
* A method annotation which should be used to indicate
* important methods whose invocations should be logged.
public @interface ImportantLog {
* The method parameter indexes whose values should be logged.
* For example,if we have the method
* hello(int paramA, int paramB, int paramC), and we
* wanted to log the values of paramA and paramC, then fields
* would be ["0","2"]. If we only want to log the value of
* paramB, then fields would be ["1"].
String[] fields();
For login
, Sue wants to record the account ID and the username so her fields will be set to “1” and “2”, (she doesn’t want to display the password!) For the withdraw
method, her fields are “0” and “1” because she wants to output the first two fields: account ID and the amount of money to remove. Her audit log ideally will contain something like this:
To hook this up, Sue is going to use a Java agent. Introduced in JDK 1.5, Java agents allow you to modify the bytes that comprise the classes in a running JVM, without requiring any source code.
Without an agent, the normal execution flow of Sue’s program is:
- Run Java on a main class, which is then loaded by a class loader.
- Call the class’s main method, which executes the defined process.
- Print “transactions completed.”
When you introduce a Java agent, a few more things happen — but let’s first see what’s required to create an agent. An agent must contain a class with a premain method. It must be packaged as a JAR file with a properly constructed manifest that contains a Premain-Class
entry. There is a switch that must be set on launch to point to the JAR path, which makes the JVM aware of the agent.
java -javaagent:/to/agent.jar com/example/spring2gx/BankTransactions
Inside premain, register a Transformer
that captures the bytes of every class as it is loaded, makes any desired modifications, and returns the modified bytes. In Sue’s example, Transformer
captures BankTransaction
, which is where she makes her modifications and returns the modified bytes. Those are the bytes that are loaded by the class loader, and which the main method will execute to perform its original functionality in addition to Sue’s required augmented logging.
When the agent class is loaded, its premain
method is invoked before the application main
Figure 2: Process with Java agent.
It’s best to look at an example.
The Agent
class doesn’t implement any interface, but it must contain a premain
method, as follows:
The Transformer
class contains a transform
method, whose signature accepts a ClassLoader
, class name, Class
object of the class being redefined, ProtectionDomain
defining permissions, and the original bytes of the class. Returning null
from the transform
method tells the runtime that no changes have been made to that class.
To modify the class bytes, supply your bytecode manipulation logic in transform
and return the modified bytes.
A subproject of JBoss, Javassist (short for “Java Programming Assistant”) consists of a high-level object-based API and a lower-level one that is closer to the bytecode. The more object-based one enjoys more community activity and is the focus of this article. For a complete tutorial, refer to the Javassist website.
In Javassist, the basic unit of class representation is the CtClass
(“compile time class”). The classes that comprise your program are stored in a ClassPool
, essentially a container forCtClass
The ClassPool
implementation uses a HashMap
, in which the key is the name of the class and the value is the corresponding CtClass
A normal Java class contains fields, constructors, and methods. The corresponding CtClass
represents those as CtField
, CtConstructor
, and CtMethod
. To locate a CtClass
, you can grab it by name from the ClassPool
, then grab any method from the CtClass
and apply your modifications.
Figure 3.
contains lines of code for the associated method. We can insert code at the beginning of the method using the insertBefore
command. The great thing about Javassist is that you write pure Java, albeit with one caveat: the Java must be implemented as quoted strings. But most people would agree that’s much better than having to deal with bytecode! (Although, if you happen to like coding directly in bytecode, stay tuned for the ASM section.) The JVM includes a bytecode verifier to guard against invalid bytecode. If your Javassist-coded Java is not valid, the bytecode verifier will reject it at runtime.
Similar to insertBefore
, there's an insertAfter
to insert code at the end of a method. You can also insert code in the middle of a method by using insertAt
or add a catch statement withaddCatch
Let's kick off your IDE and code your logging feature. We start with an Agent
) and our ClassTransformer
package com.example.spring2gx.agent;
public class Agent {
public static void premain(String args, Instrumentation inst) {
System.out.println("Starting the agent");
inst.addTransformer(new ImportantLogClassTransformer());
package com.example.spring2gx.agent;
import java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer;
import java.lang.instrument.IllegalClassFormatException;
public class ImportantLogClassTransformer
implements ClassFileTransformer {
public byte[] transform(ClassLoader loader, String className,
Class classBeingRedefined, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
byte[] classfileBuffer) throws IllegalClassFormatException {
// manipulate the bytes here
return modified_bytes;
To add audit logging, first implement transform
to convert the bytes of the class to a CtClass
object. Then, you can iterate its methods and capture ones with the @ImportantLogin
annotation on them, grab the input parameter indexes to log, and insert that code at the beginning of the method.
