
mysqldump: Got error: 145: Table '.\shengdaxcom\pre_forum_thread' is marked as c
rashed and should be repaired when using LOCK TABLES


mysql> check tables pre_forum_thread;
| Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text
| shengdaxcom.pre_forum_thread | check | warning | Table is marked as crashed
| shengdaxcom.pre_forum_thread | check | warning | 1 client is using or hasn't
closed the table properly |
| shengdaxcom.pre_forum_thread | check | error | Size of indexfile is: 845824
Should be: 846848 |
| shengdaxcom.pre_forum_thread | check | error | Corrupt
4 rows in set (0.06 sec)


mysql> repair tables pre_forum_thread;
| Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| shengdaxcom.pre_forum_thread | repair | status | OK |
1 row in set (0.31 sec)



mysqldump -u root -pMyPassword DbName --lock-tables=false > data.sql

在给mysql数据库备份时,报错: mysqldump: Got error: 145: Table '.\shengdaxcom\pre_forum_thread' is marked as c rashed and should be repaired when using LOCK TABLES的更多相关文章

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