I logged into to the arcsight command center ,however I found an unexpected error occurred when contacting the server .Please help me to analysis the error .please tell me what to deal with , I understand the error ,but I hope you give me some advice ,I want to know that how dodeal with the error .thanks

the log is following :

INFO jvm 1 2015-09-14 09:21:36,349 ERROR [http-bio-/]  - com.arcsight.common.persist.AccessDeniedException: Access Denied: /All Users/Administrators/admin is not allowed to read /All Cases/Unassigned/7+++tcE4BABD3VKZ1t6wkdg==/UC06.1b Unauthorized Accounts (334638)

[2015-09-14 09:06:02,112][ERROR][default.com.arcsight.crypto.SSLConfiguration$1] Certificate hostname verification failure. Expected:, but server sent: hostname

When does this error / occur / after which action. Are you connecting via the ArcSight Console or the WebUI?. Which kind of connector are you using.
At first hand is looks like an permission error to me. User admin does not have sufficient permission to access UC06.1b Dashboard or you did not import the servers certificate. Or hostname does not match the hostname in the servers certificate

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