public byte[] transform(ClassLoader loader, String className,
Class classBeingRedefined,
ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
byte[] cfbuffer) throws IllegalClassFormatException {
// convert byte array to a ct class object
pool.insertClassPath(new ByteArrayClassPath(className,classfileBuffer));
// convert path slashes to dots.
CtClass cclass = pool.get(className.replaceAll("/", "."));
if (!cclass.isFrozen()) {
// check each method of ct class for annotation @ImportantLog
for (CtMethod currentMethod : cclass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
// Look for annotation @ImportantLog
Annotation annotation = getAnnotation(currentMethod);
if (annotation != null) {
// if @ImportantLog annotation present on method, then
// get important method parameter indexes
List parameterIndexes = getParamIndexes(annotation);
// add logging statement to beginning of the method
createJavaString(currentMethod, className, parameterIndexes));
return cclass.toBytecode();
return null;
Javassist annotations can be declared as “invisible” or “visible”. Invisible annotations, which are only visible at class loading time and compile time, are declared by passing in theRententionPolicy.CLASS
argument to the annotation. Visible annotations (RententionPolicy.RUNTIME
) are loaded and visible at run time. For this example, you only need the attributes at compile time, so make them invisible.
The getAnnotation
method scans for your @ImportantLog
annotation and returns null if it doesn’t find the annotation.
private Annotation getAnnotation(CtMethod method) {
MethodInfo methodInfo = method.getMethodInfo();
AnnotationsAttribute attInfo = (AnnotationsAttribute) methodInfo
if (attInfo != null) {
return attInfo.getAnnotation("com.example.spring.mains.ImportantLog");
return null;
With the annotation in hand, you can retrieve the parameter indexes. Using Javassist’sArrayMemberValue
, the member value fields are returned as a String array, which you can iterate to obtain the field indexes you had embedded in the annotation.
private List getParamIndexes(Annotation annotation) {
ArrayMemberValue fields =
(ArrayMemberValue) annotation.getMemberValue(“fields”);
if (fields != null) {
MemberValue[] values = (MemberValue[]) fields.getValue();
List parameterIndexes = new ArrayList();
for (MemberValue val : values) {
parameterIndexes.add(((StringMemberValue) val).getValue());
return parameterIndexes;
return Collections.emptyList();
You are finally in a position to insert your log statement in createJavaString
1 private String createJavaString(CtMethod currentMethod,
2 String className, List indexParameters) {
3 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
4 sb.append("{StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder");
5 sb.append("(\"A call was made to method '\");");
6 sb.append("sb.append(\"");
7 sb.append(currentMethod.getName());
8 sb.append("\");sb.append(\"' on class '\");");
9 sb.append("sb.append(\"");
10 sb.append(className);
11 sb.append("\");sb.append(\"'.\");");
12 sb.append("sb.append(\"\\n Important params:\");");
14 for (String index : indexParameters) {
15 try {
16 int localVar = Integer.parseInt(index) + 1;
17 sb.append("sb.append(\"\\n Index: \");");
18 sb.append("sb.append(\"");
19 sb.append(index);
20 sb.append("\");sb.append(\" value: \");");
21 sb.append("sb.append($" + localVar + ");");
22 } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
23 e.printStackTrace();
24 }
25 }
26 sb.append("System.out.println(sb.toString());}");
27 return sb.toString();
28 }
29 }
Your implementation creates a StringBuilder
, appending some preamble followed by the required method name and class name. One thing to note is that if you're inserting multiple Java statements, you need to surround them with squiggly brackets (see lines 4 and 26).
(Brackets are not required for just a single statement.)
That pretty much covers the code for adding audit logging using Javassist. In retrospect, the positives are:
- Because it uses familiar Java syntax, there’s no bytecode to learn.
- There wasn't too much programming to do.
- Good documentation on Javassist exists.
The negatives are:
- Not using bytecode limits capabilities.
