POJ 1035 Spell checker 简单字符串匹配
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int len[];
char dic[][], s[]; bool del(char s1[], char s2[])
bool isdel = ;
for(int i = , j = ; s1[i] && s2[j]; i++, j++)
if(s1[i] != s2[j])
return ;
isdel = ;
return ;
} bool rep(char s1[], char s2[])
bool isrep = ;
for(int i = , j = ; s1[i] && s2[j]; i++, j++)
if(s1[i] != s2[j])
return ;
isrep = ;
return ;
} bool ins(char s1[], char s2[])
bool isins = ;
for(int i = , j = ; s1[i] && s2[j]; i++, j++)
if(s1[i] != s2[j])
return ;
isins = ;
return ;
} int main()
int cnt = ;
while(scanf("%s", dic[cnt]) != EOF)
if(dic[cnt][] == '#')break;
len[cnt] = strlen(dic[cnt++]);
while(scanf("%s", s) != EOF)
if(s[] == '#')break;
bool ok = ;
for(int i = ; i < cnt; i++)
if(strcmp(s, dic[i]) == )
ok = ;
printf("%s is correct", s);
printf("%s:", s);
int len_s = strlen(s);
for(int i = ; i < cnt; i++)
if(len_s - len[i] == && del(s, dic[i]))
printf(" %s", dic[i]);
if(len_s - len[i] == && rep(s, dic[i]))
printf(" %s", dic[i]);
if(len_s - len[i] == - && ins(s, dic[i]))
printf(" %s", dic[i]);
return ;
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