# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

@project: ApiAutoTest
@author: Jimmy
@file: test_register.py
@ide: PyCharm Community Edition
@time: 2018-12-28 15:50
@blog: https://www.cnblogs.com/gotesting/ ''' import unittest
import os
from ddt import ddt,data
from Common.http_request import HttpRequest
from Common.read_excel import ReadExcel
from Common.read_config import ReadConfig
from Common.mysql_util import MysqlUtil
from Common.get_logger import GetLog
from Common.basic_data import DoRegex,Context
from Common.contants import *
import json
import re # 读取配置文件,获取当前URL前缀,用于灵活更换测试服务器地址
read_config = ReadConfig()
url_pre = read_config.get_config_str('api','url_pre') # 读取excel,获取login测试数据
data_dir = os.path.join(data_dir,'test_data.xlsx')
read_excel = ReadExcel(data_dir)
register_cases = read_excel.get_cases('register') get_log = GetLog() @ddt
class TestRegister(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod
def setUpClass(cls):
global max_mobilephone
mysql = MysqlUtil()
sql = 'SELECT MobilePhone FROM future.member WHERE MobilePhone != "" ORDER BY MobilePhone DESC LIMIT 1;'
sql_resp = mysql.fetch_one(sql)
if sql_resp is not None:
max_mobilephone = sql_resp['MobilePhone']
get_log.log_info(' the max_mobilephone from mysql is {0}'.format(max_mobilephone))
max_mobilephone = 15964506666
get_log.log_info(' the max_mobilephone from mysql is None , we use {0}'.format(max_mobilephone)) @classmethod
def tearDownClass(cls):
pass @data(*register_cases)
def test_resister(self,case):
url = url_pre + case.url # 使用正则表达式 匹配 读取的case.data中的mobilephone,匹配成功后,将查询数据库获取的最大mobilephone+1 赋值给 case.data中的mobilephone,以防注册手机号重复
data = json.loads(case.data)
register_user = int(max_mobilephone) + 1
if re.findall(pattern='\$\{(.*?)\}',string=data['mobilephone']):
data['mobilephone'] = register_user # 记录当前测试case信息
get_log.log_info('''Test Case Info:
case_id : {0}
title : {1}
method : {2}
url : {3}
data : {4}
expected: {5}
'''.format(case.case_id,case.title,case.method,url,data,case.expected)) # 注册接口请求,获取响应
response = HttpRequest(method=case.method,url=url,data=data)
actual = response.get_json()['msg'] # 记录当前测试case 接口响应信息
get_log.log_info('''Test Case Request Response Result:
response : {0}
actual : {1}
'''.format(response.get_json(),actual)) # 接口请求实际结果与期望结果做校验
get_log.log_info('Test Result is Passed ! case_id is {0},title is {1} '.format(case.case_id,case.title))
except Exception as e:
get_log.log_info('Test Result is Failed ! case_id is {0},title is {1} '.format(case.case_id,case.title))
get_log.log_error('Error msg :{0}'.format(e))
raise e # 数据库校验
if actual == '注册成功' or actual == '手机号码已被注册':
sql_verify = 'SELECT MobilePhone FROM future.member WHERE MobilePhone = {0};'.format(data['mobilephone'])
sql_result = MysqlUtil().fetch_one(sql_verify)
if sql_result is not None:
get_log.log_info('Test Result is Passed ! case_id is {0},title is {1} '.format(case.case_id,case.title))
get_log.log_info('Test Result is Failed ! case_id is {0},title is {1} '.format(case.case_id,case.title))
get_log.log_error('Error msg :{0}'.format(AssertionError))
raise AssertionError
sql_verify = 'SELECT MobilePhone FROM future.member WHERE MobilePhone = {0};'.format(data['mobilephone'])
sql_result = MysqlUtil().fetch_one(sql_verify)
get_log.log_info('Test Result is Passed ! case_id is {0},title is {1} '.format(case.case_id,case.title))
except Exception as e:
get_log.log_info('Test Result is Failed ! case_id is {0},title is {1} '.format(case.case_id,case.title))
get_log.log_error('Error msg :{0}'.format(e))
raise e

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