- Javassist is slower than other bytecode-manipulation frameworks.
ASM began life as a Ph.D. project and was open-sourced in 2002. It is actively updated, and supports Java 8 since the 5.x version. ASM consists of an event-based library and an object-based one, similar in behavior respectively to SAX and DOM XML parsers. This article will focus on the event-based library. Complete documentation can be found here.
A Java class contains many components, including a superclass, interfaces, attributes, fields, and methods. With ASM, you can think of each of these as events; you parse the class by providing a ClassVisitor
implementation, and as the parser encounters each of those components, a corresponding “visitor” event-handler method is called on the ClassVisitor
(always in this sequence).
public interface ClassVisitor {
void visit(int version, int access, String name, String signature,
String superName, String[] interfaces);
void visitSource(String source, String debug);
void visitOuterClass(String owner, String name, String desc);
AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String desc, boolean visible);
void visitAttribute(Attribute attr);
void visitInnerClass(String name, String outerName,
String innerName, int access);
FieldVisitor visitField(int access, String name, String desc,
String signature, Object value);
MethodVisitor visitMethod(int access, String name, String desc,
String signature, String[] exceptions);
void visitEnd();
Let’s get a feel for the process by passing Sue’s BankTransaction
(defined at the beginning of the article) into a ClassReader
for parsing.
Again, start with the Agent premain:
import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation;
public class Agent {
public static void premain(String args, Instrumentation inst) {
System.out.println("Starting the agent");
inst.addTransformer(new ImportantLogClassTransformer());
Then pass the output bytes to a no-op ClassWriter
to put the parsed bytes back together in the byte array, producing a rehydrated BankTransaction
that as expected is virtually identical to our original class.
Figure 4.
import java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer;
import java.lang.instrument.IllegalClassFormatException;
public class ImportantLogClassTransformer implements ClassFileTransformer {
public byte[] transform(ClassLoader loader, String className,
Class classBeingRedefined, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
byte[] classfileBuffer) throws IllegalClassFormatException {
ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(classfileBuffer);
ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(cr, ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES);
cr.accept(cw, 0);
return cw.toByteArray();
Now let’s modify our ClassWriter
to do something a little more useful by adding a ClassVisitor
(named LogMethodClassVisitor
) to call our event handler methods, such as visitField
, as the corresponding components are encountered during parsing.
Figure 5.
public byte[] transform(ClassLoader loader, String className,
Class classBeingRedefined, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
byte[] classfileBuffer) throws IllegalClassFormatException {
ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(classfileBuffer);
ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(cr, ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES);
ClassVisitor cv = new LogMethodClassVisitor(cw, className);
cr.accept(cv, 0);
return cw.toByteArray();
For your logging requirement, you want to check each method for the indicative annotation and add any specified logging. You only need to overwrite ClassVisitor
to return aMethodVisitor
that supplies your implementation. Just like there are several components of a class, there are several components of a method, corresponding to the method attributes, annotations, and compiled code. ASM’s MethodVisitor
provides hooks for visiting every opcode of the method, so you can get pretty granular in your modifications.
public class LogMethodClassVisitor extends ClassVisitor {
private String className;
public LogMethodIfAnnotationVisitor(ClassVisitor cv, String className) {
super(Opcodes.ASM5, cv);
this.className = className;
public MethodVisitor visitMethod(int access, String name, String desc,
String signature, String[] exceptions) {
// put our logic in here
Again, the event handlers are always called in the same predefined sequence, so you always know all of the attributes and annotations on the method before you have to actually visit the code. (Incidentally, you can chain together multiple instances of MethodVisitor
, just like you can chain multiple instances of ClassVisitor
.) So in your visitMethod
, you’re going to hook in thePrintMessageMethodVisitor
, overriding visitAnnotation
s to capture your annotations and insert any required logging code.
