
有\(n\)个布尔变量\(x_i\),有一个递归函数。如果满足条件\(x[a[dep]] + x[b[dep]] \neq c[dep]\),那么就再往深递归一层。





  • \(x+y \neq 0 \Rightarrow x \vee y\)
  • \(x+y \neq 1 \Rightarrow \bar{x} \vee y, x \vee \bar{y}\)
  • \(x+y \neq 2 \Rightarrow \bar{x} \vee \bar{y}\)
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std; const int maxn = 200 + 10; struct TwoSAT
int n;
vector<int> G[maxn * 2];
bool mark[maxn * 2];
int S[maxn * 2], c; bool dfs(int x) {
if(mark[x^1]) return false;
if(mark[x]) return true;
mark[x] = true;
S[c++] = x;
for(int i = 0; i < G[x].size(); i++)
if(!dfs(G[x][i])) return false;
return true;
} void init(int n) {
this->n = n;
for(int i = 0; i < n * 2; i++) G[i].clear();
memset(mark, false, sizeof(mark));
} void add_clause(int x, int xval, int y, int yval) {
x = x * 2 + xval;
y = y * 2 + yval;
} bool solve() {
for(int i = 0; i < n * 2; i += 2)
if(!mark[i] && !mark[i+1]) {
c = 0;
if(!dfs(i)) {
while(c > 0) mark[S[--c]] = false;
if(!dfs(i+1)) return false;
} return true;
}solver; const int maxm = 10000 + 10; int n, m;
int a[maxm], b[maxm], c[maxm]; bool check(int dep) {
for(int i = 0; i < dep; i++) {
if(c[i] == 0) {
solver.add_clause(a[i], 1, b[i], 1);
else if(c[i] == 1) {
solver.add_clause(a[i], 1, b[i], 0);
solver.add_clause(a[i], 0, b[i], 1);
else solver.add_clause(a[i], 0, b[i], 0);
return solver.solve();
} int main()
int T; scanf("%d", &T);
while(T--) {
scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) scanf("%d%d%d", a + i, b + i, c + i); int L = 0, R = m;
while(L < R) {
int mid = (L + R) / 2 + 1;
if(check(mid)) L = mid;
else R = mid - 1;
} printf("%d\n", L);
} return 0;

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