

asmlinkage void __init start_kernel(void)
-->sort_extable(__start___ex_table, __stop___ex_table);
-->sort(start, finish - start, sizeof(struct exception_table_entry),cmp_ex, NULL);


* The exception table consists of pairs of addresses: the first is the
* address of an instruction that is allowed to fault, and the second is
* the address at which the program should continue. No registers are
* modified, so it is entirely up to the continuation code to figure out
* what to do.
* All the routines below use bits of fixup code that are out of line
* with the main instruction path. This means when everything is well,
* we don't even have to jump over them. Further, they do not intrude
* on our cache or tlb entries.
*/ struct exception_table_entry
unsigned long insn, fixup;


         * The exception fixup table (might need resorting at runtime)
. = ALIGN();
__start___ex_table = .;
__stop___ex_table = .;


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