Your PrintMessageMethodVisitor
overrides two methods. First comes visitAnnotation
, so you can check the method for your @ImportantLog
annotation. If present, you need to extract the field indexes from that field’s property. When visitCode
executes, the presence of the annotation has already been determined and so it can add the specified logging. ThevisitAnnotation
code hooks in an AnnotationVisitor
that exposes the field arguments on the@ImportantLog
public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String desc, boolean visible) {
if ("Lcom/example/spring2gx/mains/ImportantLog;".equals(desc)) {
isAnnotationPresent = true;
return new AnnotationVisitor(Opcodes.ASM5,
super.visitAnnotation(desc, visible)) {
public AnnotationVisitor visitArray(String name) {
if (“fields”.equals(name)){
return new AnnotationVisitor(Opcodes.ASM5,
super.visitArray(name)) {
public void visit(String name, Object value) {
parameterIndexes.add((String) value);
super.visit(name, value);
return super.visitArray(name);
return super.visitAnnotation(desc, visible);
Now, let's look at the visitCode
method. First, it must check if the AnnotationVisitor
flagged the annotation as present. If so, then add your bytecode.
public void visitCode() {
if (isAnnotationPresent) {
// create string builder
mv.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.GETSTATIC, "java/lang/System", "out",
mv.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.NEW, "java/lang/StringBuilder");
// add everything to the string builder
mv.visitLdcInsn("A call was made to method \"");
mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, "java/lang/StringBuilder",
"", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", false);
mv.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/StringBuilder",
"append", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;", false);
This is the scary part of ASM — you actually have to write bytecode, so that’s something new to learn. You have to know about the stack, local variables, etc. It’s a fairly simple language, but if you just want to hack around, you can actually get the existing bytecode pretty easily with javap
javap -c com/example/spring2gx/mains/PrintMessage
I recommend writing the code you need in a Java test class, compiling that, and running it though javap -c
to see the exact bytecode. In the code sample above, everything in blue is actually the bytecode. On each line, you get a one-byte opcode followed by zero or more arguments. You will need to determine those arguments for the target code, and they can usually be extracted by doing a javap-c -v
on the original class (-v
for verbose, which displays the constant pool).
I encourage you to look at the JVM spec, which defines every opcode. There are operations likeload
and store
(which move data between your operand stack and your local variables), overloaded for each parameter type. For example, ILOAD
moves an integer value from the stack into a local variable field whereas LLOAD
does the same for a long value.
There are also operations like invokeVirtual
, invokeSpecial
, invokeStatic
, and the recently added invokeDynamic
, for invoking standard instance methods, constructors, static methods, and dynamic methods in dynamically typed JVM languages, respectively. There are also operations for creating new classes using the new operator, or to duplicate the top operand on the stack.
In sum, the positives of ASM are:
- It has a small memory footprint.
- It’s typically pretty quick.
- It’s well documented on the web.
- All of the opcodes are available, so you can really do a lot with it.
- There’s lots of community support.
The really only one negative, but it’s a big one: you’re writing bytecode, so you have to understand what's going on under the hood and as a result developers tend to take some time to ramp up.
Lessons learned
- When you're dealing with bytecode manipulation, it's important to take small steps. Don't write lots of bytecode and expect it to immediately pass verification and work. Write one line at a time, think about what's in your stack, think about your local variables, and then write another line. If it's not passing the verifier, change one thing at a time; otherwise you'll never get it to work. Also keep in mind that besides the JVM verifier, ASM maintains a separate bytecode verifier, so it's good to run both and verify that your bytecode passes both of them.
- It's important to think about class loading when you're modifying classes. When you use a Java agent, its transformer will touch every class as it is loaded into the JVM, no matter which class loader is loading it. So you need to make sure that the class loader can also see that object. Otherwise, you're going to run into trouble.
- If you're using Javassist and an application server that has multiple class loaders, you have to be concerned about your class pool being able to see your class objects. You might have to register a new classpath to your class pool to get it to see your class objects. You can chain your class pools like Java chains class loaders, so if it doesn't find the
object in its class pool, it can go look at its parents. - Finally, it’s important to note that the JDK has its own capability to transform classes, and some limitations will apply to any class that the JDK has already transformed; you can modify the implementation of methods but, unlike original transformations, re-transformations are not permitted to change the class structure, for example by adding new fields or methods, or by modifying signatures.
Bytecode manipulation can make life easier. You can find bugs, add logging (as discussed), obfuscate source code, perform preprocessing like Spring or Hibernate, or even write your own language compiler. You can restrict your API calls, analyze code to see if multiple threads are accessing a collection, lazy-load data from the database, and find differences between JARs by inspecting them.
So I encourage you to make a bytecode-manipulation framework your friend. Someday, one might save your job.
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